Sunday, 31 December 2017

Hello To Another Year of Writing

This is my last piece of writing that I'll be publishing this year.

Tomorrow is New Years Day and the first day of 2018.

And while it's a good time to say goodbye to all the things you don't want, it's also time to say hello to what you do want.

I've read a lot about LOA, Law Of Attraction, which states over and over that you get what you're thinking about.

Or more importantly, it feeds on your negative and positive emotions.

In other words, it doesn't matter if you think you can't do something or you think you can, you're right both times.

So if you're feeling bad about being in debt, you'll stay in debt.

Or if you're feeling happy about paying off your debt you'll pay it off and get out of debt because you're positive about it.

So when you're thinking about your writing goals for next year, think positively about them.

And if they don't make you feel positive, maybe you're thinking about what you "should" be doing instead of what you want to do.

The question is, what kind of writing would you want to do if anything was possible?

Do you want to be a blogger?

What do you want to write about?

Do you want to be a copywriter?

SEO writer?


Ebook writer?


Whatever it is, what type of writer do you want to be?

You don't even need to know how you're going to do it.

Just feel the positive emotion of whatever appeals to you the most.

Trust your feelings. They'll let you know what you really want to do by how you're feeling.

And feeling good about what you want to do helps give you the motivation to do it.

And then you'll figure out the how.

See you next year.

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