Friday 24 April 2020

15 Minutes of Daily Focus is All it Takes

The word focus is talked about a lot these days and the reason is because it’s so, so important.

Personally, I find that when my focus is strong I can achieve so much. And it doesn’t matter what I’m doing, whether it’s washing the dishes, weeding the garden, or cleaning the car. All I do is concentrate ‘in the moment’ on whatever I’m doing which might be washing a cup, pulling up a dandelion, or cleaning the windscreen of the car. I just concentrate purely on just one thing at a time.

There’s a Zen saying that no matter how many dirty dishes you have, you only actually have one dish to wash, ever. Once you realise this, washing the dishes no longer seems like a chore to be dreaded. It also becomes so much easier to do other things too, moment by moment.

And I find that using focus in everything works with my writing too. It makes it easier and pleasant to do.

But how can you gain focus in everything?

Just like all things, you get there step-by-step.

So begin with 15 minutes a day of focus on one thing. Simply spend 15 minutes focusing moment-by-moment on one task, thinking of nothing else except what you doing, and not allowing your mind to wander. It can be anything you want to do:

  • Weeding
  • Organising/cleaning
  • Business planning
  • Tending the laundry
  • Vacuuming
  • Polishing the furniture

Just 15 minutes a day doing one task with nothing else occupying your attention.

And once you try it, you’ll notice that not only can you do things more thoroughly, but it will seem easy. You’ll also be amazed at how much you can get done in just 15 short minutes.

To get started quickly, download a free 15 minute audio of Nitrofocus, to help you with timing and focus.

It really is quite amazing what a difference just 15 minutes of focus can make.

Read more about focus and how it can help with everything in your life, especially your writing and productivity at

Saturday 18 April 2020

Thousands of Freelance Writing Markets

Yesterday I finished my updated list of freelance writing markets and uploaded it to my newly designed website at

You can go and have a look at the list which is shorter than before because I've weeded out all the outdated information and broken links so that all the writing markets are current.

So whether you're looking for fiction markets, horror writing markets, online writing markets, travel writing markets, poetry, and more, you'll find it all here. There's even a list of over 100 sites that pay $50 to $3,000 per blog post.

I also plan to keep adding more writing markets as I find them.

Don't forget to sign up for updates so that whenever I add to these markets, you'll be the first to know about it plus you'll also be one of the first to know about all my latest books, writing articles, writing competitions, discounted offers and free ebooks.

There are always more ways to earn more money from your writing, I want to help you do it.

So use the email link in the sidebar to sign up for regular writing updates and then go to and start browsing, writing and submitting.

Have fun.

And keep writing. ✍

Friday 27 March 2020

How to Make Your Writing Ludicrously Spectacular

Today I have for you a real information-packed video by writer and marketer, Ann Handley.

It's all about writing, researching and making more money from your writing.

The video is just over an hour long and there is so much great information in it that you'll want to take notes.

I hope it really helps you.

Just click the video below and enjoy.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Want To Work From Home?

When I first quit work to write full-time, I had a lot of people say to me that they couldn't work from home and would go crazy if they couldn't go to work every day and be around others. They thought that being home alone every day would be too much for them.

Fast forward to this Coronavirus situation and now everyone wishes they worked from home because many of them can't go to work or have to stay home and self-isolate.

It's this that I find the easiest to cope with. As a writer, I find it easy to stay home. Sometimes I don't talk to other people for days. When I'm working in a window of inspiration, which can last for days at a time, I barely even talk to my husband. I have a separate office at home and I can sit in here for hours and lose track of time. Sometimes I only know it's night time when I look up and see that it's dark outside.

And to be honest, even when I'm not writing, I'm quite the shut-in anyway. I don't socialise much, I avoid get-togethers, I cringe when I'm invited to a 'party', I stay away from large gatherings as much as I can and I discourage people from visiting me at home or phoning me unless it's important.

So this situation of being advised to stay at home as much as possible poses little to no change in my day-to-day way of life.

In fact, if I did have to do self-imposed isolation, I'd happily use the time to write more and earn more and I doubt that anything would feel different.

So while more and more people are currently wishing they worked from home, I'm already doing it.

Join me by downloading any of my free ebooks, and learn more about how to write more and earn more and enjoy working from home.

Sign up by email and receive the free ebook Writing For Cash and start writing today.