Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Thursday 25 August 2022

Always Have Money So You're Free To Write

money, notes and coins
Photo by Katie Harp on Unsplash
One problem that many writers face is not having enough money to live on while they build their writing career.

Being a writer means being in it for the long haul. You won't get rich overnight. Instead you have to keep writing while your portfolio and your income build up over time.

Living in times of financial feast and famine is also common because you never know how much you're going to earn each month. It all depends on book sales, website income, freelance income, and how much writing you do.

I've been fortunate because money is something that I've never run out of, no matter how low my income has been over the years. No matter how little I have, I've always had enough money to live on.

I look at money differently to most people. When asked about how I always seem to have plenty of money, I try and explain it, but most people just don't get it.

That's why I wrote a book that explains it all.

"How to Have More Money Now, Even If You're Struggling to Pay the Rent." 

This is my latest book and it explains it all.

It's a journey of learning and understanding about money so that even years ago, as a divorced, single parent on welfare, money wasn't an issue. In fact, when I met my now husband, I was on holiday in Europe.

Many have asked me how I did it. How was I living on welfare yet holidaying abroad?

It was easy and my book explains it all, including how I managed to have more money in just one week.

So like the title says, even if you're struggling to pay your rent, you can have more money right now.

If you think you're broke, think again. Download a copy of my book to find out what I did and how you can do it too.

All it took was the ability to look at money differently.

If that all sounds too cryptic, click the link below to go over to Amazon and have a sneak peak using the "look inside" free feature and you'll see just how easy it is to have more money now.

Thursday 12 May 2022

Finally Moved, And Back To Writing

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay
Last week I told you I was moving. I was not going far but it was still exhausting.

Somehow I thought I’d still have time to get plenty of writing done, but I didn’t.

For the past week it’s been all so tiring and time-consuming, packing up all our meagre worldly possessions and unpacking them again, but at least it’s over now, so that I can get back to my normal life.

So far I’m loving where we’ve moved to and my desk is in a window nook so I have a view again. I was staring at a blank corner before.

We lived in our previous apartment for only a year, but we weren’t really happy there, partly because the whole place was getting progressively filthier because the caretakers refused clean it properly and the committee (who are the only people who can do anything about it) seemed to be slow to do anything about it. Happily though, they are now taking action.

Then construction work began with a new apartment block being built on the complex and so the filth suddenly got much worse.

Luckily, by then, we’d already sold our apartment. Hopefully lack of caretaking situation will resolve itself, but in the meantime I’m glad I’m out so that I can settle down to my writing again. Also our new apartment is brand new so it’s already clean and beautiful and doesn’t have any “inherited” dirt.

Moving also meant that I missed my monthly deadline for publishing another book, plus there were issues with publishing my previous book, but it’s all sorted now.

You can see my latest book, a novel, called, “What Goes Around Comes Around - When karma is a bitch, can love conquer all?” at

It was a fun book to write and it’s a great book to read.

Grab a copy now in print or download the eBook.

Happy reading and writing.

Saturday 7 August 2021

Quick Cash Freelance Writing

The great thing about freelance writing is that is can provide quick cash,  much faster than writing a book and waiting for book royalties.

When I first started out as a writer, I did a freelance writing course which got me into freelance writing quickly (I submitted my first piece the same day) and I'd earned my first payment in the first week and had other pieces accepted in the first month. It was so fast. And having the money coming in all the time was an added bonus to keep me motivated to write.

And while writing courses are great, they can also be expensive and time consuming depending on how it's done. If it's a video course, you have to sit through everything for hours and take notes before you can start writing. And if it's a classroom, it can take months to do the whole course.

Luckily, I've just published my latest book, Quick Cash Freelance Writing, which is the first book in my Monthly Challenge Writing Series. These books are each designed to get you writing and earning money in 30 days.

And for the rest of this month, Quick Cash Freelance Writing is only 99 cents. That's right. For less than a dollar you can start writing today.

It's set out in 7 chapters that walk you through 7 different ways to earn money as a freelance writer, including what to write and where to send it.

I guarantee that not only will this little ebook get you writing and earning money fast, but it will get you so inspired and motivated, that you won't be able to stop. And you'll love every minute.

Just don't miss out on this incredibly low price.

And start writing today.

P.S. Although I'm only providing a link to Amazon, it will be available through all ebook stores soon, if it isn't already. I just don't know how quick they are at updating their ebook catalogues. 

If it's not available where you want to buy it, email them and ask why not?  ðŸ˜Š

Quick Cash Freelance Writing

Earning Money Freelance Writing Fast

I'm so excited to tell you about my latest ebook, Quick Cash Freelance Writing. It's the first book of four in my new Monthly Challenge Writing Series. Each book is set out to get you writing and earning money in a month. 

Today my this new ebook is available to download and for the rest of this month (August) it's only 99 cents.

And this little book has so much in it, all set out and ready to get you writing, submitting and earning money fast.

Take a look at just some of the things you're going to discover:

-        How to earn $100k a year as a freelance writer

-        Find markets for short fiction or sell a fiction series

-        How to make sure your ideas sell

-        Where to find an abundance of ideas

-        How I found $4,000 worth of freelance opportunities in just one magazine and how you can too.

