Showing posts with label Productivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Productivity. Show all posts

Thursday 12 October 2017

Writing Doesn’t Get Easier. You Get Better.

No matter what you want to do in life, you can only get good at it with practice.

This is why writing every day is SO important, because the more you write, the faster and better you get which makes it feel so much easier.

Think of it like a bricklayer learning to lay bricks.

If you’ve ever watched them, they’re really fast at what they do and so precise.

It’s amazing to watch how they slap down bricks and scrape on mortar so quickly and yet the bricks are spaced apart perfectly and the thickness of the mortar between them is so even.

Yet they seem to be slapping it on haphazardly.

But that’s how practice helps them to be so efficient and skilled.

They weren’t born with that ability. It took years of practice and apprenticeship.

And it’s the same with everything we do.

Remember the first time you ever tried to drive a car?

At first, it seemed so hard with so much to do at the same time with gears, accelerator, brakes, indicators, steering, and mirrors. Not to mention all the other traffic on the road, and watching speed signs, road signs and traffic lights.

But then after much practice, driving seemed so much easier and you no longer had to think about what you were doing. And now you just get in and drive.

And it's the same with writing because the more you do it, the easier it seems and so the faster you get.

But it’s not because the writing is easier to do. It’s the same. Just like laying bricks or learning to drive a car.

None of those things change. It’s just you that gets better.

And if you have a writing system that you use over and over again, it will soon seem as though the books write themselves.

That’s why I published my 7 Day Ebook Writing and Publishing System that takes you from idea to finished ebook - AND sales -  in just 7 days.

And you can use it over and over again.

Once you have a system that works, you just have to use it for all your books to get them all written fast.

Plus you’ll also receive the bonus ebook, How to Write a Short Report in 2 Hours.

It makes writing books SEEM easy, but it’s just helping you to get better.

The 7 Day Ebook Writing And Publishing System:
How to Write and Publish an Ebook and Start Getting Sales in Just One Week

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Writing Articles Quickly

“Speedy Typing With Keyboard” by adamr
The Following is an excerpt from my ebook "How to Write an Article in 15 Minutes or Less: Including research, proof reading and editing." - -

15 minutes is a generous amount of time to research and write an article. With practice, you should be able to do it in 10 minutes, so instead of writing 4 articles an hour, you can write 6. That’s a 50% increase in production.

When you’re earning money per article, time is money, so the faster you can write, the better.
Your own articles, with good keywords and useful information, could earn you $20 to $100 in consistent sales, depending on what you’re selling and how hungry your market is.

You can use article writing to build an online business and start earning money straight away.
You could, if you wanted to, spend half a day ghost writing for clients - for instant money, and the rest of the day writing for yourself.

Or you could spend half a day writing ebooks and the other half writing articles to promote them.
But you need to start writing so that you can quickly get into the habit of writing fast.

So don’t just passively read this ebook. Take action. Start writing articles straight away and by this time next week, you’ll have written your first 100 articles.

Or even if you achieve only half that amount, it’s 50 more articles than you wrote this week.

And 50 articles in one week is a lot. You could upload the best ones to your website and use the rest for online marketing. 50 articles means you’ll have enough content for your website straight away.

Some people set up a blog or website and then sit there scratching their head because they don’t know what to do next.

So they upload one or two pages of content, have no idea how to move forward from there and get bored and say that making money online is impossible.

How different would it be if they had up to 100 pages of content already written in just one week because they’d used the 15 minute article writing system that you’re about to learn?

If you can write up to 100 articles a week, you’ve got the ability to set up as many niche websites that you want or ghost write articles for money consistently.

You can also set up an email campaign to sell more products or produce short ebooks to sell or to use for marketing.

And it all starts with being able to write articles quickly.

I hope this chapter has given you some idea of how many articles you can write and different ways you can use them to earn money.

But you must start writing articles. Today! And every day after today.

Build up your article writing habit now.

I hope this short excerpt has inspired you to want to down load the ebook and the 2 bonus products that come with it: "10 Ways to Make Money Writing Articles" and "How to Write 1 Article in 7 Different Ways."

These ebooks will get you up and writing fast. Plus with the bonus ebooks, you can take one article idea, write it 7 different ways and make money from it in 10 different ways.

