Monday 20 March 2017

Paperback Publishing With Kindle

“Book Library” by digitalart
A few weeks ago I wrote an article about how I’m now publishing some of my books in paperback with CreateSpace, which is owned by Amazon.

And last week I received an email from KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) on Amazon, where I publish my ebooks, telling me that KDP now publishes print books too.

This makes it possible to offer a print and an ebook version of your books from one account.

And on KDP you receive 60% royalties from all print sales, minus the cost of printing.

So the question is, am I disappointed that after setting up my books with CreateSpace, it’s now possible to do it through one account for print and ebooks?

No. Not at all.

At the moment the print option with KDP is still in Beta stage so not all the services I receive from CreateSpace are available.

For example, publishing print books through a KDP account doesn’t provide an option for  receiving physical proofs, author copies or expanded distribution.

So for now I’m happy to leave my print books with CreateSpace and I’ll probably migrate them across to my KDP account once the services are improved.

But if you only have your books available as Kindle ebooks, now is a great time to offer a print version as well through the Kindle POD option of publishing, which is also free to set up .

You can find out more and set up your own free Amazon publisher account at

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Crucial Writing Advice

“Hands Tearing Apart A Banknote” by Sira Anamwong
Lately I’ve received a few emails from people giving me their opinion on my blog posts.

But let me get one thing straight first -

My advice about how to earn money from your writing (which is what ALL my posts are about) are only aimed at one group of people - those who are serious about wanting to earn money from their writing AND who aren’t afraid to do the necessary work.

Yet the emails I’ve been receiving are from people who don’t actually want to write.

Instead it seems they only want to read about making money from writing and that somehow money will magically appear in their bank accounts.

They say they don’t have time to write.

Don't have the skills.

Don’t know how to start.

Don’t know how to keep going.

Or they’re just too busy doing other more important things.

So let’s get a few things right about this subject.

Earning money from writing means:

  • Writing every day.

  • Publishing/submitting everything you write.

  • Actually wanting to write.

  • Buying any books/resources necessary to help you.

All the advice I give is crucial if you want to be a money-earning writer.

So don’t let this fall of deaf ears.

You must be reading this because you want to earn money from your writing.

So do yourself a favour and write and publish/submit something today.

Then think about what you’ll write, publish/submit tomorrow.

Once you make a determined start it’s easy to keep going.

Make today the day you stop wasting time and start writing more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Do The 12 Month Writing Challenge?

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Script Writing and Pitching Movie Ideas

There is no doubt about it. Production companies are screaming out for new movie ideas.

Just a quick Google search will show you how desperate they're becoming.

So if you have a brilliant idea for a movie script, this would be a great time to write it and start pitching it.

And if you're unsure how to do it, there is a plethora of information online all about screenwriting plus screenwriting software that you can try out for free.

But if you don't want to download software, you can also find plenty of free information about how to format a script plus websites where you can download movie scripts for free to see how the professionals do it.

And don't worry if you have a great idea for a movie but you don't want to write the script yourself.

You can pitch your movie idea to Hollywood production companies.

You can also pitch an idea for a TV show or a reality TV show directly to the TV network companies too.

And to make it even easier, I've put all this information together for you free-gratis-and-for-nothing.

You can find all this and more at my newly updated Script Writing and Idea Pitching pages at:

Script Writing

How And Where To Pitch A Movie Idea

How And Where To Pitch An Idea For A TV Show

How And Where To Pitch An Idea For A Reality TV Show're welcome. :)