Thursday 18 April 2019

Is It Procrastination Or Laziness?

It’s easy to think that there is no such thing as procrastination and that anyone who procrastinates is just lazy.

But is it true?

We all suffer from bouts of laziness, but procrastination is much more than that because it can stop you achieving anything you want in life.

And it’s not just writers who suffer from procrastination. See my article about it at

Procrastination starts out as laziness but then, over time, it evolves into a negative state of mind that leaves you with a constant feeling of dissatisfaction with life and work as it seeps into every area of your life.

So it’s not just an untidy sock drawer issue.

Thankfully, it can be overcome but it takes time as well as a 360-degree mind turn.

And here are 3 simple yet highly effective things you can do to help end procrastination for good:
1. Know what you want to achieve. You can’t reach your goals if you don’t know what they are.

2. Stop feeling defeated before you start. Begin everything you do (and I mean absolutely everything) with a winning feeling.

3. Know what your procrastination actions are so that you can recognise them and stop them.
Once you’re fully aware of your procrastination thoughts and habits, you can change them if you really want to and have the determination to do so.

Procrastination Pro
The 21 Day System to Stop Procrastinating

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