Thursday, 29 September 2016

How to Write a Successful How-To Ebook

How To Write a Non-Fiction eBook in 21 Days That Readers Love!
So often I see writers think that to write a great how-to ebook, all they have to do is write about how to do something.


For a how-to ebook to be successful (and by that I mean it sells well and is popular) it must contain these three essential things.

Topic.         Your ebook topic must have a hungry market. It must be a problem that people are already trying to solve. So first find your market and see what problems they are having. Then let your ebook be the answer.

How-To.    The big mistake that most how-to ebook authors make is that they forget to explain the how-to. It’s no good just talking about how to do something, your ebook must explain the exact steps that the readers need to take.

Pitfalls.     Not only do your readers need to know how to do something but they also need to know what could go wrong and how to fix it when it does. Otherwise they’ll stop at the first pitfall and say that your method doesn’t work.

So before you write one word of your how-to ebook, make sure:

- that there is a market for the information that you’re providing

- that you are providing a step-by-step guide


- that you warn them of what could go wrong and how to fix it.

Just by including these 3 things will ensure that your how-to ebook is better than most.

Write & Publish an Ebook in Just 10 Days

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