Showing posts with label Online Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online Writing. Show all posts

Friday, 27 August 2021

Sit at Home, Write, and Get Paid

I don't know about you, but when I first started writing, I thought the only way to make money was from freelance writing or writing a book and getting it published.

And I used to think to myself, "I wish I could just stay home, write whatever I want, and get paid."

So I started researching it online (everything is Googleable) and found out that it was indeed possible.

I learned about niche websites, which are different to online stores. They're information sites based on a single niche (subject). These days many of these sites are called blogs.

I found out that it was possible to create a niche website from scratch (or from a template), write content, find related products to sell for commission, earn money from advertisements, do online marketing - and all for free.

Without needing any more prompting, I set up my first site, then another, and then another. I felt like I was addicted, and I thought to myself, it doesn't get any better than this.

Over the years I've had several niche sites, because not only did I earn money, but it was fascinating to do. And as the online world changed, it got even easier.

And now you can do it too. Work from home doing what you love (writing) and earn money. It all starts with my new ebook, 'Build a Lucrative Niche Website in a Month.'

For the rest of this month (only a few days away), it's only 99 cents, so download your copy today and by this time next month you'll have your own site set up and earning money.

Thursday, 26 August 2021

How To Make a Small Fortune With Niche Websites

We all want to be paid for our writing which is why most writers start out doing freelance work, and it's how I made my start too. Freelancing is a great way to earn money because you get paid for every acceptance.

To earn even more money at the same time, I set up my own niche website which worked out perfectly because in between writing and submitting work to publishers, I could write and upload my work to my own site. And what I quickly discovered was that it was possible to earn money this way, even when I had nothing to sell.

At first, I added some advertisements that I earned money from and then I began doing affiliate marketing and I learned that done correctly, it was extremely lucrative.

This led me to do more research and I found more ways to earn money online. I also set up more niche websites and kept writing and uploading my work. And the best part was that I got to choose what to write about.

Before I knew it, I was hooked and  I carried on working like this for several years. It also gave me time to do other things like writing books.

And now I'm going to show you how you can do it too in my new ebook, 'Build a Lucrative Niche Website in a Month.'

AND for the rest of this month it's only 99 cents. Which is only for a few days.

Download your own copy today. It's available at all good online ebook stores including Amazon Or read it online for free with a 7 day free trial from Bookmate

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Something You Can Do Today To Increase Your Writing Income

As a working writer, I've written and co-authored many books. I've also done plenty of freelance writing too, which is great for fast income.

One of the other things I do is set up and run niche websites.

Years ago, I had quite a few niche sites. I still have some but nowhere near as many as I used to have.

Niche websites are great because they can go on earning passive income while you get on with other writing projects. Or they can be your main source of income. I've known many writers who spend all their time writing articles and blog posts for their niche websites, and they usually set them up with several different streams of income.

One writer earned all his income from Pay Per Click ads on his niche sites. And his sites weren't big. Each had only a dozen or so pages. But because his articles were so targeted, he earned enough money so that he could quit his full-time job.

Now I'm not saying that everyone can be that successful, but just one niche website can provide ongoing income.

Writers aren't paid by the hour which is why I've always found it important to earn money from my writing every way I can. And having my own niche websites has been a big part of that.

Right now my 2nd ebook in The Monthly  Challenge Writing Series - Build a Lucrative Niche Website in a Month - (published this week) is available for only 99 cents. But only until the end of this month.

Download a copy from Amazon, or read it for free from Bookmate on a free 7-day trial and you can start working on your own niche website today.

There are only a few days left to get it at this ridiculously low price.

It will be the best 99 cent investment you ever make.

Build a Lucrative Niche Website in a Month

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

An Easy Way to Write Articles Faster, Better and Earn More Money

I’ve had so many websites over the last 20 years and I earned money from all of them. I even sold one for a lot of money. I’ve also had several blogs too.

And the thing about blogs is that anyone can have one. And you can set one up and run it for free.

Then all you have to do is write articles to fill it with content. I’ve written so many articles over the years that I’ve lost count.

