Friday, 5 January 2018

We'd All Make Changes If We Could

Ask any top writer, and they'll tell you that there are things they'd change in their block buster novels if they could.

And it's the same for any writer, including you.

The more you go over your work, the more you see things that you want to change.

This is why I say that the perfect piece of writing doesn't exist.

Because there's no such thing as perfect.

Perfect is subjective, meaning it's influenced by personal tastes, feelings or opinions .

That's why it's impossible to please all of the people all of the time.

And why you should never try to.

And when you're editing your work, there is a time to say good enough is good enough, otherwise you'll go on making changes forever.

I was listening to an audio recording a few days ago of email specialist and top copywriter, Ben Settle, analysing some of his old sales pages that he'd writtten for other people. He was going through them and saying why he included things and how it helped to make sales.

But all the way through the kept saying things like "I could have written that better."

Yet these sales pages had generated tens of millions of dollars in sales. And the clients he'd written them for had been running them for years and earning even more millions from them.

Yet Ben was looking at them and talking about what he'd change about them if he could.

So you see?

We always want to change what we've written.

It never seems good enough.

So once you've written something, especially something as big as an ebook, don't over edit it.

You'll never feel 100% satisfied. But if you feel at least 80% happy with it, then it's probably time to ship it and let it go.

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