And if you already own these ebooks, why aren't you writing more articles?

Time is money my friends.

Monday 24 July 2017

Get Your Novel Written

BAM - Book A Month

Is there a novel you’ve been meaning to write but just haven’t gotten around to it?

Or have you started writing a novel a really long time ago but just haven’t finished?

Well here is an easy way to get that novel written.

The first thing you need to do is plan what you’re going to write. I find that writing is much more fun when I have a plan to work from. That way all the hard thinking work is done so all I need to do is write.

The first part of your plan needs to be an outline which includes the main plot, two to three subplots, main characters and supporting characters. And also a few hooks to keep your readers reading. Hooks are things that are hinted at but won’t be revealed until later in the story.

You also need to decide how many chapters you’re going to write and how long each one will be. It’s important to know these things so that you can stick to your word count.

Next, you need to decide how much you can realistically expect to write every day. Don’t over estimate this otherwise you’ll feel disappointed every time you don’t reach your daily word count. On the other hand, if you set your expectations low, every time you achieve it or do much more, it will make you feel motivated to keep going.

Then you need to do the writing. Just make sure you meet your word count every day. Tell yourself you can’t go to bed until your word count is met.

And then do just do it. Show up every day and get your novel written.

But don’t do it instead of the other writing you should be doing.

You can still earn income from your other freelance writing and affiliate marketing while writing your books at the same time.

And every day you’ll feel like a winner AND you’ll be earning money from your writing.

It’s a win-win.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Are You Writing Enough?

“Frustrated Young Executive” by imagerymajestic
One of the biggest complaints I hear from writers is that they don’t get enough writing done every day.

This is the topic of my latest article called “Where Does My Writing Time Go?”

And this problem happens every day.

You get up in the morning with high hopes and great intentions of getting plenty of writing done - writing a few articles, finishing your latest book, submitting a couple of freelance proposals.

But all of a sudden - BANG!

The day is over and although you’ve been busy all day, jumping from one task to another, you’ve barely touched your writing.

So you promise yourself that tomorrow will be different…but it never is.

If you’re experiencing this phenomena, one of the reasons for it could be that you haven’t established your preferred writing time.

We all know that having a good writing routine is important, but it wont’ help you if you're doing it at the wrong time of day.

You see some of us are morning writers, some work better in the afternoons while others are happier working in the evenings, burning the proverbial midnight oil.

I know one person who settles down to write at 9 or 10 pm every evening and keeps going till the early hours of the morning.

Admittedly he’s a late riser every day, but it doesn’t matter because he does whatever he wants all day before settling down to write again in the evening.

In the best selling book 2k to 10K, author Rachel Aaron explains how she tried different times to write and recorded her progress. To her amazement she found she was most productive in the afternoon, even though she was sure she was a morning person. And that’s how she increased her writing speed from 2,000 words/hour to 10,000.

So if you’re not getting enough writing done every day, try out a few different times to write and see if you are really a morning, afternoon or evening writer.

And if you do need to change the time of day (or evening) when you write, be prepared because it will take you out of your comfort zone and you will have to make sacrifices.

But before you know it, your new writing routine will be of such a benefit to you (as in, how much more you can get done) that you won’t mind at all.

Read more about how Rachel Aaron went from writing 2,000 an hour to 10,000 words.

Monday 27 March 2017

The Real “Secret” To Writing Success

In the title of this post I’ve used quotes around the word “secret” because there is no real secret to being a successful writer.

It just takes work.

But it’s good work.

And if you do the work you WILL see results - no matter what your situation.

So if  you’re not currently seeing the success from your writing that you want, then you need to take a step back and look at what you’re doing.

What is it that’s holding you back?

What have you been putting off?

What is it that you know you need to do?

What is it that you’re looking for?

Are you looking for an excuse?

Or are you looking for success?

Whatever you’re looking for, you WILL find it.

But what it all comes down to is whether you’re willing to do the work.

Because that is the real “secret” to becoming a successful writer.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Why I Hate Writing

“Worried Man Sitting On White” by Master isolated images
Being a writer isn’t always easy.

In fact, most days it can seem really difficult.

People think it’s easy to sit at home and write. Some even say it’s “Not a proper job.”

But I earn all my income from my writing so it is a proper job.

