Showing posts with label Resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resources. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Latest Writing Resources

Today I have a great list of resources designed to get you into a frenzy of writing, submitting and pitching.

Try one or two or try them all. If you want to become a successful and wealthy writer extraordinaire, these resources will help you get there.

Creating High Concept Screenplay Ideas
High concept screenplays are what sell in Hollywood. This new course at Screenwriters U will give writers tools for generating and refining high concept ideas, from paying attention to, and seeking out, those initial sparks of inspiration which might launch a screenplay to finding ways not just of sustaining the story but building its potential, forward momentum, and meaning.
Creating High Concept Screenplay Ideas at Screenwriters University

My Instant Swipe File
"Write HOT Sales Letters That Sell Like CRAZY - In No Time Flat!"
My Brand-New Copywriting "SECRET WEAPON" is Your Short-Cut for Writing Powerful, Money-Getting Sales Letters That Make Customers BUY!
From: Jeff Gardner
Multi-Million-Dollar Copywriter
President, Gardner Marketing Group Inc.
My Instant Swipe File

Prepping Your Screenplay to Win Competitions Workshop
Competitions can be expensive and time-consuming to enter, but can open doors if approached in the right way. Rather than leaving it to chance, make sure you have a contest strategy and that your script is in the best shape it can be. This workshop is a one week intensive. There are three video lectures for you to view over the week, and one writing assignment at the end of the course for your instructor to critique.
Prepping Your Screenplay to Win Competitions Workshop

The Hurricane Method
The Hurricane Method is a super high quality program that teaches people how to write a great fiction novel in as little as 14 days.
The Hurricane Novel Writing Method

Writing for Reality TV OnDemand Workshop
In Writing for Reality TV, learn the ins and outs of what goes into the production and writing of a reality television show. This course, composed by one of the industry's busiest and most recognizable reality television writer/producers, Troy DeVolld, offers you he tools necessary to succeed as a writer of reality television. You'll learn about reality subgenres and hybrid shows, the effect of reality television on the way traditionally scripted shows are written, and the basics of the production hierarchy which, in the largely non-union wild west of reality production, can vary wildly from traditionally scripted shows.
Writing for Reality TV OnDemand Workshop

How To Make Money Writing Easy, 350-500 Word Web Articles
If You Can Type, You Can Start Making Money Writing Simple 350-500 Word Web Articles. You Don't Need Experience. In Fact, Most Who Start Don't Have Any. I'll Tell You Everything You Need To Get Started Immediately. I Do It Every Day & So Can You!
How to Make Money Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles

Developing Your Reality TV Idea Workshop
In this workshop, learn what it takes to develop a killer reality television show and take the first steps in beginning your career in reality television production. Tailored for beginners and mid-career writers interested in exploring the opportunities reality television offers in today's media marketplace, this course was composed by one of the industry's busiest and most recognizable reality television writer/producers, Troy DeVolld, author of Reality TV: An Insider's Guide to TV's Hottest Market and senior story producer of Dancing with the Stars.
Developing Your Reality TV Idea Workshop

The Children’s Writer’s Super System
Teaches How To Discover, Write, Pitch And Sell Your Children's Book! Original Workbook And 7+ Hour Audio Set From A Successful Author Of 40+ Books For Children.
Learn How to Write a Children’s Book

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Latest Writing Resources

Today I have a list of resources to help you write more and earn more, including a writing competition with huge cash prizes.

Take a look at what is currently on offer and see what inspires you.

An Introduction to Screenwriting - free online course
Screenplays form the starting point for most dramatic films, the essential work from which all other filmmaking flows. All of the tender romance, terrifying action and memorable lines begin at the screenwriter’s desk. This free online course will introduce you to the basic elements and key concepts behind a professional screenplay.
Starts: 8 May 2017. Duration 2 weeks. Time: 3 hours per week.

The Writer Creative Writing Competition
The advice is always to write about what you know, right? So what could be better than to craft a story around a writer? The theme is open to interpretation. Make it amusing, serious, contemplative or mysterious. We don’t mind. Just bring your main character to life.  You don’t have to use the photo depicted here if you prefer to craft a character of your own making. Just make sure that your character is larger than life and your story is unique and an enjoyable read. You have 1200 words or less including the title – which should be The Writer.
Closing date: April 10th 2017. Entry fee: £3.50. Open to writers worldwide.

