Thursday 28 November 2019

Making Money By Osmosis

I've been earning my living from writing for many years now and what always makes me shake my head in despair is the so-called 'high-earning' writers on the internet (you know the ones who have their picture taken sitting outside their mansion that supposedly was paid for with their writing income) who claim that they work only 5 minutes a day and yet earn millions.

I shake my head because so many people fall for that.

Can you earn money from writing in just 5 minutes? Well, yes you can, but it's only from small writing projects like readers' letters in magazines or 'quick tips' type of submissions.

Anyway, the real money comes from bigger projects like writing books.

There are even people who think that reading a book about how to make money from writing will help them, even if they don't do any writing. They seem to think that they can just hold the book and read it once they'll absorb all the knowledge by osmosis and wake up rich.

The truth about being a writer is that it isn't all glitz and glamour.

Au contraire. It's all about sitting on your own for hours at a time and not just writing but planning what you're going to write and how you're going to make money.

That's what my life is like. I go to my desk every day and work for about 3 to 4 hours, sometimes longer. Some days I even go back into my office in the evening and work till late.

I don't socialize much which is fine with me because I find social situations mentally exhausting anyway. And I'd much rather be writing.

To me, working on my own doesn't bother me at all, in fact, I love working this way.

It can be hard sometimes, and it especially was in the beginning when I lacked the self-discipline to sit down and work every day, and there are still odd days when I don't feel like doing anything. But now I'm extremely organized which makes my work easier and faster. And now I wouldn't want to work any other way.

In fact, I consider myself unemployable because it makes me shudder to imagine having to go back to working for someone else for a living, and also because I can't NOT write every day.

And many of the books I've written are all about how you can use my own methods of working so that you too can be living the writer's life, even if it's not glamorous and social.

I can't promise that if you buy my books and follow my advice that you'll be able to earn a living as a writer because I don't know you and I don't know how much effort (if any) you'll put into your writing dream.

But what I can say is that if you do follow my advice, you'll be far ahead of the rest of the would-be writers who think that osmosis is the best way.

Just click the link below and choose where you want to start.

Monday 25 November 2019

Write About What You Do and Earn Money

Earning money online from writing isn't really complicated. If fact, starting with a basic blog and writing about what you do every day is an incredibly simple way to start (or do it as a sideline).

And it has an extra bonus because not only can it earn you money, but you'll also get other things done at the same time.

All you need to do is set up a simple (and free) blog like this one and write about something you do on a regular basis.

It can be anything, like exercising, cooking, gardening, parenting, saving money, knitting, woodwork, reading... whatever it is, if you write about it every day or every week, it will make you do more of it so that you have something to write about plus it makes you look at what you do differently/deeply because you have to have a good understanding to be able to explain it to others.

You won't just write about what you do, but why you do it, such as why did you plant that so deep? Why did you add that herb to your cooking? Why did you use that tool? Why didn't you like that book you read?

If you want to see how far it can take you, look at this simple blog which is run by a woman who also lives in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland where I live and her free blog is all about what she does every day at home and it's taken her far.

So you see, you don't have to know a lot. If it's something that you're interested in, then there will be others who are interested in it too, so that will give you an instant audience.

And a blog post can be written in less than 15 minutes.

You do have a spare 15 minutes a day, don't you?

How I Earned Over $4,000 Writing Articles in Just One Day

Thursday 21 November 2019

It Seems I'm Being Irrational About My Writing

I've been reading a book that I borrowed from the library. It's a huge book and I'm only a few pages into it so far but it's already got me hooked. It's fascinating.

This (huge) book is called The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene and it's all about understanding how and why others act the way they do and also how we act. It seems we all pretend to be someone we're not when we're in public because we all try to be polite and usually never speak our minds.

It also said that we all exhibit irrational behaviour all the time and we don't even realise we're doing it.

For example (and this is the one that caught my attention) procrastinating is irrational behaviour because we know we have to do something, yet we don't do it. Instead, we procrastinate and we know we're doing it yet we still persist.

And I guess it's true. Why would any rational person not do something they need to do even though they have nothing else to do at the time?

It got my attention because it's what we all do when it comes to writing.

Not only do we procrastinate, but we also have so many different ways we could be sitting down and getting our writing done and earning money at the same time.

Just look at this list of 3 writing courses:

7 Day Ebook Writing and Publishing System

The 10 Day Ebook

How to Write Any Book in 28 Days or Less

Just these 3 courses alone could have you writing and publishing 3 books in the next 2 months if you don't procrastinate.

I find that being organised stops procrastination.

I just write a list of the 6 things I need to do every day (writing-related or not) and then I get to work on them straight away every morning. It helps because I don't have to think about what I'm going to do. I just look in the list in my diary and get straight to work on number 1.

That's also why I like to do writing courses (like the ones above) because they mean that all I have to do is open them up and get to work because they tell me exactly what I need to do and in what order so all I have to do is keep working my way through them.

And doesn't that sound more rational and simple to implement rather than always procrastinating and not knowing where to start?

So get organised and start writing.

No more excuses.

Stop your irrational behaviour.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

New Website Software Woes

I know I complained in my last post about my computer updating and causing me to not be able to use my website-building software anymore, but now I've subscribed to Adobe Creative Cloud, which includes my beloved Dreamweaver. But now it's so advanced I don't know how to use it.

So I spent several hours on the weekend working my way through Adobe online tutorials and making copious notes about how to use this newly upgraded software, and that was after it took a few hours to download all of the 22  huge apps that come with the license I purchased.

But at least I was finally able to add an article to my site, and it's one that I wrote a few weeks ago but was unable to upload... until now.

 I Know The Secret To Writing Productivity

But it still took me almost an hour to do it because the software is so new to me. I feel like a novice all over again.

These days most people like to use simple ways to create websites like using the online WordPress software. But I like to have more control over my sites so that I can change and update them whenever and however I want to.

I'm also in the process of starting a new website for writers and using my current RuthIsWriting site for something else. The plans are still only on paper at the moment but this is a space worth watching.  Make sure you follow this blog so that you'll know when the new one launches.

And I'm also currently working on my next book which is one of many I have planned to write.

The problem is that I have so many ideas yet not enough time to implement them all. But I'm trying to be better organised.

At the moment I feel hampered by the weather too because here in Queensland, Australia, it's almost summer (1st December) and it's really getting extremely hot now and we've also had quite a few thunderstorms but very little rain, so we are also in a drought (since July) and there is talk of water restrictions being introduced soon.

We also have quite a number of bushfires burning in our state (16 at last count) and there is a lot of smoke haze around. Last week we were on a watch-and-wait list to see if one of the fires was going to get too close and we'd all have to evacuate, but it didn't come to that.

But with computer updates, new software to learn to use, hot weather, bushfires, storms, etc, I feel like something is trying to stop me move forward with what I want to do.

But I won't be beaten and it only makes me want to work harder, which, because I love to write, isn't such a bad thing.

Especially when I have a growing list of so many writing ideas that I want to work on.

Goodbye Writer's Block:
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas
Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write