Not only that, but no one ever sees how much I actually write because not everything gets published, for various reasons, including projects I abandon part-way through and things I delete completely and start from scratch.

And if those two things aren’t soul-destroying enough, there are three other reasons that make it hard.

  1. It’s a Solitary Job. When I write, even when I collaborate on projects with another writer like The Wealthy Writer and Copyright Infringement, I still work alone. I don’t answer the phone or the door and I can’t sit with anyone else because if they say just one thing to me it breaks my train of thought.

  2. I Can’t Think of Anything Else. When I’m writing I can’t think of anything else because I have to stay focused on what I’m doing. So when other thoughts jump into my head, “I wonder what the time is? What will I make for dinner? Do the plants need watering? Why did I stay up so late last night? I wish the neighbour’s dog would stop barking,” I have to chase them away.

  3. It Requires 100% Focus and Concentration. Sometimes I’m completely enthralled in my work and can spend hours in a huge window of inspiration and creativity. Other times I have to force myself to focus on what I’m doing but it’s difficult and the words simply won’t come. But I know that if I keep trying, it will get easier.

And with no one to tell me what to do and no boss standing over me cracking a whip, staying focused and getting work done is twice as hard.

So why do I write for a living if it’s so hard?

Because It’s equally (if not more) a great way to earn money.

Being a writer is just something that I’ve wanted to do all my life so when I decided to make it my career, it didn’t come as a surprise.

I couldn’t imagine not being a writer.

I just couldn’t.

There really is nothing else I want to do.


Want To Be More Focused?

Want to be more productive, not just with writing but with everything you do?

Download a free demo MP3 of Nitrofocus and listen to it as you work.

It’s so amazing the difference it makes.

You really need to try it for yourself to see what I mean.

Click the image below, download the free Nitrofocus MP3 and start writing as you listen.

It will have you speeding effortlessly through everything you do.

Monday 2 January 2017

Always Check Your ROI

“Roi Button Shows Rate Of Return And Pointer” by Stuart Miles
In any business, ROI is important.

But I think it’s important in everything I do.

If you don’t already know, ROI stands for Return On Investment. Or as I think of it, “What’s in it for me?”

In other words, what are you getting out of what you’re doing, what you’re investing your time in?

Usually ROI means what you invest your money in, but time is also a huge investment and shouldn’t be wasted.

So whatever you’re doing, consider your ROI.

For instance:

  ~ Watching TV for hours gives you slothfulness and an expanded waistline.

  ~ Gossiping with other people makes you unpopular.

  ~ Writing an article and publishing it on your website/blog, gives you advertising revenue, affiliate commissions or book sales.

  ~ Writing another chapter of your book takes you closer to publication.

Always thinking about your ROI will help you make better decisions about what to do with your time.

And the bigger the ROI, the bigger the feeling of satisfaction. 

And if you spend more time writing, the more money you’ll earn.


Want To Be More Focused?

Want to be more productive, not just with writing but with everything you do?

Download a free demo MP3 of Nitrofocus and listen to it as you work.

It’s so amazing the difference it makes.

You really need to try it for yourself to see what I mean.

Click the image below, download the free Nitrofocus MP3 and start writing as you listen.

It will have you speeding effortlessly through everything you do.

Saturday 24 December 2016

New Year Writing Resolutions For 2017

My new 2017 Diary
This is the time of year when most people (and especially writers it seems) are making plans of their goals for the coming year.

And I'm no different.

A few days ago I went to one of my favourite stores, Office Works, and salivated over all the notebooks, pens and other office supplies. There are so many things you can buy in these huge stores including office furniture, toasters, kettles, coffee and big bags of lollies (candies). Yep, everything you could possibly want for your office.

I didn't buy much because I was really only there to ogle the stock but I did buy a few things (eraser, pencil sharpener, other just-as-exciting office supplies) and one thing that I did buy was a new diary.

Usually I have an A4 diary but I've decided that it's too big to keep open on my desk while I work. So this year I bought one half the size - A5.

It still has one day to each page (see image above of the first page of the year) plus a calendar for 2017 and 2018, and pages of useful dates (school holidays, public holidays, etc). It's much less space for writing in than I'm used to so I will just have to tighten up my word count in my new diary. I'm sure it will be fine.

But just having my new blank diary full of possibilities of what I'm going to be working on next year, fills me with new hope of achieving more from my writing.

