Wednesday 22 January 2020

Life Saving Mission

I've been talking a lot lately about my new book, Mission Critical For Life.

And that's because, not only is it a great book and an absorbing read, having a mission can literally save your life.

Now I know that might sound over-the-top, but it's true.

You see having a mission gives you a purpose in life. It's productive and you enjoy it. And this has the knock-on effect of making you less needy of other people's time and attention when you have your mission always waiting for you.

Unproductive people who don't have a mission are always miserable. You can usually tell who they are because they have dirty homes, use drugs or alcohol, are lonely, depressed and lack confidence.

On the other hand, people with a mission are the exact opposite.

They don't need others at all (although others need them) and so they are never lonely, are happy, healthy, driven and confident.

And mostly, they really enjoy life and love what they do.

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor

I love this saying because it's true:

'Use absence to increase respect and honor' 
~ 48 Laws of Power

In fact, I like this saying so much that I used it in my new book, Mission Critical For Life.

When you start to get busy with your mission, it also makes you remove yourself from your social circle more. Being elusive (reclusive) makes you appear more valuable to others. People will want to spend time with you.

The opposite is true of chatty non-stop talkers who are always available. They are the least respected. People want to get away from them.

When those in your social circle start to see less of you, they place you in higher esteem. It's such a natural phenomenon.

And you don't even have to try because having a mission, naturally makes you absent from others more.

So no matter who they are, and no matter how they let you down, or how much they want to be with you, you can (and will) always have your mission to turn to.

And once you discover what that is, you'll be Mission Critical For Life.

Monday 20 January 2020

Spend Time. Don't Fill It

What's the difference between spending time and filling time?

Filling (killing/wasting) time means you have nothing to do so you look for things to distract you while time passes by.

Spending time means doing what matters - to you. Something substantial that gives you an ROI.

What's surprising is that most people expect you to waste your time on things that they think you SHOULD be doing. This is just another form of bullying.

The proof that so many people are bored and looking for something to fill the time in their boring unfulfilled lives is all the passing bandwagons that people jump on. At the moment it's climate change.

Before that, it was the diminishing ozone layer, and before that, it was acid rain. Now they don't care about any of those things and instead think that burning coal is the issue.

There are always passing bandwagons for bored people to jump onto.

And they always think that they are experts. Yet they have nothing better to do with their lives except copy whatever others are doing. They are reactive. Never proactive.

Cafes and bars are always full of people filling their time gossiping and talking much without saying anything.

And while all this time-wasting is going on, there are others who are filling their time and their lives by pursuing their mission.

They don't have time for idle chit-chat and other time-killing activities.

They prioritise their mission and spend their time doing what they want to do. Something substantial that gives them an amazing ROI, including financial freedom, astounding self-confidence, and peace of mind.

This is Mission Critical For Life.

Saturday 18 January 2020

Why Do I Bother Getting Out of Bed?

A while back I was talking to a woman I know and I was saying how much it was raining when the alarm went off and it felt too cozy to get out of bed.

Note: it was REALLY a while back because we've been in a 6-month drought and are currently suffering through the Australian Bush Fires. :)

Anyway, she asked me an unusual question. She said, 'Why do you set the alarm every morning?'

I said, 'To get up every day.'

And she said, 'What for?'

I said, 'So that I don't miss the day.'

She then went on to say that she couldn't understand why anyone would set an alarm clock every night when they don't have a job to get up and go to in the morning.

I didn't know what to say. She then told me that she never sets an alarm and simply wakes up when she wakes up and if she doesn't want to get up straight away, she just reads a book till around lunchtime and then only gets up because she's hungry.

I was flabbergasted. I couldn't imagine my life being so tedious and boring that I wouldn't want to get out of bed every day.

Imagine having no reason at all to get out of bed?

That's where she and I are so different.

I have a mission. It's my writing and every day I look forward to doing it.

I look forward to getting up every single day and working on it.

My mission is the most constant thing in my life.

Even if I lost everything else, I'd still have my mission.

It's why I get out of bed each and every day.