Kindle Scout
Kindle Scout is reader-powered publishing for new, never-before-published books. It’s a place where readers help decide if a book gets published. Selected books will be published by Kindle Press and receive 5-year renewable terms, a $1,500 advance, 50% eBook royalty rate, easy rights reversions and featured Amazon marketing.

Breaking into Copywriting
Whether you're an aspiring screenwriter, novelist or playwright, or even just an avid reader, with Screenwriters University new course, you can turn your love for words into a lucrative career as a professional copywriter. With the explosion of the Internet, the need for creative copywriters who can craft compelling advertising has skyrocketed. And because most companies across all sectors need marketing content, copywriting is a virtually recession-proof career choice.
Breaking into Copywriting with Screenwriters University

Creating Subtext in Your Dialogue
In this new week-long intensive at Screenwriters University, first watch and discuss (via discussion boards) a two-part video lecture and a third bonus lecture exploring what subtext is, why it's imperative to avoid "on-the-nose" dialogue, and the 12 dialogue techniques successfully utilized in popular films. Then, apply those techniques to creating a scene in which two characters express their love for each other without ever saying the words "I Love You."
Creating Subtext in Your Dialogue at Screenwriters University

How to Pitch a Script
With How to Pitch a Script, Hollywood Insider Kathie Fong Yoneda is your go-to expert for teaching you how to pitch a script. She will share the best and most effective ways to prepare, pitch, and present a script! After you've taken this course you will be prepared and have the confidence to meet and greet the people who assist in your big break or take your career to the next level.
Pitch & Presentation: How to Pitch a Script

Seven Weeks to Your TV Spec Script Workshop
In this new workshop beginning on March 23, writers will learn all the key elements to a successful "episodic spec," and will receive ongoing instructor guidance in building their own, from basic idea through finished outline. It begins with knowing how to choose the right kind of show to spec, then understanding which elements to study, in order to really grasp how a typical episode functions well enough to write one. Students will then learn the elements of great story ideas for a spec, and be given a chance to pitch and re-pitch multiple ideas for their episode, before finally settling on one to write.
Seven Weeks to Your TV Spec Script Workshop

Advanced Sitcom Rewriting Course
In Advanced Sitcom Rewriting, an established screenwriter can look over your ENTIRE screenplay and give you tips on how to polish it. Whether you are writing a spec script or an original pilot, this workshop offers you tools to polish up your script for eyes in Hollywood!

This four-week workshop is broken up into two sessions that each focus on individual elements of the rewriting process. Each session, you will submit a section of your screenplay for review. Each session will also have focused lectures that help you on each step of your revision process.
Advanced Sitcom Rewriting Course

Finish Your Book in 2017 Premium Collection
Finding the motivation, time, and energy to finish your book can be difficult for even the most seasoned writer. In this premium collection, you will get step-by-step instructions and practical techniques for developing plots, staying motivated and managing competing priorities during the novel writing process. Experts will give you helpful hints to inspire you to write better than ever before so you can not only finish your novel in 2017, but get the attention of agents and publishers all while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Finish Your Book in 2017 Premium Collection at Writer's Digest Shop

How To Develop Psychological Backstories For Your Characters
At the conclusion of this course you will have gone through the process of developing psychological backstories for your protagonist and supporting characters. You will also have created an environment in which your characters come to life as their personalities either mesh with their environment or thrive in spite of it. In this course you will learn from an actual psychologist with production experience.
How To Develop Psychological Backstories For Your Characters at Screenwriters University

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Script Writing and Pitching Movie Ideas

There is no doubt about it. Production companies are screaming out for new movie ideas.

Just a quick Google search will show you how desperate they're becoming.

So if you have a brilliant idea for a movie script, this would be a great time to write it and start pitching it.

And if you're unsure how to do it, there is a plethora of information online all about screenwriting plus screenwriting software that you can try out for free.