The last few years I've increased my writing income and I'm hoping to increase it ten-fold in 2017.

In fact I'm so sure of my potential earnings that I'm currently looking at renting a local office to work from.

It can be extremely hard sometimes to separate my working life from my private life because I'm at home all the time. And more often than not, people are overstepping my working boundaries (because their lives are oh so busy and so they only have time to talk to me during my working hours).

I try to write mainly through the day so that I can keep my evenings free for other things. Sometimes the two blur together and sometimes I get no writing done at all because other things keep cropping up, especially with other people.

So to alleviate this I've decided to work more away from home whenever I can, because I know that I can write much more when I'm out every day. And the easiest way to achieve this is to rent a small office and go and work there, that way I can be left alone to write. Plus I'm far more productive away from home.

The only problem with this plan is that there are very few small offices to rent around here, so I may struggle to find somewhere. But I'm already looking and trying to arrange viewings. Hopefully I'll find my writing oasis soon.

I'm also considering renting out the extra space in my new yet-to-be-rented office to other local writers so that they can hire a desk to write at on a monthly basis. These are known as 'co-working spaces.' The image in my mind is so idyllic of how this is going to work. Or perhaps I'll keep my office private and shut myself away to get more writing done.

At the moment I don't know what's going to happen, whether I'll find a suitable office or not, or maybe I'll rent a bedroom in someone's house and use that as my office instead because there are plenty of rooms to rent for around $100 a week which is much cheaper than renting an office.

But one thing I know for sure is that I will be writing more in 2017 than I ever have before and my income from my writing will be higher than it's ever been.

So no matter what happens, I know I'll make it.

My writing 'to-do' list is waiting for me and so is my new 2017 diary, so I will be scanning the former and filling in the latter over the next few days.

And tomorrow is Christmas Day (I don't celebrate this day I just have a day off from doing anything that I don't want to do) which is probably the best day for me to make my plans and start finishing up what I'm currently working on and fill in my diary so that I can start my new work in the New Year.

I also don't think I'm the only one who plans to write more next year because currently my best selling ebook is How to Write an Article in 15 Minutes or Less - including research, writing and Proof Reading.

It's this month's best seller. :)

How to Write an Article in 15 Minutes or Less - including research, writing and Proof Reading.

Click Here to learn How I Earned Over $4,000 Writing Articles 
In Just One Day

I did it using my simple 15 minute article writing system which Includes Research, Writing and Proof Reading

Wednesday 2 November 2016

7 Ways to Make Writing Easier

Guest post:

“Difficult Sphere Means Hard Challenging Or Problematic” by Stuart Miles
 By Ben Settle

A few weeks ago, I received an interesting comment from someone who wanted to hire me to write an ad, and one of the things she said was I make writing seem "effortless." Which I found kind of ironic.


Because the reality is I don't find writing effortless at all. I find it extremely hard. I actually HATE writing. In fact, to quote the late, great copywriter Sir Gary of Halbert: "Writing sucks!"

But... since it pays the bills I do it anyway. And thank God there ARE ways to make it easier (and even fun). Below are just a few of these ways...

1. Write every day

Hey, it may sound corny, but it really is true the more you do something, the easier and more "routine" it gets.

2. Write like you talk

If you can talk, you can write. I know of one person who writes entire BOOKS just by reading into a recorder while driving around and then transcribing it.

3. Don't try to impress anyone

Forget pleasing other writers or copywriters or whatever. Say what needs saying and let the chips fall wherever they may. Yes... some people WILL whine and complain. Might as well expect it. But most will love you for it and even become your biggest fans.

4. Be "real"

Be YOU and not a warmed-over version of someone else. Frankly, it makes writing easier, faster and more persuasive.

5. Keep it pithy

When in doubt... snip it out.

6. Tell stories

This is the EASIEST way to write. It's also the easiest way for people to remember your message. Even memory training experts teach putting everything in story format because it makes it easier for peoples' brains to remember and "process" information.

7. Respect peoples' time

This is a biggie. One reason ads, emails, blogs, etc are ignored is because people are too busy to be bothered reading them. And if you simply respect your readers' time (like for example, by being pithy), they'll be FAR more likely to hear you out (and, yes, buy). Anyway, those are some "tried and true" ideas for making writing a lot easier.


