Thursday, 5 December 2019

How the Email Spammers Helped Me Write More

I wrote a post yesterday about how one of my website email accounts had been hijacked because one of my hosting companies, NetRegistry, allowed 12 of their servers to be hacked, and so much spam email was sent through them, they have now been blacklisted.

So with my main computer, my Mac Book Pro, still at the Apple store to be checked for malware (just in case) I'm still only able to use my writing computer (my Mac Book Air) which I normally only use for writing. Naturally, it is possible to connect it to the internet, but I usually don't unless I need to do some immediate research, but I usually limit this computer to offline writing projects only.

Separating my computers this way makes me much more productive because my writing computer has none of my software on it, and because I don't allow myself to get online with it either, it forces me to focus only on my writing which makes me super productive.

And because it's the only computer I have right now, I can't even check my emails, update my websites, read online articles that I've saved to read later, check my RSS feeds, or use any of the software apps I have installed.

As you can imagine this has resulted in upping my productivity because I'm left with nothing to do but get on with my writing or do online research that I've been meaning to do but keep putting off. And, of course, I've been writing and publishing blog posts too.

When I get my other computer back I'm going to have to make sure I log out of Google (and Blogger) on this one, so that it goes back to being just my writing computer again.

I also sit at a big table to write on this computer whereas I sit at my desk to use my main computer, so I've been spending much more time at my writing table too (which is also my sewing table).

Isn't it funny how we do these little things (like sitting in specific places) without even thinking about it?

And even funnier is that while I'm writing blog posts on my writing computer, I still sit at my desk to do it, but then I move to the big table to write offline. I didn't even realise I did it till I started writing this blog post today, and when I thought about it, I did the same thing yesterday. I sat at my desk to write a blog post then moved the computer to the table to work on my book. It's a quirk I didn't know I had.

So without noticing, getting off my main computer for a day (and now 2 days) and working offline has made me much more productive because I can't do my usual email checking or any website work or use any of my software so all I can do is write.

And you know what? It's not a bad thing at all.

I even sat for a while yesterday afternoon making more plans for my new website which I'll tell you more about tomorrow.

So even though yesterday I thought this whole email hacking thing was terrible (I was doomed. Doomed!) it turned out to be a useful exercise in upping my productivity.

And now back to writing...

But first I'll have to move back to my writing table. (Grin)

Find Books to help you write more too.

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