But if you don't want to download software, you can also find plenty of free information about how to format a script plus websites where you can download movie scripts for free to see how the professionals do it.

And don't worry if you have a great idea for a movie but you don't want to write the script yourself.

You can pitch your movie idea to Hollywood production companies.

You can also pitch an idea for a TV show or a reality TV show directly to the TV network companies too.

And to make it even easier, I've put all this information together for you free-gratis-and-for-nothing.

You can find all this and more at my newly updated Script Writing and Idea Pitching pages at:

Script Writing

How And Where To Pitch A Movie Idea

How And Where To Pitch An Idea For A TV Show

How And Where To Pitch An Idea For A Reality TV Show're welcome. :)

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Start Your New Year Off With A Bang With One of These Writing Courses

Did you make enough money from your writing as you wanted to in 2016?

Or do you wish there was a way you could do the writing that you're passionate about that can bring you the satisfaction and financial success that you've always wanted?

Well take a look at this huge list of 24 writing courses for 2017.

You can learn how to plot a screen play, write a successful query, find markets for your short fiction, learn to write a novel, and even create your own author website. You can also submit your screenplay for a private review to an established screenwriter who will give you tips and advice on your work at the Advanced Television Rewriting Workshop.

You can also learn how to earn money as a freelance writer.

There is sure to be something here that can help you to become the successful writer you've always dreamed of being.

Or why not make 2017 the year that you try everything?


Earn Money with Your Writing: Freelance and Copywriting
This must-have value pack covers every aspect of freelance writing to help you make money writing on your own time for the publications you love. From legal considerations to publisher listings to guidelines on structure, grammar, style and more, this kit leaves no stone unturned in the freelance writing realm. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned freelancer, you'll find new and updated information in this kit to get you toward your goal of being able to write at home AND make a great living.
Earn Money with Your Writing: Freelance and Copywriting at Writers Digest Shop

Start Your Screenplay in 2017

Got great movie ideas in your head but no idea how to get them on paper? It's easier than you think to start writing your own screenplay. In this collection, you will gain access to resources that will make writing easier and less daunting. These tools and techniques hold the secrets to beginning and finishing your first draft, editing your ideas, and blockbuster tips. Don't let screenwriting be a struggle; you are actually allowed to enjoy it!
Start Your Screenplay in 2017 at Writers Store

Mastering Suspense with Jane Cleland
Suspense is one of the most powerful tools a writer has for captivating readers. From mainstream fiction to memoir, suspense creates the emotional tension that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. In this collection, award-winning author Jane K. Cleland will teach you how to navigate genre conventions, write for your audience, and build gripping tension to craft an irresistible page-turner. Take the guesswork out of suspense and write tension-filled, engaging stories that leave readers wanting more!
Mastering Suspense with Jane Cleland Value Pack at Writer's Digest Shop

Write Your Drama Pilot in Six Weeks
Television pilot writing was once a carefully guarded inner sanctum limited almost exclusively to showbiz insiders. With the recent explosion of successful cable dramas and Internet viewing, it’s now possible for writers without a strong track record or network connections to get producers and executives to read and sometimes even buy their pilot scripts. If you sell a pilot, you’ve reached the pinnacle of TV writing success. It’s extremely satisfying to see your brainchild come to life on the screen, and it can lead to an extremely lucrative career in writing, production, or “show-running.”

In this workshop, you will learn the tools professional screenwriters use to finish high-quality scripts under deadlines. By the end of this workshop, you will have completed and received professional feedback on a completed script for your drama pilot.
Write Your Drama Pilot in Six Weeks at Screenwriters University

Novel and Short Story Writer's Market 2017
Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market 2017 is the only resource you need to get your short stories, novellas, and novels published. As with past editions, Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market offers hundreds of listings for book publishers, literary agents, fiction publications, contests, and more. Each listing includes contact information, submission guidelines, and other essential tips.
Novel and Short Story Writer's Market 2017 at Writers Store

