Friday, 13 October 2017

You’ve Written a Book. Now Comes The Hard Part

Every time I write a book I know it’s good and how much it will help people.

But the hard part is letting them know that.

It’s true that selling a book is a lot harder than writing it, and anyone who’s ever written a book knows that.

This is why copywriters are highly paid.

They know how to get people’s interest and to write a vision so great, that customers are dying to buy whatever product they’re trying to sell.

But most people, like us, can’t afford to pay thousands of dollars to a copywriter.

This is why copywriting is important to learn.

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling your own books or working as an affiliate marketer. You need to be able to write sales pages, blog posts, and emails that emote good feelings of wanting to buy what you’re selling.

Luckily, there are plenty great books about copywriting that can show you how to do it.

One copywriter whose books I always recommend (and use myself) are those written by Ben Settle.

And here are a couple of them.

I can personally guarantee that they’re good.

Crypto Copywriting Secrets - 
How to create profitable sales letters fast - even if you can't write your way out of a paper bag now.

The Affiliate Trump Card

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