And why would you want to write articles?

Money. And there are several different ways you can earn money writing online articles.

Some people worry that they may run out of ideas of what to write about, but I’ve never found that to be an issue. If you’re creative (and you must be if you’re a writer), then it should be easy for you to come up with ideas.

What makes it even easier is if you can write one article 7 different ways. And that doesn’t mean having 7 different article ideas, but having one idea and writing it 7 different ways, which means writing 7 different articles from 7 different angles, so that each one imparts the information in a different way for better understanding.

This means time saved, more articles written, more visitors to your website or blog, and more money.

And the more articles you write, the faster and better you’ll get.

Not only that but if you can write articles in 15 minutes or less AND write each article 7 different ways AND never run out of ideas, you’ll soon have a profitable online writing business.

This is one of the ways I began as a writer, and it’s still a way that I earn money from writing today.

Click the link below to learn more about how I earned over $4,000 writing articles in just one day.

How to Write An Article in 15 Minutes or Less
And how to write an article in 7 different ways.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Write More While Getting Other Things Done

It’s common to think that you don’t have time to write if you have a lot of other things to do every day. Yet this is how bloggers earn their money from writing while being busy doing other things.

The way they do it is by writing about what they do. And it can be just about anything:

  • Exercising 
  • Cooking
  • Gardening
  • Parenting 
  • Saving money
  • Knitting
  • Woodwork
  • Reading books
  • Your life in general

And there’s no doubt that there’s plenty of things you do in a day that you could write about on a blog, that can be done simply as an online diary or journal. I know of one blogger who blogs daily about how she lives a sedentary life and spends little money.

When you blog about what you do, not only is it a way to earn money, but it also makes you do more so that you have something to write about.

Not only that, but it makes you look at what you do in a different way, more deeply, because you have to have a good understanding of what you do so that you can explain it to other people. You need to tell them not only what you did, but why.

Why did you plant that so deep? Why did you add that herb to your cooking? Why did you use that tool? Why didn’t you like that book?

Blogging about something that you enjoy doing, not only helps you to do more, but can earn you money.

Living The Laptop Lifestyle

How To Start & Grow A Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job

Thursday, 2 July 2020

The Wrong Way to Earn Money Writing Online

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll already know that years ago I had a really successful writing site called Writeaholics. Then someone wanted to buy it and offered me a lot of money. So I sold it to him and began another successful writing site,

Clearly the guy who bought my old site thought that he could make money from it without doing much work. But what he didn’t realise is that what he couldn’t buy was my mind and my ability to write and earn money.

Naturally, he ended up with nothing and for years now his site (my old site) has been off-line, while my site is still going strong.

What he didn’t see was the blindingly obvious fact of what it is that I do to earn more from my writing sites. And it’s so simple.

I write and publish my work online.

That’s it.

It really is that simple.

I just sit and write every day, because if I don’t, I won’t have a writing business.

And I enjoy writing.

The good news is that you can do it too.

If you want to run your own online writing business, you just need to keep writing and publishing.

Don’t do it the wrong way and think that if you create a website people will come to it and pay you money. Because they won’t, which is what the buyer of my old site found out in a very expensive way.

Writers write, and, it’s no coincidence that those who write more usually make more money than those who hardly ever write.

Click the link below to find out how you can start your own online writing business today.

Living the Laptop Lifestyle: 
How to Start & Grow a Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job

Friday, 12 June 2020

Perfect For Working From Home - Or Anywhere

Now more than ever, people are wanting to either find a way to work from home or to travel more. And many are wanting to do both. They want to work AND travel more.

And this is what made me look more closely at two of my books:

Living the Laptop Lifestyle. How To Start & Grow A Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job

Mission Critical For Life: Start Living Life On Your Terms By Pursuing Your True Life Mission

Together, these two books are perfect for anyone who wants to work from home or work from anywhere.

You see, ‘Living the Laptop Lifestyle’ is all about earning money from your laptop computer. It’s not about having to buy and store goods or renting lots of storage space to run a business.