-        How to write once and resell your work

-        How to earn up to $100 for 5 minutes writing

-        Take one idea and make it suitable for several different markets

-        A freelance market where you can send multiple ideas at once that pay up to $100 each

-        How to earn $30 an hour writing short articles

-        The 10-question technique for outlining an article, even if it's a subject you're not familiar with

-        How to divide one idea into several, and use it to earn ongoing income

-        How one freelance writer earns $3,500 a month

-        Where to sign up online and start writing straight away, with no previous experience or qualifications required

-        Find and write for international markets - and it's dead simple

-        An opportunity that pays up to $100k for just a few minutes writing

Some of these projects take only 5 minutes of writing and can earn you $100.

This ebook follows 7 different ways to earn money writing and shows you how to take one idea and earn multiple incomes from it.

I loved writing this ebook and you'll love reading it. It's so inspirational and will have you writing and submitting by the end of the first chapter.

In fact, it's so easy to follow, that you could be submitting your first piece of writing by the time you go to bed tonight.

Just remember that this ebook is only 99 cents - for now.

But in September, the price will go up so don't miss out.

Only 99 cents to get you started on your freelance writing career.

Tuesday 22 June 2021

The Book That is Changing Lives in a Locked-Down World

 In this never-ending age of lock-downs and restrictions on where we can go and what we can do, here in Australia we've faired better than most, even though in the southern state of Victoria, they've had to endure more unnecessary lock-downs and mask-wearing more than in the rest of the country. Where I live in Queensland, we've had very little to contend with for the past few months. Yet still, everyone is just so sick and tired of restrictions and not being able to live our normal lives and all the protests and empty supermarket shelves.

Yet prior to any of this happening, I wrote a book called Mission Critical For Life, and this book is all about how having a mission can help you live your own life on your own terms. And it turned out to be perfect for living in this dystopian society we now find ourselves in.

In this book I covered:

1. How having a mission means you can go home and close the door on the rest of the world and work on your mission. I even explained what a mission is and how you can discover your own. This information has been super helpful for so many people over the past year and a half.

2. How simple it is to make sure you have enough money so that you can stay home and not need to come out or go to work for a year or more. Having this financial security can be helpful in so many ways. Not just because you don't have to worry in case you lose your job, but also because it gives you emotional security knowing that when things get too much you can survive for months or years. This also provides self-esteem.

3. Having a mission and being able to turn to it means that you don't need friends. I find socialising emotionally draining and I can only be around other people for short bursts of time, and even then I'm glad to go home and be away from them. And having my mission to escape to, means that I'm not needy of other people's attention.

Mission Critical For Life also dives even deeper than this and shows you exactly how having a mission can improve your life in ways you can't even imagine. 

Most people spend their time looking at how to "fill" their time every day after they've finished working at a job they hate.

But having a mission means that you won't have to work at a job you hate or work for a boss you can't stand. And best of all, you won't be running around looking for time-wasting activities, or being needy of other people or wondering how to "fill" your time. Instead you'll be "spending" your time doing something you enjoy.

And if you'd known all this during these past few months when we've all had to stay home more, then you could have been making the most of it by spending your time on your mission.

All those who bought the book faired better during this dark, unusual time in our lives because they were happy to stay home.

The good news is that it's not too late.

You can still get your own copy of Mission Critical For Life.

And once you read it you'll realise how simple it is to find your own mission and start living life on your own terms.

Thursday 23 January 2020

3 Simple Life-Changing Things

The other day I was reading about a copywriter who said he was asked to write the sales material for a self-help course that cost $1,500.

He spent time looking over all the course material and said that after reading all the information, it all boiled down into just 3 simple things:

- Get more sleep.

- Eat more vegetables.

- Find something you like to do in life and do that, whatever it is.

The first two are a given. Everyone knows to get plenty of sleep and to eat lots of vegetables.

It was the third one that got my attention because that is almost what my new book is all about.

But there's more than simply finding something you like to do. There are other factors involved in being able to enjoy your life and live it on your own terms.

And in my book, Mission Critical For Life, I tell you what you need to do to find your own mission in life, and how to do it.

And it will cost you a lot less than $1,500.

In fact, you can download the ebook for less than $10.

And buy a hardback copy too.

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Life Saving Mission

I've been talking a lot lately about my new book, Mission Critical For Life.

And that's because, not only is it a great book and an absorbing read, having a mission can literally save your life.

Now I know that might sound over-the-top, but it's true.

You see having a mission gives you a purpose in life. It's productive and you enjoy it. And this has the knock-on effect of making you less needy of other people's time and attention when you have your mission always waiting for you.

Unproductive people who don't have a mission are always miserable. You can usually tell who they are because they have dirty homes, use drugs or alcohol, are lonely, depressed and lack confidence.

On the other hand, people with a mission are the exact opposite.

They don't need others at all (although others need them) and so they are never lonely, are happy, healthy, driven and confident.

And mostly, they really enjoy life and love what they do.