The Nitty Gritty of Spec Scripts: Writing Strong Action and Dialogue
This one-week, intensive workshop focuses on the specifics of writing compelling action (description) and dialogue. At the end of this course, your expert instructor, Dave Trottier, will evaluate four pages of your spec script. Who is the real audience for your spec script, and what are they looking for? Craft a riveting, engaging spec that can open doors to your success. In this workshop, you will get an inside view of how to write action and dialogue that captures the imagination and emotions of those who can make a difference. Examples will be provided.
The Nitty Gritty of Spec Scripts: Writing Strong Action and Dialogue

The Secrets of Story
The Secrets of Story provides comprehensive, audience-focused strategies for becoming a master storyteller. Armed with the Ultimate Story Checklist, you can improve every aspect of your fiction writing with incisive questions. To succeed in the world of fiction and film, you have to work on every aspect of your craft and satisfy your audience. Do both--and so much more--with The Secrets of Story.
The Secrets of Story at Writer's Digest Shop

Writing Mysteries & Thrillers That Sell
Writing a successful mystery novel or screenplay is more than just keeping readers intrigued or making an audience jump out of their seats. Even the smallest of details has to be authentic and believable to evoke the intended effect.

You will learn the ins and outs of building a plot with heinous crimes, meticulous investigations and disturbing characters that surprise your audience around every turn. With this exclusive collection, you get 12 incredible resources to help you write the most cutting-edge and current thriller that the reader will not want to put down.
Writing Mysteries & Thrillers That Sell at Writers Store

Create an Author Website in 24 Hours or Less
Whether you are an unpublished writer who wants to start building a platform or a published author looking to improve your website, this online webinar has something for everyone. Media guru Jane Friedman teaches you how to make your own website for free; all that is required of you is time and patience. You will get an overview of the top website tools available for creating a website, the mistakes that most beginners make (and how to avoid them).

You will learn step-by-step how to use Wordpress, either at or on your own domain. This includes deciding which Wordpress themes are best for your site, the basic, free, Wordpress plug-ins that you will need and how to extend the functionality of your site with more advanced plug-ins.
Create an Author Website in 24 Hours or Less OnDemand Webinar at Writer's Digest Shop

Ten Weeks to Your Feature Film
The world of the feature film is booming and you are gushing with ideas. This workshop will give you the tools to get the ideas out of your head and into a completed screenplay by introducing you to the methods that professional screenwriters use to write under deadlines.

If you have been sitting on an idea for a feature film, this is your chance to complete a draft of your screenplay in just ten weeks, with expert feedback at every step. Whether you have finished a dozen screenplays or are working on your first, this workshop will give you what you need to get you writing and keep you on track to finish your script. Do not waste your time with wrong turns that could eat up weeks or months. The expert guidance offered in this course will help you see the big picture of your story even while you are deep in the trenches of writing. By the end of this workshop, you will have a first draft of a feature length screenplay.
Ten Weeks to Your Feature Film at Screenwriters University

Critical Tools to Create an Emotional Connection with Your Audience
Take your writing to the next level! Without the proper foundation, you cannot connect with your readers on an emotional level. In this collection, you will have a variety of intensive tools and techniques for instilling emotion into plots, characters, dialogue, and settings in order to achieve that WOW! feeling in your story. These tools will keep you focused on the heart and soul of your work so that plot, character, and theme create a unified story.
Critical Tools to Create an Emotional Connection with Your Audience at Writers Store

Writing a Query that Stands Out
In this presentation, Writing a Query that Stands Out, literary agent Sarah LaPolla teaches you how to make sure an agent notices your query for the right reasons. Learn tips on technique, style, what will stand out, and what to do next. Sometimes a project just doesn't click with an agent, and that's OK. Just make sure that rejection isn't because your query fell flat.
Writing a Query that Stands Out at Writer's Digest Tutorials

Pixar's Emotional Core: Character Development Intensive Workshop
Every great film causes the viewer to want go on an emotional journey with your characters. Pixar's amazing track record has shown that they have been consistently successful in tapping into the essential qualities that can make audiences care about their characters and stories. UCLA screenwriting instructor and author Karl Iglesias will take your writing to the next level, using an in-depth analysis of Pixar's master storytelling and character-building techniques.