All it takes is a laptop computer and (sometimes, but not always) an internet connection, and you can work at home or while you’re traveling. I’ve even worked from hotel rooms when I can’t sleep at night, which happens often when I’m away from home.

My other book, ‘Mission Critical For Life’ is all about having financial freedom and how, when you find your life’s mission, you’re happiest when you’re at home doing it.

I have a lifetime’s experience of being happy at home with no drama, no money worries, and loving my life’s mission, which is to be a Wealthy Writer.

Both these books together can show you how perfect life can be when you can work from home with plenty of money, without being needy of other people’s company or their opinions, and having a life overflowing contentment.

Don’t believe me?

Try it for yourself.

Living the Laptop Lifestyle. How To Start & Grow A Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job

Mission Critical For Life: Start Living Life On Your Terms By Pursuing Your True Life Mission

Monday, 6 January 2020

Earning Money as An Online Writer For Free

Not too long ago I was reading an ebook all about how to sell 100 Kindle books a day.

A day? Is that doable, even if you've never published an ebook before?

Well, according to the ebook I was reading, yes it is doable, but... you need to spend $100s a day with PPC ads, FB ads, press releases, etc, with no guarantee it will work.

So at the end of it, I'd gained no new knowledge. Not that I expected to. I already know how to sell books. I was just curious to see if there was something that I was missing. I love picking up little gold nuggets of information in other people's books.

I also don't like it when someone says it's possible to do something but only if I spend a lot of money. Anyone call sell a lot of books if they hyper-market it for $$$$. In fact, you can sell anything that way.

But if the readers don't like your first book, they won't buy any others you write, no matter how much you spend on marketing.

I also have a book about making money from writing, called Living The Laptop Lifestyle. But unlike the ebook I was reading, it shows you many ways you can earn money online with a cost of $0 to do it.

Once you buy the book (or download the ebook version) you can start and run your own Laptop Lifestyle with nothing more to pay.

So you have no excuse not to get started.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

The Startling Discovery That Being a Writer is Not a Job

I’ve wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember although until the internet came along I had no clue how to go about it, so I just put it to the back of my mind and got on with my life.

Thankfully though, things eventually changed and I managed to make my dream come true by transitioning from being an employee to working from home as a writer, but the startling thing was that I had no idea the amazing difference it would make to my life.

You see, in my mind, being a writer was the same as having a job but instead of going to work every day, I’d go to my desk at home and work. So to me, it was just a different type of job, and one that had no traveling to work time.

But I was completely wrong.

What happened was that I discovered that it wasn’t just a different type of job, it was a whole new lifestyle. A whole new way of living.

I didn’t need to keep regular hours and even when I went on holiday I’d take my writing with me. That’s because it didn’t feel like work. Once I was working on a project, I’d take it with me wherever I went.

At first I couldn’t understand why I wanted to continue writing even when I didn’t have to, but eventually I realised that it wasn’t a job anymore. It was a way of life. And I know that sounds really corny, but it’s true.

The huge difference I found between having a job and being a writer, was the inspiration for my best selling book, Living The Laptop Lifestyle. But even in that book, I cannot explain how great my life is now.

And no one can understand how great it is until it happens.

Living this way and earning money online from my writing, is not a get rich quick scheme or anything like that. But rather, it’s a transition from working for a living to living at an easier, slower pace of life.

And this is why I’ll never “work” again.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Loud and Strong Writing Using Apple’s Dictation Software

Last week, before my computer had a total meltdown and spent nearly 2 weeks getting fixed, I started using Dictation so that I could read my handwritten articles out loud and the computer could type them for me.

This was great for two reasons.

Firstly, it eliminated my need to type them myself which is good because I don’t like typing. It’s such a boring job.

Secondly, it was much faster to speak my articles than to type them and Apple’s Dictation software is pretty accurate.

The only downside (which is probably a good thing really) was that I realised how badly written they were when I had to read them out loud.

I've read many times that reading your work out loud is the best way to look for grammatical errors and clumsy sentences. There's even one copywriter who says he reads his sales pages out loud a minimum of nine times because he wants readers to focus on the sales message and not be tripped up by sentences that are hard to read.