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor

I love this saying because it's true:

'Use absence to increase respect and honor' 
~ 48 Laws of Power

In fact, I like this saying so much that I used it in my new book, Mission Critical For Life.

When you start to get busy with your mission, it also makes you remove yourself from your social circle more. Being elusive (reclusive) makes you appear more valuable to others. People will want to spend time with you.

The opposite is true of chatty non-stop talkers who are always available. They are the least respected. People want to get away from them.

When those in your social circle start to see less of you, they place you in higher esteem. It's such a natural phenomenon.

And you don't even have to try because having a mission, naturally makes you absent from others more.

So no matter who they are, and no matter how they let you down, or how much they want to be with you, you can (and will) always have your mission to turn to.

And once you discover what that is, you'll be Mission Critical For Life.

Monday 20 January 2020

Spend Time. Don't Fill It

What's the difference between spending time and filling time?

Filling (killing/wasting) time means you have nothing to do so you look for things to distract you while time passes by.

Spending time means doing what matters - to you. Something substantial that gives you an ROI.

What's surprising is that most people expect you to waste your time on things that they think you SHOULD be doing. This is just another form of bullying.

The proof that so many people are bored and looking for something to fill the time in their boring unfulfilled lives is all the passing bandwagons that people jump on. At the moment it's climate change.

Before that, it was the diminishing ozone layer, and before that, it was acid rain. Now they don't care about any of those things and instead think that burning coal is the issue.

There are always passing bandwagons for bored people to jump onto.

And they always think that they are experts. Yet they have nothing better to do with their lives except copy whatever others are doing. They are reactive. Never proactive.

Cafes and bars are always full of people filling their time gossiping and talking much without saying anything.

And while all this time-wasting is going on, there are others who are filling their time and their lives by pursuing their mission.

They don't have time for idle chit-chat and other time-killing activities.

They prioritise their mission and spend their time doing what they want to do. Something substantial that gives them an amazing ROI, including financial freedom, astounding self-confidence, and peace of mind.

This is Mission Critical For Life.

Friday 17 January 2020

Fed Up? It's Time to Steer Your Own Ship

The problem with life is that everyone thinks that your business is their business.

It can be tough. No one wants to say 'Mind your own business.'

But what if things could be different and you could take control of the reigns of your own life?

- Steer your own ship.

- Build self-esteem and self-confidence.

- Stop being reactive and start being pro-active.

- Make things happen.

- Put up boundaries and let no one overstep them.

- Do something that matters - to you.

- Be your kind of busy, not theirs.

Well, this is it.

It's time to do all of those things.

It's your time and no one else's.

What you do is none of their business, but they'll think it is, especially when you don't want to be around them much anymore.

You'll be too absorbed with your mission once you're Mission Critical For Life.

Thursday 16 January 2020

Have Self-esteem and Confidence Like You've Never Known Before

There are many ways to increase your self-esteem and to gain the confidence to do anything you want and be your true self.

One of the things that can help is to have financial independence.

This means having enough money so that you don't need your job or need anyone else's money.

Some people think that money isn't important. But it is.

It's the difference between needing a job and having a job. It's the difference between needing other people and being independent.

Can you imagine how freeing it would be to have enough money of your own to be able to quit your job if the demands got too much or if your boss started giving you a hard time? Most people work because they have to and worry that they might get fired. This causes a lot of stress.

But how easy would it be to go to work every day knowing that you don't NEED your job? You'd be able to relax at work or quit if you had to.

Eventually, you wouldn't have to work at all.

But how do you accumulate enough money to gain such financial freedom?

It all starts with one small step.

And once you're confident about your financial situation, you can then work on other ways to completely transform your life.

You can find out how to do and have it all in my latest book, Mission Critical For Life.

A short book. A quick read. Then get to work.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

Criminal Minds Mission

The other day I was watching a few episodes of the TV show Criminal Minds.

If you haven't seen it, not only are you missing out on a great show, it's all about a team of FBI agents who work at Quantico in the Behavioral Analysis Unit. What they do is they track down serial killers by profiling them from their behavior.

One of the agents is called Derek Morgan (played by Shamar Moore).

In the show, even though Derek, along with his other profiling teammates, work exceptionally long hours (often flying interstate and taking their 'go bags' along with them because it involves staying for a night or two), he manages to spend time working on his mission on his few days off.

His mission is restoring houses and renting them. He's been doing it for years and has quite a few houses in his portfolio, all of them looking quite immaculate.

And it's his mission that finally enables him to quit the team when the going got too much for him after he was kidnapped and tortured.

Because of his houses and the rental income he gains from them, he's able to quit his high-paying job and still be financially secure and never needs to work again. He even moves into one of his own houses so he doesn't even have to worry about paying a mortgage.

And this is how having a mission can improve your life.

You don't have to restore houses. Your mission can be anything you want it to be.

And in my new book, Mission Critical For Life, I show you how to discover your own mission and how to use it to transform your life socially, financially, and personally.

All in 10 easy steps that I layout for you in a step-by-step process to follow.

It's a small book and easy to read so that you can get going fast.