Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Too Many Writers Don't Spoil The Broth

I am fortunate to live in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland in Queensland, Australia.

It’s a collection of small towns and villages up in the mountains that run between the coast and the inland.

It is a Bohemian culture up here full of artists and writers and people wearing tie-tied clothing, flowing skirts, loose shirts and dreadlocks.

It’s an area of cafes and craft shops selling the work of local artists.

The cafes are full of writers, all sat working for hours every day.

Writers also can be found in the libraries and parks, all busy working on their laptop computers.

 But can there be too many writers to spoil the broth, just like there can be too many cooks?

In the 2 years that I’ve lived here, I’ve found it to be a place that’s very conducive to writing.

I’ve written more here than anywhere I’ve ever lived before.

I think this is because environment is important when you’re writing.

Even online you need to be aware of the virtual environment you’re in and decide whether it’s helping you to write or hindering you.

Choose wisely who you follow online and the places that you visit.

And don’t spend too much time online.

Instead, make sure that you’re spending most of your time writing.

And don’t be afraid of spending time with too many other writers because, as I found, too many writers don’t spoil the proverbial broth.

Instead they add more flavour.

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