And this morning I read an article about Warren Buffett that said when he writes his annual letter to the Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders, he writes it as though it is a personal letter to his two sisters, who are shareholders, and he pretends that they've been away for a year so he is explaining to them what has happened to their investment during that time.

He says that doing this makes his letter understandable and interesting to all his shareholders no matter what business level they are at.

And this is probably good advice for all writing, and that is, to write as though you're actually talking to someone you know. That way it makes you write more understandably and clearly.

This is where I think Dictation will help because “speaking” my articles out loud makes me see the mistakes in my writing instantly.

Sadly, I had to delete over a dozen blog posts I'd written, once I saw how bad they were when I read them out loud for Dictation.

But on the other hand, it's probably better all round that I didn't publish them.

And so I'm still going to continue using Dictation.

For all our sakes.


Friday, 6 April 2018

What is SEO/Search Engine Optimisation?

If you have a blog or website, you need to understand how to use SEO and how it can help you.

Simply put, SEO is how search engines like Google find out what a webpage is about.

They use algorithms to look up keywords and keyphrases on a page as well as related keywords and phrases to fully understand the content.

And it then matches it up with search terms that people are looking for.

So for instance, if someone is searching for "what is SEO" or "how to use SEO" I've used both these terms in the heading and the first sentence as well as this sentence.

I've also used related terms like Google, algorithms and keywords.

So it should be really easy for search engines to know what this page is about.

And that's all there basically is to it.

But you might be wondering, so what? How can SEO help you?

Well, there are 3 ways that I know of:

  • It can get you more traffic to your website or blog.
  • It can increase your income from PPC ads because they will be better matched to your content
  • It can get you more backlinks if other blog owners are finding and linking to your content.

And backlinks from the high-traffic sites are gold because you can get far more traffic to your site from visitors to other sites seeing your link.

So if you want to do SEO right, find out what people are searching for and specifically what keywords and phrases they're using and include them in your content.

And the easiest way to do that is by using keyword research software.

One my favourites is Serpstat because it's easy to use and you can use it's free.

I can quickly find dozens of keywords and which other websites are competing for the exact same phrases as well as how many searches each word gets.

I can also do keyword analysis of my own websites.

Visit Serpstat and join for free.

Friday, 22 December 2017

More To Writing Than Just Writing

I once knew someone who loved to drive trucks.

All his life he'd dreamed of being a truck driver. And once he got his truck license and started driving trucks for a living, he then decided he wanted to buy is own truck and run his own haulage company.

The problem was though, that he had no idea how to run a business. He only knew how to drive a truck.

So his business failed pretty quickly, but not before he got into heaps of debt trying to keep it afloat.

And I mustn't have learned from his mistake.

Because when I first decided to work as a writer, I naively thought that all I had to do was write.

It was a natural assumption that writers do nothing but sit down and write.



There's a lot more to being a writer than just knowing how to write.

There's writing books, copywriting, website content writing, understanding HTML, knowing how to use WordPress, understanding some coding basics, self-publishing, SEO... and the list goes on.

Is it all easy to do? Yes.

Does it take a lot of time? Lots.

That's why I believe that it's really important to treat your writing as a business if you want to earn money from it.

And it starts with time and knowledge in several different areas.

Afterall, how can you earn money from the books you write if you don't know how to self-publish them?

And how can you earn money from a blog/website, if all you know is how to write content but not how to monetise it?

And that's just the beginning.

Every business, not just a writing and publishing business, needs you to know how to do more than just one thing.

So take the time to learn it all or you'll never know how to work as a writer.

It's taken me years to get to where I am because the internet and the ways to make money as a writer have been evolving and changing all the time.

And I've had to keep learning and changing with it.

So if you already have a website or blog but don't know how to earn money from it, or you're just not making enough money, try to find more ways.

One of the things I did was join VigLink as an affiliate marketer.

VigLink is affiliated to thousands of companies and you can take advantage of this by signing up for just one free account and accessing them all.