For more ways to make writing easier check out the free tips at:

Wednesday 26 October 2016

A New Writing Article and a Product Review

This is just a quick note to let you know that I have recently added a new article to my website at and a new review of a writing product.

The article is called "Are You A Writer? Assessment Test."

So I guess you could say it's not actually an article but more of a really short assessment test.

You can find the article at

I also wrote a review of the Nitrofocus MP3 program offered by Inspire3.

I don't always go a bundle on these types of products but this one is really good.

And one of the best things about it is that you don't have to take time out of your busy day to listen to it. You just put on your  headphones and get on with your writing (or any other task you have to do) while you listen.

And you can download a free 15 minute demo to try it out for yourself.

I started with the demo and put it on a loop to repeat to an hour and it worked really well.

You can read my review called "Nitrofocus: "Get More Done in Less Time" at

Sit back and enjoy them both.

Friday 21 October 2016

A Simple Fix To Getting Everything Done On Your To-Do List

I've recently read Greg McKeown's best selling book, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less.

And it's not the first time I've read it, but I felt like refreshing my memory.

One of the things the author talks about in the book is about making sure that your to-do list isn't overwhelming.

This is something I suffer from greatly. It doesn't matter if it's a personal to-do list or my writing to-do list, I always manage to cram too much into it or vastly underestimate how much time each task will take me.

But Greg McKeown has a simple fix. So simple in fact, that I slapped my forehead and thought "Why didn't I think of that?"

His simple fix for making sure you get everything done on your to-do list is what he calls a buffer.

He also calls it "the unfair advantage."

Your to-do list (whether it's a daily, weekly or monthly list) should be prepared with planned tasks and activities. This means knowing exactly what steps you need to take to get a job done.

As an example, if you were writing a book, you wouldn't just put "write a chapter each week." Instead you'd list writing out your idea, expanding it into an outline, preparing your character profiles, expanding your character profiles, and so forth.

This means listing each and every task that you need to do to get the project done.

And then you need to create a time buffer to prepare for anything unforeseen that might come up or in case it takes you longer than you think to complete your tasks.

And the buffer he suggests is 50% more time than you think it will take.

So if you list all your tasks you need to do, write how much time each will take, add them up and then add 50% more.

Now I know that 50% sounds huge but, if you're like me, it will be a more realistic time frame, and, if you don't need that much time then you'll have time to do other things or get a jump start on your next writing project.

 So now you can go ahead and write out your next to-do list and add 50% extra time to get it done and then actually do it in time.

And being able to tick off everything in a to-do list, is a great feeling.

And it will help to keep you motivated too.

Thursday 13 October 2016

The Importance of Having a Designated Writing Space

Living the Laptop Lifestyle
I love to read about how other writers work.

And it’s not only how they write that I like to know, but where they write.

This includes what country they live in, the climate, who they live with and where they go to write.

And a common thing amongst successful writers is that they all have a designated space where they do most of their writing.

For many it’s actually a physically, detached space like a shed or a summer house. For others it’s a room in their house or even just a desk in a corner.

Some writers prefer to write away from home.

Jeffrey Archer, the British novelist and politician, wrote all his books while away on holiday for a few weeks at a time.

Maya Angelou rented a hotel room to write in and it was always the same room in the same hotel.

Rachel Aaron found she could increase her writing speed from 2,000 wph to 10,000 wph (words per hour) by going out and writing in a coffee shop and always in the afternoon.

Writing daily is a habit (if you let it become so) and having a designated writing place is like having a trigger to start writing, so that as soon as you get to your writing place, it puts you in the mood to write.

At home I write either at a table on the deck (if it’s nice weather, and it usually is) or at a desk in the annex room at the back of the house.

I also find I can write more when I’m away from home, either at the park or in the library.

Writing at Home

If I stay home to write then my space must be distraction-free. This means no internet. So I write with a pad and pen which also makes my mind feel more creative. I then type up my work on my writing computer which is a Mac Book Air which is easy to carry and I use it only for writing.

Writing Away From Home

This is so easy to do because where I live we typically have good weather all year round so sitting outside to work isn’t a problem. I can also sit in the library if it’s too hot or rainy.

