Wednesday, 6 February 2019

The One and Only Secret to Making Money Writing eBooks

When I first ever thought about writing an ebook, I thought it would take months to do.

First I had to have a great idea. Then I needed to outline it, write it, edit it, proofread it, get a cover and publish it.

Sounds like a lot, doesn't it?

But first of all what I didn't realise is that the publishing part is easy and an ebook takes less than 5 minutes to publish.

And as to the outlining and writing, well... that depends on several different factors like how long your ebook is, how focused you are and how fast you can write.

If there's one thing that is THE most important when it comes to writing any book, it's how motivated you are which also influences how fast you can write.

And one thing that I've learned, is that the more I write, the faster I get.

That's because anything is easier and faster the more you do it, and eventually, you develop your own routines and ways of writing.

There are many authors who've found that they can write an ebook in as little as 3 days.

Sylvester Stalone wrote the script for Rocky in 3 days, and best selling author Stuart Wilde wrote most of his books in 2 or 3 days.

And you can download my free ebook "How to Write a Book in 6 Days" to learn more. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the trick, I really appreciate the effort you made in teaching someone like me with this information of yours.

    Thanks buddy

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