There are all different kinds of writers.
But mostly, there are only 2 kinds.
Writers and wanna-be writers.
The real writers write every day.
The wanna-bes don't.
And somehow there seems to be far more wanna-bes than actual writers.
But this is good news for you.
It means that it doesn't take much to be better than the rest.
All it takes is for you to show up and write every day.
And it doesn't have to be all day.
Just 30 minutes a day will do.
Why only 30 minutes?
Because it's half an hour more than most people write every day.
If you don't believe me just try it.
For the first 30 minutes of every day, for the next 30 days, write something.
It can be anything.
A blog post. An email. A marketing article (or 2 articles if you use my 15 minute article writing formula). A chapter of your next book.
Not only will you be writing far more that most "writers," you should also see a significant increase in your writing income.
Just try it.
Write for the first 30 minutes of every day, for the next 30 days.
I promise you'll be amazed.
It will make you better and faster than the rest.