And although there’s a lot of noise around me when I’m out, it’s not distracting because no one is wanting my attention and when I’m busy writing, no one disturbs me.

But no writing can get done until I actually sit down and get to work.

And having a regular place to write makes it easier because I know where I have to go and my mind switches to work mode as soon as I sit down.

Stephen King in his book, On Writing, espouses having your own place to write, preferably and room with a door that you can shut.

But usually, for me anyway, as long as it’s my usual writing space, it works.

Brain Evolution System
Get a Free MP3 Download
Clicking the Image Above

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Take a Break From Writing

"The Most Powerful Self-Development Technology on Earth!"
Writing every day is important.

Writing every hour of the day is not.

Unlike other jobs, working as a writer can’t be done for hour after hour without a break.

Not in my world.

There are times when I’m writing in one huge creative window and I just keep going and going, and when I look up 2 or 3 hours have gone by and I’m dying to pee.

But usually I need to take breaks.

If I don’t, I start to get distracted by email that doesn’t need checking or social media feeds that don’t need my attention.

On these days I need to time my writing and take 5 minutes break when the timer sounds. It’s the only way I can sit and write if I’m not in the mood or what I’m writing about is boring.

There are also other days when I really struggle to stay focused and on these days I have to give up because it’s a waste of time.

But when I’m writing I have to take breaks to relieve eye strain, give my spine a rest and clear my head.

So I move away from my desk, stand, stretch, walk away and do something physical for 5 minutes, even if it’s pat the dog or hang out the washing.

It really helps me to sit down again with a fresh mind.

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If you don't think these CDs are great, they come with a 100% money-back guarantee.
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Wednesday 21 September 2016

The Importance of Writing Every Day and How To Do It

Write Any Book, Or Script, In Just 28 Days...Or Less
If you read a lot about being a writer you’ll know that it’s important to write every day.

But why?

There are a variety of reasons and each one is just as important as the rest.

And here are three of them.

  • Laziness. It’s all too easy to get out of the habit of writing. First you miss a day, then another, and before you know it you haven’t written anything for over a week and you’ve lost the urge to write.
  • Habit. Bad habits are far easier to cultivate than good habits. That’s because it’s easy to NOT do something. So write every day to keep up the good habit.
  • Easy. Once you start writing every day, it becomes the norm and so it makes it easy to sit down and do it every day.

But sitting down and writing every day can be difficult if you don’t know what to write.

So make it easy on yourself.

Don’t think that you have to sit and do a writing marathon.

Begin with journaling. Just sit and write for 5 minutes about whatever’s in your head. 

Journaling is fun so you’ll want to sit and do it every day.

Or copy out someone else’s writing by hand. Just get out a book or article you wish you’d written and copy it out with a pad and pen. This will not only help you to learn that style of writing, but it gets you started writing.

Being a writer isn’t easy. Its having a job just like anyone else and it takes a lot of self-discipline to do it.

But every day I’d rather be a writer than anything else.

And THAT'S why I do it.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Selling One Million Books

I think I might have mentioned it lately (perhaps a dozen or more times a week) that I want to pull back on the online writing and write more books.

Changing what kind of writer we are can be scary because we don't know if it will work and bring in the same amount of income as our previous writing does.

And now is not a great financial time for me to mess with my income because I am the only wage earner between me and my husband, Dean, who is busy renovating our house. (Oh the expense of it all!)

Anyway, just when I needed a bit of inspiration and something to let me know that I'm on the right track, I came across an article about an author who writes supernatural thrillers.

His name is Scott Nicholson and over the last 7 years he has written and self published 30 novels and has achieved over one million sales.

I read it and immediately got out my calculator (well, my phone app that works as a calculator) and worked out that if this author earns just $2 per sale, his one million sales means he has averaged an income of over $285,000 a year.


Naturally he earned less in the first few years because he had less books published, but still, his sales are amazing. And he publishes his books as ebooks, paperbacks, and audio books (he mixes it up a bit).

What I took from this article is that it is possible to make a really good living as an author, as long as you're a good writer, can write compelling stories and are good at marketing and selling.

And because I've had so many years practise at all this, I'm sure I'll do fine.

Now...back to book writing.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

How to Procrastinate Less & Write More

“Binturong Bearcat Sleeping” by Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee
Sometimes, it seems hard to sit down and write.