Viglink makes it easy to earn money by automatically transforming already existing content and links on your blog or website into revenue-generating hyperlinks. And that's just one of the ways they make it easy to earn money writing online.

It doesn't get much simpler than that.

Take a look now at

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Earn Money Writing Short Articles

It's great to be able to earn money as a writer.

I've been doing it for the last 20 years.

But what if you can't (or don't want to) write books?

What if you just want to write short articles?

Is it possible to earn money this way?

The answer is a definite yes.

Short articles can be website content, blog posts or emails.

And it's possible to use all three of these to earn money from your writing even if you don't have a book of your own to sell.

You simply find other products to promote as an affiliate.

And done correctly, it can be extremely lucrative.

Just look at what Rosalind Gardner has achieved.

She's known as THE biggest Super Affiliate because she earned half a million dollars a year from her affiliate sales.

She also wrote The Super Affiliate Handbook ( to show others how she did it.

The "secret" though, is like I said before; it needs to be done correctly.

Most people think they'll get rich by putting up a few banners on their site, but it's much more than that.

And it starts with the content on your web pages needing to lead your readers to want to buy the products you're promoting.

But how do you find out more about how to earn money as an affiliate marketer?

You can start with a free affiliate forum like

Or there's an ebook that I bought that was really useful (I read it several times and took copious notes), and it only cost a couple of dollars, called the Affiliate Trump Card.

Or try Rosalind Gardner's Super Affiliate Handbook

Or try all of these.

And start making money writing short articles.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

How to Write Viral Content Every Time

If you run an online business, you'll know that there are things that can hurt your business and things that can kill it.

You'll also know that getting visitors is the lifeblood of any website because without visitors there is no business.

That's why lack of visitors is the number one killer of any online business.

Working online is a numbers game.

Only a certain percentage of visitors to your site will buy from you.

So the more visitors you get, the bigger the percentage will be.

So if only 1% of visitors are buying from you and you want to make 100 sales a day, then you need to attract 10,000 daily visitors.

But how can you do that?

The answer is by using SEO.

Search Engine Optimisation.

But you need to do it correctly.

SEO means finding the most searched-for keywords and using them on your website to attract targeted visitors in droves.

And the emphasis is on TARGETED.

You need to use SEO to attract those people who are already searching for a site like yours.
And you don't have to be good at it.

You just need to find the correct keywords.

And there is a website that can help you and it's called SEOPressor.

It has software that can not only help you choose the best keywords but it teaches you how to use them for maximum effect. It's a plugin that works silently as you write and it also has a smart linking tool and can link your content across your whole blog.

It's a plugin for WordPress so you simply install it and let it work for you.

And for a limited time you can grab a free copy of their special edition ebook on how to make your content go viral in 2 minutes.

While you're on their webpage you can scroll down and read their 10 steps to writing ultra-targeted SEO content for your website or blog.

Go the website now and sign up to receive exclusive insider tips and tricks on SEO. Delivered to you right from the industry’s best SEO team, which works as you write to make sure that your articles and blog posts get more targeted traffic and rank in the search engines faster and more accurately.

This is a smart tool that does all the work for you while you get on with your writing.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

I Don't Want to Be A Web Designer. I Want to Write

SBI!As you probably already know, I've recently spent quite a bit of time redesigning my websites to make them "mobile responsive."

I did this because of the latest Google update when they threatened to stop including non-responsive mobile sites in mobile search results.

This meant that if my sites weren't mobile responsive (meaning they don't respond automatically to fit the screen size they're being viewed on) they wouldn't be included in search results for people searching online using their mobile phones.

So I grudgingly spent a few weeks changing the designs of my websites so that they can be viewed correctly on mobile phones and tablets as well as desktops.

But damn it! I'm sick of designing websites.

I want to write.

If I was just starting out and knew nothing of web page design or how to run an online business, I'd use an all-in-one web design, hosting and online business building service to simplify everything and get up and running quickly so that I could get back to writing.

