Tuesday, 6 January 2015

How to Change Your Life in Just One Minute

If you want to make lasting changes to your life it's better to do it quickly rather than prolong the change or say you'll do it "one day" (because there is no such thing as 'one day.' It doesn't exist. It's just something we tell ourselves to make us feel better).

And if you want to change your life quickly, do it in just one minute.

Is it actually possible to change your life in a minute?

It is if you're determined.

The change you want to make needs to be something you "must" do, rather than something you merely "want" to do because we never get around to doing all the things we want to do, but we always find time for the things we must do.

And make the change fast. Don't give yourself time to second-guess yourself or to let doubt creep in.

You also need to follow these 3 simple steps:

1. Know what you want. You can't have what you want if you don't know what you want. So begin by being clear of the outcome you're looking for. Be able to picture in your mind exactly how you see yourself in your perfect future.

2. Know the first step to take.  While it's a start to know what you want, you also need to know how to proceed and that begins with knowing what the first step is that you need to take. So if you want to write a book, what is it that you need to do first? Write an outline? Buy a notebook? Take a writing course? Knowing what you want is called a project (creating a website, buying a car, making a meal).  And you need to break in down into "do-able" tasks before you can get started.

3. Action. This is the major part. Nothing will change until you take action. You don't have to do a lot. Just do something. Make a start and the rest will follow. Just remember the natural law of inertia. This law states that once a thing is in motion, it's more likely to stay in motion. So whatever it is you want to do, act. Take the first step.

And how you do you achieve all this in just one minute?

You can't change your whole life in one minute, but you can change direction by knowing what you want and taking action.

And once you're facing the right direction, you'r whole life will start to change.

The Millionaire Society