Procrastination overwhelms you.

But here is a really interesting thing.

There really is no such thing as procrastination.

The problem that I have on days when I just find it hard to sit down and write, is just that.

It’s simply getting started that’s the problem, and not the actual writing itself.

I even sometimes sit down and then can’t think of what to do.

So this is how I get over this problem in just 3 simple steps.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

How to Be an Organised Writer

“Under Control Means Display Advertisement And Placard” by Stuart Miles
I've said it before and I'll say it yet again.

One of the hardest things I find about being a writer is having the self discipline to sit down  and work.

But it's not just about being disciplined enough to write.

I also need to be organised.


Because otherwise I waste time doing the same things over and over or spend hours looking for something because I cannot find which folder (digital or physical) that I filed it in.

This is why I have to have a place for everything and keep everything in it's place whether it's in my physical office or my virtual one on my computer.  I need to have a system of saving and updating things so that I don't waste time having to do things over from scratch or searching for a document.

I also need to have a way to do things. This means having a system for the way I write and publish articles and books.

For instance, for my blog posts I need to scale my images to size. To do this I know I need to change the width to 250 px and allow the image to scale proportionately to the correct height. I do this for every image that is in the top corner of a blog posts like this one. That way I know exactly what I have to do once I've downloaded a suitable image. I also go to the same website, to get all my images. That saves me having to look at more than one site.

It's the same with any job you do, whether it's a paid job, a work-from-home job and even doing chores around the house.

I have certain cleaning jobs I do at home on certain days. That way I just automatically do them without thinking about it and over the course of each week everything gets cleaned.

And it's the same if you start a new job. You learn how they handle everything from the morning mail, to public displays, advertising, filing systems, databases and more.

Companies have systems in place to speed up the working day.

Writers have systems in place to speed up their writing day.

I have systems that I use for the way I write articles. I have another one for how I write books.

If I didn't, every time I wanted to write something I'd have to sit and think of where to start, what needs doing and what order to do it in.

But because of my writing systems I know exactly what I need to do first and what to do next.

That way I simply work my systems and the writing gets done.

It's kind of like going to the gym or going on a diet. Once you know what you have to do, you just do it and you get fit or the weight drops off. No need for further thinking and planning. Just do what you gotta do and get on with it.

Likewise, I just stick to my tried and trusted writing systems and that's how I manage to work as a writer and earn all my income from my writing.

Being an organised writer is just as important as being a writer.

Without my filing systems and simple writing systems, I wouldn't get much done in a day.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Finding Time to Write

Many people I know say that they find it really hard to find time to do their writing.

They say that between working, looking after their family and doing household chores, there is just no time left in the day for writing.

That's because there is no such thing as "finding" time. Saying that you'll find time to do something is the same as saying you'll do it later.  Later doesn't exist. There is no such time as "later" and you can't "find" time.

Instead you have to allocate time to write. And preferably allocate the same time every day so that you can build up a really good daily writing habit AND it will be easier to actually sit down and write if you have dedicated time to it on a consistent basis.

But how can you decide which hours of the day to dedicate to writing if you think your daily schedule is already full?

Here are three ways that really work. Try them all.

1. Do Less of What Doesn't Matter
We all have time that we spend doing things that really don't matter because they are not helping us move towards our life goals. These may be things like watching TV, gossiping, unnecessary shopping, social media, emails, web surfing, and more. If it's not moving you forward in your life to where you want to be then you don't need it.

2. Use Otherwise Wasted Time
There are plenty of opportunities to make use of what would be wasted time in a day. It could be a train/bus journey to work, lunch break, waiting for kids after school, or perhaps you could get up an hour earlier to write. When J K Rowling wrote her first Harry Potter novel, she did it while her baby daughter slept for 2 hours in the afternoon. Her second novel she wrote during her lunch breaks at work.

3. Keep an Accountability Diary
If you really want to know where your time goes keep a diary of what you do all day long. This can be a complete revelation into how you spend your time. It can also help you to stop wasting time when you have to write down how much time you spend doing everything. An accountability diary really helps to keep you responsible for every precious moment of the day.

We all have time for doing what is important. Yet we waste it on unimportant things, then wonder where all our time went.

But now is the time to turn things around and you have 3 simple ways to help you find more time to write.