But I do know a bit about web page design and I'm stubborn enough to do it all myself.

So if you're in a similar position and there are non-writing-related things you need to do, now would be a great time to do them so that you can get back to doing what you and I love to do.


Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Do You Have to Write Books to Make Money From Writing

So the question is, if you want to make money from your writing, do you have to write books?

And the simple answer is, no.

Naturally, being able to write and publish your own books is really helpful, but there are many people all over the world making money from their writing and they've never written a book in their life and they don't intend to.

For example, journalists make their living from writing, but they're not book authors.

Likewise, there are many other ways to earn money as a writer without writing a book.

I used to work exclusively as a freelance writer when I first started writing. I wrote articles and short stories for magazines and also for clients.

Mostly my clients wanted me to write online articles or to proof read and edit books that they'd written. And that was fine with me

Until one day, it occurred to me that if they could afford to pay me for what I did to help them, how much money were they earning from my work?

That's when I began to look for ways to earn money from my own writing. But I still wasn't ready to write a book.

I searched around online and found the wonderful world of affiliate marketing and began to earn money from writing articles to promote other people's products and posting on social media, etc.

It was only a matter of time though, before I started writing my own ebooks.

But I still do affiliate marketing because it's still a great way to earn money from writing.

And like I've always said, writing is numbers game because the more you write, the more money you can earn.

And writing marketing articles is faster than writing a book.

So if you want to make money from writing, you don't have to write any books because affiliate marketing is just one of the many ways you can earn money as a writer.

And it all creates a really amazing passive income.


Monday, 12 January 2015

Only Write Articles That Make Money

Writing articles that inform and/or entertain is great. But making money is better.

I know that there are the 'die-hards' out there who believe that writing is an inspiring gift, yada, yada, yada, but I have bills to pay. So my articles need to be profitable. Each one has to earn it's keep.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

How to Write a Great Online Article

If you want people to read the articles that you publish online, then you need to do 3 things.

You need to hook them in, keep them reading and spur them into action.

But how do you do this?

Well, although there is no exact science, there are certain things you can do.

And here are the 4 main ingredients of a great online article:

1. A Headline That Gets Attention.
Your headline is important. It's no good writing a great article with a mediocre heading. You'll get far more readers with a great heading and a mediocre article. Headings matter. Make sure yours has a great hook.

2. An Intriguing Introduction.
Your article's introduction must provide the answer to why someone should read your article. Take a look at the opening sentence of this article as an example. It gets straight to the 'why?'.

3. Keep Them Reading.
Once someone starts reading, give them a reason to keep going. Write as you speak (WAYS) to keep them interested. Tell a story. Use numbers, bullets and subheadings. All of these can help.

4. Tell Them What to Do.
Conclude your article with a 'call to action.' Tell the reader what they should do next. Preferably, tell them to buy your book and read it for more information.

And that's all you need.
  • A great hook
  • A reason why they should read
  • Stories and lists to keep them interested
  • A call to action
Put them altogether and you'll have a great article.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

The Parrots Secrets Way to Make Money Online

image courtesy of stuart miles
There's a website online that has made millions of dollars in the last few years.

It's a website about parrots (can you believe what a simple subject that is?)

The owner is a young guy who lives in India (although he pretends he is called Nathalie and he's from the US) and his website is bringing in over $400 thousand a year.

It's not even an incredibly well designed website. It's just lots of pages of information about parrots.

So how is the owner making so much money?

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Knowing How to Write HTML Code Helped Me.

image courtesy of Stuart Miles
Years ago I took a course in web page design which, naturally, involved learning and understanding how to write HTML code.

HTML is the basic element of any web page, even blog pages.

Now I'm moving on even further and learning how to create fluid web pages, which means they adapt to the size of screen that's being used. So someone viewing my website on a mobile device will see it differently than someone viewing it on a desktop computer ( a work in progress so it doesn't work that way yet).

And it all started with knowing the basics of HTML code and how to write it, which is the cornerstone of working online with your own website or blog. I even wrote my own course on how to do it to help others.

But why is it so important?