In this week-long intensive, you'll first watch and discuss (via discussion boards) a three-part video lecture exploring the way Pixar has harnessed the essential ingredients of quality storytelling and great character development to form the strong emotional core of some of the most successful movies of the last 20 years. Then, you'll apply those ingredients to creating a synopsis of your main character for critique to ensure that your main character has the qualities that would make your audience want to follow his or her journey.
Pixar's Emotional Core: Character Development Intensive Workshop at Screenwriters University

FrameForge Previz Studio 3.6 Pro
FrameForge Previz Studio has been used in the grueling schedules of television production on shows ranging from CSI:Crime Scene Investigation to Downton Abbey, and has been so fast and effective at streamlining their shoots and improving their productions that the National Academy of Arts and Sciences gave us an Emmy for it. And if it can save those award-winning productions time and money, think what it can do for you.
FrameForge Previz Studio 3.6 Pro at Writers Store

Advanced Television Rewriting Workshop
Screenwriters University is now offering our Advanced Television Rewriting workshop where an established screenwriter can look over your ENTIRE screenplay and give you tips on how to polish it. This eight-week workshop is broken up into four sessions that each focus on individual elements of the rewriting process. Each session, you will submit a section of your screenplay for review. Each session will also have focused lectures that help you on each step of your revision process. The lectures are there for support, but the focus of this workshop will be on your screenplay. Each session, you will submit to your instructor for private review, and also you can submit to the other workshop participants for peer review.
Advanced Television Rewriting Workshop at Screenwriters University

21 Days to Your Screenplay Treatment
Let Screenwriters University show you, step-by-step, how to create an electrifying treatment! We have made the anxiety-producing process of treatment writing simple with our ground-breaking approach to the form. By the end of this workshop, you will have a strong treatment and a solid log line for your screenplay that has been vetted by an industry professional.
21 Days to Your Screenplay Treatment at Screenwriters University

The Comedy of the Coen Brothers
If you want to learn anything, you study how the masters of the craft do it, and there are few masters who have dominated as many diverse genres as the Coen Brothers. Known for their quirky, unpredictable plots, their outrageous characters, snappy dialog, and unique genre mixing, the Coens body of work revels true wisdom about the craft of storytelling, particularly as it relates to quirky indie-style comedy with mainstream appeal.

Join The Onions founding editor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Scott Dikkers as he deconstructs five of the Coen Brothers most successful comedies, and shows you how you can skillfully apply some of their tricks of the trade to your own work.
The Comedy of the Coen Brothers Webinar at Writers Store

Just Write: Creating Unforgettable Fiction and a Rewarding Writing Life
In Just Write, best-selling author and veteran writing coach James Scott Bell shows you how to develop unforgettable stories while leading a rewarding writing life. You'll learn how to master the nuances of fiction, discover what readers really want, and persevere through the challenges of getting started, conquering writer's block, and dealing with rejection.
Just Write: Creating Unforgettable Fiction and a Rewarding Writing Life

Story Development and Outlining
This course will examine plotting a screenplay from premise to story. You'll learn how to take your screenplay from the early stages of building idea into a full story to structuring the story to keep tension and investment high in the audience to considering how to build not only structure but texture in the world of your film, how to build an experience of the world, what the events and the world of the story mean for characters and audience alike, not just building up point-by-point plot.
Story Development and Outlining at Screenwriters University

Pulp Fiction Workshop
Join author and editor Philip Athans in writing a 6000-word short story using the Lester Dent Pulp Paper Master Fiction Plot. In our first session we'll go through that master "formula" and what it takes to write fun, fast-paced, entertaining fiction. Then each week we'll write another 1500 words, keeping an eye on the lessons of Lester Dent and others, so that by the end of our four-week session everyone ends up with a complete 6000-word pulp short story in any pulp genre: mystery/thriller, action/adventure, romance, western, sci-fi/fantasy, horror, and more.
Pulp Fiction Workshop at Writer's Digest University

