Tuesday, 10 October 2017

The Writing Is On The Wall

For over 2 weeks now I've been busy painting.

It's not that I'm any kind of artist.

The painting I've been doing is painting the whole exterior of my house (with a little bit of help from my husband, of course.)

It's a huge task, far bigger than I first anticipated.

And we've been painting all day, every day now for over 2 weeks and today is our first day off, and we still have at least another week of work ahead of us. (sad face)

Below is a before and after shot of one of the walls on our verandah. The first picture was taken by the realtor before we moved in and the second picture is the wall painted and the verandah items replaced, including Banjo, sitting on his doggy hammock. I just couldn't keep him out of the photo, sigh...

But you can see how much better the house looks already.

So with today as my one and only day off from painting, I've been doing a bit of writing and catching up on a few other chores as well.

But despite the long, tedious, work of house painting, I have learned a really good lesson from it.

And that is, sticking at a job gets it done. And it also gives me a feeling of satisfaction when I see how much work we get through every day.

And this doesn't only apply to painting. It's the same with everything I do.

If I stick with it and get it done, not only does it get finished, but it feels really good to have achieved something.

And the way to stick to doing something is to make it a number one priority and not let other things get in the way.

It's so easy to get distracted. Like with me last week. One of my chickens got really ill and I had to take her to the vet. Thankfully she was put on a course of antibiotics and started to get better after a few days, but I was so worried about her and I kept going into the garden to sit with her for a few minutes as often as I could. But I had to keep painting, plus there really wasn't much more I could do for her except stop her feeling alone.

I took a photo of her at the weekend because I thought she was going to die. Even the vet didn't hold out much hope for her. And you can see in the photo that Miss Broken Comb (so named for obvious reasons) was so ill that she couldn't even hold her head up or open her eyes.

photo of miss broken comb when she was really ill

Thank goodness she's well now and running around with her 8 friends again. :)

I have also spent the last couple of weeks getting up early and rushing around doing other jobs and then walking the dog late every day so that we could keep painting while we still had the daylight.

But it has been a good lesson in finding the one important thing to do every day and prioritising it over everything else.

Because it works.

And the same can be applied to every day, no matter what that day's number one thing is.

Most days, it's writing. That is my number one thing I have to do. So all other tasks and chores have to take a back seat.

And that's how to get plenty of writing done.

Find books to help you write and earn money.
And then make it your number one task and do it.

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