Wednesday, 11 September 2019

3 Steps to Living Your Dream Life as a Writer

It’s so easy to dream about becoming a successful writer. You imagine yourself gliding into your home office, dashing off another bestseller, and still have time to go out for dinner in the evening.

Wouldn’t it be great if it really happened that way?

The reality, of course, is really different and there are so many things that can stop your writing dream coming true and here are just 3 of them.

1. Time To Write. No matter what you do, you never seem to be able to find the time to actually sit down and write. You may even begin every day with good intentions, yet time eludes you and before you know it, the day’s over and you haven’t written a thing.

2. Others Not Supportive. If there’s one thing that I learned early on, it’s that others won’t support you when you want to be a writer. And the closer you are to them the more resentful they seem. My family and friends are the worst and none of them will even discuss my writing, even though I’ve been earning my income from writing for years.

3. Guilt. It’s all too easy to feel guilty about wanting to write because you always feel that you should be doing other things. It’s probably because writing seems selfish because it’s something that you need to do alone, without anyone even speaking to you. And it doesn’t help when others are unsupportive because it can make you feel like you have to write in secret.

  But you really shouldn’t let any of these things stop you because we all have time to write if we prioritise it instead of trying to fit it into our spare time.

We can also ignore everyone who doesn’t support what we want to do. In fact, I’d even go as far as saying to spend less time with them and more time writing.

And stop feeling guilty about writing because it IS important to you. Knitters don’t feel guilty about knitting, gardeners don’t feel guilty about spending time gardening, and artists don’t feel guilty about wanting to paint or draw. So why should you feel guilty about wanting to write?

The time to turn your life around and live your dream life of being a writer is now.

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