Create a Compelling Mystery
During this webinar, writer and producer Charles Kipps will walk you through the steps necessary to create a compelling mystery. You'll explore all aspects of storytelling which combine to make a mystery a mystery: the suspects, the clues, and the protagonist's crime-solving methods. Whether you're a writer or a mystery lover, this seminar will demystify the puzzle of mysteries. As a writer, you'll learn how to outsmart your audience. As a viewer or reader, you'll be ready to match wits with the writer.
Create a Compelling Mystery Webinar at Writers Store

10 Tips to Create Great Plots: Everything You Need to Plot a Great Story
Too many writers think that the plot of a story is made up of either fast-paced, external action or quiet and introspective moments. Plot is both those things and so much more. Creating a compelling plot incorporating action and emotion and meaning requires talent, skill, know-how, and practice. Learn what makes a great plot and how to apply practical plot techniques as you craft a dramatic heart-felt and meaningful story.

Martha Alderson, also known as the Plot Whisperer, has helped novelists of all genres and memoirists and screenwriters write stories with plots. Writing a story with a plot from beginning to end using universal story-telling methods gives you confidence as you explore your characters, action, and deeper meaning.
10 Tips to Create Great Plots: Everything You Need to Plot a Great Story

Writing the 1-Hour TV Drama
In this six-week course, you gain detailed insight into the behind-the-scenes workings of one-hour TV drama script. You will have the opportunity to learn exactly what can set a good script that gets set in the waste basket apart from an outstanding one that gets a contract. By the end of this course, you will develop and perfect the first act of your spec script so it is ready to go right into a producer's hands!
Writing the 1-Hour TV Drama at Screenwriters University

Powerful Endings to Hook Your Reader
Write as you learn in this unique course that provides instruction, tips, online discussion, and relevant homework assignments, including an evaluation of pages from your ending. Examples from a wide variety of classic, popular, and highly acclaimed screenplays will be used to clarify principles and techniques as you design and write your powerful ending. Learn from The Sixth Sense, The Usual Suspects, and The King's Speech, as well as The Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption, Galaxy Quest, Planet of the Apes, Psycho, Casablanca, Some Like it Hot, and more.
Powerful Endings to Hook Your Reader at Screenwriters University

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Latest Products For Writers. Improve Your Craft. Make More Money

I have some amazing books, products and writing courses for you that will really help you to perfect your writing craft and make it possible for you to earn more income from your writing.

Take a look at the list below and see if there's something that can help catapult your writing success.

Write a Comedy Feature Film
Jump start your comedy screenplay! A spec comedy screenplay is a great calling card for any screenwriter, and in this course we’ll tee you up to create a successful one.
Writers will learn the tools professional comedy writers use to create funny screenplays, and how to use those tools to get started on your own script.
You’ll start by creating and discussing funny loglines, and learn the criteria for determining which premise should advance to the outline stage.
Then you’ll create a detailed outline with one-on-one instructor feedback.
Once each student has a winning story plotted out for a comedy screenplay, we’ll workshop the funniest ways to execute that idea as a feature-length script.
Finally, each student will begin writing a comedy screenplay, which can be completed after the class.

Grow Your Book Sales with Amazon Marketing Services
Increase visibility and grow demand for your KDP Select titles using Amazon Marketing Services. Sign in today and get started building your first ad.

Building Your First Ad is as Easy as 1-2-3!
1. Choose the book to advertise from your KDP bookshelf
2. Click “promote and advertise” and “run an ad campaign”
3. Select your ad type and follow the ad builder instructions

Beginning Feature Film Writing
Whether you are a writer looking to understand the fundamentals of writing for film or a television writer looking to expand your skillset, Beginning Feature Film Writing has invaluable information to offer you. Using detailed analyses of successful scripts, you will discover how film writers maximize the impact of your work using compelling characters and scenes.
The writing critiques in this workshop are tailored to develop specific skills needed to succeed as a feature film writer. You will also gain access to a wealth of creative writing prompts.

Writing Based on a True Story at Writers Store
In today’s marketplace, creative non-fiction and screenplays based on true stories are selling faster than fiction.
A-list actors and agents know this and are more likely to read your screenplay if it’s based on true events.
In this kit, you’ll learn how to harness the intrigue of this unique genre and find the best “story” to tell within your true story.
With step-by-step instruction from screenwriters in the industry, you’ll learn the best process to follow in developing a true story screenplay that sells.

