Tuesday 13 March 2018

Do You Need a Dedicated Writing Place

I'm currently reading a book called Deep Work, by Cal Newport.

In it, he discusses the need for having a place where you go to do your deep work.

The argument for having such a space is that going to it puts you into the 'zone' for the work you have to do.

Many writers are the same. They have a space or a room where they work and they find that it instantly puts them into work-mode.

And it got me to thinking about whether it really is necessary to have a dedicated writing space.

From my own experience, I do tend to start the day sitting at my writing desk.

And I do indeed find it helps to get me instantly into writing mode.

I sit down, check my emails, then open my diary to see what I have on the writing agenda for the day.

But the thing is that I don't always stay at my desk.

Sometimes, it gets really hot inside so if there's a breeze (and there often is because I live on a mountain), I go and sit outside on the veranda.

Or if I want to get immersed in some offline work, then I'll sometimes venture out to the park or the library because I find that I have fewer distractions when I'm not at home. And because I have nothing else to do, I get plenty of writing done.

So while I find it really useful to have a dedicated writing space, I also like to move around, depending on what I'm working on and other factors (like the hot weather).

I think the answer then, is that it all depends on how your mind is wired as to whether you can work anywhere or only in one place.

Everyone is different, as is every day when you want to write but other things keep coming up and getting in the way.

So I'd say, have a dedicated writing space, but at the same time, be flexible.

Today I'm at my desk because it's a bit cooler outside due to recent heavy rains and a looming cyclone off the coast. Fingers crossed that it doesn't hit land.

And in the meantime, I'll stay inside at my dedicated place, and get more writing done.

Friday 9 March 2018

The Math Of Earning an Income From Writing & Publishing Books

So...the other day I was thinking about earning money from writing books.

I was thinking about it because I'm about to embark on using a new distribution and POD channel for my books and ebooks.

And it got me to thinking about earning a full-time income from writing and publishing books which is what I get asked about a lot.

So here is the math that I was thinking about:

If you write and publish books and ebooks and earn $2 royalty for each copy sold, then to earn a decent income, which in my humble yet extremely accurate opinion is $100,000, you'd have to sell a lot of books.

So a $2 royalty per book/ebook means that you'd have to sell 50,000 copies of your book every year which is about 4,167 copies per month.

Hmmm...that's a lot.

But look at it another way.

If you've written 50 book/ebooks and you earn $2 per copy, then you'd only need to sell 1,000 copies of EACH book per year which is around a mere 83 copies of each book every month.

So isn't it a lot more do-able to sell 83 copies of a book every month instead of 4,167?

Not only that but if you've written and published 50 books and someone reads one of your books and likes it, chances are that they'll buy more books from you.

But if you have only one book to sell, once someone reads it, you have nothing more to offer them so you have to find new customers.

Of course, there is another way to look at it and that is to consider earning more than $2 per copy sold.

You could always charge more for your books and earn $5 per copy which would mean that to earn $100,000, if you've written 50 books you only need to sell 400 copies of each book every year which is about 33 copies a month of each book.

But to charge more, you have to write really good books that hook your reader in so that they not only want to keep reading the book they already have, but it also makes them want to read more of your books.

Selling 33 copies of each book every month shouldn't be too hard, especially if you've got 49 more books to offer.

But first, you have to write and publish 50 books or ebooks.

Which is why I always try and tell people to write quickly.

Don't get it right, get it written.

You can always go back later and edit your work. But you can't edit a blank page.

You just start by having a really good system for writing and publishing fast.


Write Any Book in 28 Days or Less.
Laid out in an easy to follow style and suitable for writing fiction and non-fiction. Just follow the advice as you go through the course and by the end, you’ll have your manuscript written, working just 1 hour a day.

Thursday 8 March 2018

THIS is How You Make Money as a Writer

Have you ever bought a book about writing?

And if you did, did you use it?

Well, let me tell you a secret about how to make an unlimited amount of money from your writing.

Take the book (or ebook, or audiobook or writing course...etc) that you bought, and use it over and over again.

You see, when you bought the book, you must have bought it for a reason. And that reason was because you wanted to learn how to do something.

So look at your purchase this way:

The cost of the book is a one-off payment. You bought it and now it's yours to keep.

But the value you can get from it is unlimited.

This means that you pay for it once and then use it over and over again until you can do whatever it is without having to use the book every time.

And it works with anything.

For instance,  if you bought a gardening book, you can use it over and over until your garden looks like the one in the pictures.

If you bought a diet and fitness book, read it several times and follow the advice until you have the body of your dreams.

If you bought a writing/marketing book, the earnings you can make by following the advice in the book are only limited by how many times you do it.

Make this the year that you unlock the potential of all the how-to books, ebooks, audios and seminar recordings that you already own.

And if you don't have any, buy some and go deep with them.


Money-Making Books From Cheriton House Publishing

Wednesday 7 March 2018

What I Learned From Writing My Latest Book Manuscript

Two Weeks in Corfu-my latest 1st draft manuscript
Yesterday I finished my latest manuscript.

It's a romance novel and the first draft has come in a little shy of 50,000 words.

It's been an on-going project for some time now because I kept letting other things get in my way.

Eventually, I had to stop letting myself be distracted and get down to some serious writing and I learned quite a few things along the way about how to apply myself when I have a large project to complete.

And here are three of them:

1. Always do my book writing first. It's all too easy to put book writing as the last thing to do every day, and it's also too easy to let other things use up all my time so that there is no time left to write my book. Luckily I had a detailed outline to follow so I never lost where I was up to in the story, but it was still hard sometimes to pick up the story where I left off because I couldn't remember every detail that I'd previously written, like what did I say the weather was like or whether my characters had already discussed a certain detail.

2. Ignore procrastination and it will go away. It's all too easy to procrastinate and not get my writing done. The reason we procrastinate is that it's easy. It's much easier to do nothing than to work on a big writing project. But once I got over the feeling of wanting to procrastinate and got stuck into my work, I soon got lost in my writing and time just flew by. And because I'd done my book writing first, no matter what else happened for the rest of the day, my most important writing was done.

3. I need to do Deep Work. That is a phrase used by the author, Cal Newport in his book by the same name. Deep Work means to totally immerse yourself in what you're doing and not let little things distract you. It helps you to do more work in less time and to do better quality work. It's also called Deliberate Practice by some experts and is said to help neurons in the brain fire faster and cleaner thus cementing the skill you are working on which makes it easier and faster to do next time, which is how you get great at what you do.

So all I had to do was make sure I did my book writing first every day, ignore the feeling of wanting to procrastinate, and work deeply and not let anything distract me.

At first it wasn't easy, but after I'd done it a few times it no longer seemed hard.

I guess doing my deep work of book writing first, meant that every day I started how I wanted to go on.

And it worked.

And you can see from the picture at the top of the page, that I've printed out my manuscript ready for the first edit, which I'll start in a couple of days once I've put in some time distance so that I can read it with 'fresh' eyes.

If you're currently working on your own manuscript, I hope you can work deeply and distraction-free too.