Monday, 1 January 2018

Doing Goals Wrong?

I've heard quite a few people lately talking about their "new" goals for 2018.

And what struck me the most is not that their "new" goals seem the same as their usual goals that they make every year, and that they had an end goal but no plans to get there.

That's why I think that goal planning is more about knowing the tasks you need to do rather than the end goal you're expecting.

For instance, if you want to lose weight, don't make losing 20kg your goal, instead decide what exercise you're going to take up, what it is that you're going to eat, and, more importantly, what you're not going to eat. In other words, know what you're going to do every day.

And if you want to make more money from your writing, instead of having a goal of making $100K this year, think about how you're going earn a lot more money, what writing you're going to do every day, what time of day you're going to do it, or what you need to learn so that you can achieve your goal.

Perhaps you need to learn more about blogging, or how to write a book or how to make money freelance writing.

Whatever it is, think of what you need to do to get you to your goal, and then concentrate only on working your way through the steps you need to take.

This is a much better way to approach goal setting because it puts you in the driving seat of what you can control (the tasks you need to do) instead of looking at something that is unachievable without knowing the right steps to take (your goal).

Focus on what you can control.

And if you don't know how to reach your goal, find a way to learn what you need to know.

Learn new skills in business, writing, selling...whatever you need for 2018 to be your best ever. Many courses are free.

Create A Wordpress Website From Scratch. A Step by Step Tutorial For Beginners. Free online course.

How to Start a Blog - 7 Day WordPress Blog Challenge. Free online course.

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