How to Create Memorably Scary Scenes Workshop at Screenwriters University
This one-week intensive course, taught by horror pro Neal Marshall Stevens (13 Ghosts, Hellraiser:Deader), will explore the nuts and bolts techniques that working screenwriters and filmmakers use to create fear on the page and on the screen, using examples from classic and contemporary films ranging from Night of the Living Dead to Paranormal Activity—including examples from his own screenplays.
Students will explore the importance of properly structuring and setting up scares, where and when to use the “boo” moment, and the importance of developing the “sense of dread.”

Mastering the Conventions of Horror Writing at Screenwriters University
Horror has been one of the staples of film ever since the medium was invented. This genre is truly a writer’s medium:
If you can present a new version of an old concept and scare us on the page, your script can sell. Plus, there is always room for innovation and creativity within the field.
That’s why horror is a natural choice for many a screenwriter.

Final Draft 10 Just Released
Just Released, the new Final Draft 10 Software Suite! When you're ready to write a screenplay, you want only the best screenwriting software to help you get to from initial concept to FADE OUT. That's why you need the all-new Final Draft 10, the number-one-selling software designed specifically to write scripts for film, television, and theater.
Final Draft automatically formats and paginates your script to Industry standards with just two simple keystrokes.

Story and Character Development Bundle at Writers Store
The story writers ultimate combo. Persona, character development software for Mac and Win, will help you craft your characters and Contour, story development software for Mac and Win, will guide you through developing your story.
With the Story and Character Development Bundle, you can be assured your bases are covered when it comes to creating the best characters and story possible.

Science Fiction & Fantasy Writer's Lecture Series at Writer's Digest Shop
Do you love exploring new worlds and possibilities? Dive into the diverse universe of science fiction and fantasy writing with this collection.
Study these fantastical genres of writing and learn what you need to create the best first impression, memorable character, and more. Heighten the senses of your readers with unique settings and concepts that you can only find within the realm of fantasy genres.
Learn how to take your fantasy or science fiction novel to the next level!

Travel Writing at Writer's Digest University
When you take this six-week workshop, you'll discover how to become a travel writer by exploring the different types of articles you can write and developing your writing style.
You'll learn travel writing tips such as how to take your own photographs.
Use this workshop to draft an article that keeps readers captivated and garners interest from travel editors.

Worldwide shipping FREE on all books

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Latest Products and Courses for Writers

Not getting any writing done?

Want to do more writing?

Want to write a best selling novel?

Want to write a screenplay?

Looking for more markets for your writing?

Then take a look at these products and courses for writers. There's bound to be something that can help get you started on your next big project.

Write A Breakout Novel This Year Kit at Writer's Digest Shop
Do you want to become the next bestselling literary or commercial author? The key to writing a "breakout" novel has nothing to do with million-dollar publicity budgets, huge advances, or name recognition. It comes from writing the kind of novel that gets people talking and creates a growing wave of excitement and support that carries your work along for the ride. This collection is designed to help you succeed with proven tips on strategies, structures, hooks, characters, dialogue, viewpoints, settings, and techniques to get your novel on the road to publication. Cover all the bases and start writing your breakout novel this year!

Writing the Micro-Budget Film at Screenwriters University
This one-week, intensive workshop will help you develop and plan your micro-budget screenplay. At the end of this course, you will submit the first five pages of your script for critique by the expert instructor and screenwriter, Paul Peditto. There has never been a better time to break into the business. Now all you need is a script that can be shot for a micro-budget price and a producer with full knowledge of fund-raising, budgeting, and scheduling. It might seem like it, but this is not Everest you’re scaling. This can be done!

Master the Craft of Storytelling at Writer's Digest Shop
A good story flows from a solid understanding of writing and structure, along with a confident grasp of character, plot, and dialogue. Every writer who dreams of writing a great story must possess impeccable writing skills and know how to execute the fundamentals of storytelling within a story. Whether writing a traditional novel, a children's picture book, or an experimental book, writers across all genres will find a firm foundation in classic storytelling techniques with this ultimate collection. Get everything you need to start, craft, and complete the structure of your story.

