Monday, 18 November 2013

Writing Articles Using Dictation for Mac and the Funny Mistakes it Made

Last week I had a few articles to type up so I thought I'd try the new Dictation software on my Mac Book Pro computer.

I like to write by hand with a pad and pen (or pencil) and then type up my work later. I find writing by hand much better for my creativity than writing straight to keyboard.

Anyway, after doing an update on my Mac computer a couple of weeks ago to the new Maverick software I thought I'd try out the new updated Dictation software.

Before, I had to speak first and the software would type up what I said when I'd finished and clicked "done". Now with the new updated and improved software, it types as you speak.

So I thought I give it a go.

And it wasn't bad. When I said "full stop" it would type a full stop and begin a new sentence with a capital letter. When I said "new paragraph" it moved the cursor to a new paragraph position. Which is great unless I want to actually type the words 'full stop' and 'new paragraph' like I have done here.

Anyhoo, as I said, it was pretty good but there were just a few things it got wrong which I'm not sure if were because of the lazy way I speak or the limits of the software.

At first I just kept talking and the computer kept typing and then I'd go back and correct the mistakes. Then I realised that some of them were pretty funny so I made a note of a few and I've listed them below.

The list is set out with what I actually said (in bold) followed by what the software typed:

writing career

rights in Korea

Think one a month is too much?

Think what a month's tonight?

It’s not if you’re really serious about your writing success.

Tonight if you're really serious about your writing sucks ass.

Earnest Hemingway

Anderson anyway

out there


don’t mess around endlessly with your work

don't mess around and sleep with your work

a week later another writer sent him an article

a week later another writer sentiment article


See what I mean? It didn't do too badly and I did get a few laughs from it. And overall, it was faster than typing up the articles myself.

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