Wednesday 15 January 2020

Criminal Minds Mission

The other day I was watching a few episodes of the TV show Criminal Minds.

If you haven't seen it, not only are you missing out on a great show, it's all about a team of FBI agents who work at Quantico in the Behavioral Analysis Unit. What they do is they track down serial killers by profiling them from their behavior.

One of the agents is called Derek Morgan (played by Shamar Moore).

In the show, even though Derek, along with his other profiling teammates, work exceptionally long hours (often flying interstate and taking their 'go bags' along with them because it involves staying for a night or two), he manages to spend time working on his mission on his few days off.

His mission is restoring houses and renting them. He's been doing it for years and has quite a few houses in his portfolio, all of them looking quite immaculate.

And it's his mission that finally enables him to quit the team when the going got too much for him after he was kidnapped and tortured.

Because of his houses and the rental income he gains from them, he's able to quit his high-paying job and still be financially secure and never needs to work again. He even moves into one of his own houses so he doesn't even have to worry about paying a mortgage.

And this is how having a mission can improve your life.

You don't have to restore houses. Your mission can be anything you want it to be.

And in my new book, Mission Critical For Life, I show you how to discover your own mission and how to use it to transform your life socially, financially, and personally.

All in 10 easy steps that I layout for you in a step-by-step process to follow.

It's a small book and easy to read so that you can get going fast.

Tuesday 14 January 2020

10 Steps to Transforming Your Life

This month my latest book, Mission Critical For Life has been published and it's available as a hardback book and an ebook.

And it's all about transforming your life in every way (even getting more writing done than you ever thought possible) in just 10 simple steps.

The best thing about it is that you can start straight away.

As soon as you start to implement these 10 easy steps, you'll instantly go from bored and needy to confident and living a life that's fulfilling.

You'll no longer need other people or their opinions or their unwanted advice.

And all it takes is to discover your life mission.

What sort of mission is completely up to you.

But once you have it, no matter what happens, or whenever things become too much to deal with, you can go home, ignore everyone and work on your mission.

I know that it seems hard to believe right now, but once you start the process of working through the 10 simple steps, your life will be transformed.

You'll have more money and the confidence to finally start living life on your terms.

And it all starts right now by clicking the link below.

Monday 13 January 2020

The Lazy Man’s Way to Writing More

Before we get into the subject of writing more, let me be clear that when I say ‘lazy man’s way to writing more’ and also mean ‘lazy woman.’ I know that seems obvious, but there are always a few who don’t seem to get simple things like that.

Anyway, what’s really important is writing more and not needing more time to write.

Because, let’s face it, no one wants to work any more than they need to.

But if you love to write, then it never feels like work. Writing should be something that you enjoy.

It should be fun.

That way, no matter how much time you have, you’ll always be able to write more.

Yet even for the most prolific writers, writing can sometimes seem like a struggle if it goes on for too long in one sitting.

That’s why I like to use a timer.

I set it for one Pomodoro (25 minutes) or for a Gene Schwartz 33.33 minutes, or for 45 to 60 minutes (my own choice) depending on what I’m writing and how long and complicated it is.

For short articles, I only set it for 15 minutes.

Working this way makes me focus more because when I know my time is limited, I’ve got no time to waste.

And strangely, writing this way is easier and faster. I’ve heard that it’s because it engages the subconscious brain more.

Try timed writing and see how it can help you too.

Write an Article in 15 Minutes or Less

Friday 10 January 2020

Why The Usual Advice About Time Management is Wrong

It’s usually around this time of year (New Year) that the usual pieces of advice come out about managing your time better so that you can write more.

And if you’re anything like me, you not only actively look for this type of advice, but you read it all and drink up all the information.

But I usually find that everything I read gives the same advice:

write out a daily to-do list
do less wasteful things
get more done in less time

Sadly, although well-meaning, none of these things will help you write more. They may help for a while, but ultimately, nothing will change.

So what will help?

If you want to write more, then there’s only one thing you can do that will help you.

Write more.

Simply that.

There is nothing in the whole world that can ‘help’ you to get more writing done.

You just have to write more.

When you’re not writing, no writing gets done.

So how can you find the time and the motivation to spend more time writing?

The remedy is to know what you want to write and then do it.

It’s best to have a simple system that you can use repeatedly so that whenever you get a great idea, you can sit down and get to work on it immediately.

So if you want to write a book you can sit and write a book.

And you’ll always be writing more.

7 Day eBook Writing and Publishing System
Want to be a published author by this time next week?