8 Things First-Time Novelists Need to Avoid at Writer's Digest Tutorials
You’ve just finished your first novel and can’t wait to submit it for the possibility of publication. In your excitement, however, you make some newbie mistakes and your manuscript is rejected. This tutorial demystifies the mistakes first-time novelists make. This tutorial will help you avoid being perceived as a “beginner” to the industry professionals who’ve seen it all and stand between your book getting rejected and accepted for publication.

This tutorial is presented by Charlotte Robin Cook, an experienced publisher and story editor, and Jon James Miller, an award-winning screenwriter and debut novelist. Both Charlotte and Jon have tremendous writing experience and know the ins-and-outs of how to edit novels into successful reads. They work with both first-time novelists and industry professionals looking for fresh new literary voices.

Chimpanzee Budgeting & Scheduling Software at Writers Store
Designed for student, low budget or beginner filmmakers, Chimpanzee offers traditional film scheduling & budgeting features at an affordable price. Made by the people who brought you Gorilla, Chimpanzee allows you to create breakdown sheets, budgets, manage cast & crew, generate call sheets, prop lists, shot lists, storyboards and more. Easily import a screenplay and immediately get started attaching scenes to shoot days and scheduling cast and crew. Choose from a variety of budget templates or create your own, and easily link your budget to schedule elements such as cast, crew and props. Chimpanzee comes with over a dozen reports, including breakdown summaries, call sheets, and a budget topsheet. Chimpanzee can also be integrated with the Gorilla Ratebook and Koala Call Sheets for even greater functionality and power.

Writer's Market 2017 at Writer's Digest Shop
Want to get published and paid for your writing? Let Writer's Market 2017 guide you through the process with thousands of publishing opportunities for writers, including listings for book publishers, consumer and trade magazines, contests and awards, and literary agents. These listings feature contact and submission information to help writers get their work published.

Beyond the listings, you'll find all-new material devoted to the business and promotion of writing. Discover the secrets to writing better queries and selling more articles, tips for a great conference experience, and insight into developing an effective author brand. Plus, you'll learn how to write and curate content to grow your audience, connect with book clubs, and make promotions and publicity work for you. This edition includes the ever-popular pay-rate chart and book publisher subject index, too!

Become a Successful Freelance Writer at Writer's Digest Shop
Businesses offer some of the most rewarding, creative and lucrative opportunities available to freelancers today-and breaking in can be easier than you think. Freelance writing is a business like any other - to succeed, you need a mix of skill, hard work, perseverance, and perspective. This collection combines the popular tutorials of bestselling author and sought-after freelancer I.J. Schecter that can help push your freelance career forward!

How to Break into the Screenwriting Business
Upon completion of a few screenplays every writer wonders what he or she must do now. Every one they speak with has an opinion about agents and query letters and networking and many other seemingly mysterious moves the new writer must make. This course has the correct, concise and complete answers to these and many more questions. The teacher, Michele Wallerstein, has spent over 20 years as a literary agent and shares her knowledge of how to get you to the best place possible for your writing career.

Writing Essentials for Novelists with Philip Athans
What separates good authors from the rest? Philip Athans covers all the bases in the Writing Essentials for Novelists Collection. Learn the importance of starting your novel strong, controlling your plot's pace, connecting emotionally with your readers, creating a great antagonist, and so much more. From writing sword and sorcery fantasy to fast-paced action thrillers, these resources will help you keep your readers breathlessly turning pages!

Mastering Advanced Dialogue Techniques at Writers Store
Great dialogue is a crucial factor in making your characters leap off the page and attracting A-list talent. How do some writers craft conversation so authentic, it feels like they've been eavesdropping? What's the secret behind getting characters to talk to each other? How can writers make their dialogue sing? This kit has everything you need to create convincing dialogue in today’s screenwriting world. Craft your subtext, develop strong conversations, and learn what makes your dialogue feel like real drama. Grab this kit today and start making your words jump off the page!