Wednesday 2 December 2015

Gain An Extra Month Of Writing in 2016

“Two Thousand And Sixteen On Laptop Shows Year 2016” by Stuart Miles
Now is the time of year when we all start looking ahead to the New Year and start planning all the things we'll be doing during those 12 shiny, new months.

But why have 12 months when you can have 13?

Do you know how much more writing you could do if you had an extra month? A lot. In November every year, thousands of writers complete a whole novel manuscript during the 30 days of  NaNoWriMo.

But how can you gain an extra month in a year? That's not possible is it?

It is if you start now.

Don't wait until January to start working your yearly writing plan.

Start now in December, and by January you'll be a month ahead.

Of course, this will only work if you're serious about your writing.

If you aren't, you'll wait till January (as usual), begin with good intentions, and then repeat the year before with all its lack of focus, never-ending stream of excuses, and no writing done.

Don't waste another minute (or another month).

Start your New Years writing plan today.

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