Wednesday 17 January 2018

The Most Important Thing To Know Before You Write Your Next Book

There's a saying that writing is easy. Marketing is hard.

And it's true.

It's easy to write a book (even though it doesn't seem so at the time).

Getting it in front of the right customers is hard.

That's why the most important thing to know before you even start writing your book is to know your market.

In other words, who would be interested in the book you want to write?

You see, you don't write a book and then try and find people who might want to read it.

Instead, you find out who and where is your market, and then lead them to your book. Not the other way around. You don't lead your book to your market.

Here are three things to help you write a book and sell more copies:

1. Know you your market are. If you could see them, what would they look like? Also find out where they are and find a way to reach them.

2. Write to them using their jargon and terms of phrase. Look at books they're already reading to get a better idea of the language they use and to see what interests them.

3. How will they benefit from owning a copy of your book? You need to know this because it's how you're going to market your book to them by telling them how much better their life will be once they've read your book.

So before you write any book, whether it's fiction or non-fiction, you first need to know who your market is, what type of things they're interested in and how your book can benefit them more than any other book they've ever read.

Also, make sure that your intended target will actually buy a book. For instance, online gamers are really active online, but they don't usually read books. They just want to play games. And broke pensioners probably can't afford to buy an ebook, let alone know how to download one.

So choose your market carefully. Make sure they buy books. And make sure that they'll want to buy yours.

Desperate Buyers Only: An Information Product Creators Guide to Writing and Marketing So That People with Problems Will Buy

Tuesday 16 January 2018

The Different Ways to Self Publish Your Book

One decision that every author has to make is how to publish their book.

While trying to get a publishing deal with a publishing company does seem like the easiest option, so few books are published this way that it usually doesn't happen for most authors.

But because it's now so easy to self-publish that knowing what to do with your book after you've written it isn't a problem.

There are 4 ways that you can do it:

Pay a company to publish it for you (vanity publishing)
Publish it yourself as an ebook
Publish it yourself as a POD print book
Publish it yourself as an ebook & POD print book

You can also throw in publish your book as an audiobook, but for now, we're only talking about the written word.

So let's look at all three of the ways to self-publish.

First there is using a vanity publishing company. They do just about everything for you that a regular publishing company would do, except that you have to pay them to do it, and this payment could be several thousand dollars.

The upside to this type of publishing is that it's all done for you. The downside is that it will either take you years to recoup your financial loss, or you may not recover it at all. You see, publishing companies only make your book available for sale, they don't sell it for you, so you still have to do all the marketing yourself.

Next there's ebook publishing which is fast to do and doesn't cost you anything upfront if you use publishing platforms like, Amazon Kindle, or Smashwords. Each of these will allow you to publish your book in ebook format for free and Kindle even provides free cover creating software. You can also publish your book as a PDF document and allow customers to download it straight from your own website or blog.

POD self-publishing is also simple and fast to do but the interior layout of your book needs to be different than the ebook layout by using things like mirror margins.

You can use a separate POD publishing platform for this like Amazon's CreateSpace or use Amazon Kindle or Book Baby, both of which will allow you to publish your book as a POD physical book as well as an ebook.

But it all depends on how you want to do it and what kind of book you're publishing. For example, if you've written a romance novel, PDF ebook publishing is not the ideal way to do it (romance readers don't download read PDF ebooks), but print and Kindle are.

Just don't sweat it.

When you've written your book, self-publishing is easy.

The hard part if marketing it.

The 10 Day Ebook
Write your next ebook in 10 days or less and earn at least $1,000/month from it.
Guaranteed or your money back.

Monday 15 January 2018

What If...

What would happen if you wandered into a cafe with nothing but a notebook and pen just to see where it can take you?

How much writing do you think you could do?

How many ideas could you discover?

Just you, your steaming hot cup of coffee and nothing to do but use your notebook and pen.


That's what sometimes needs to happen.

 But it doesn't have to be a cafe.

It can be a travel mug of coffee that you take to the park, or go sit on a bench/chair in the middle of a busy shopping mall.

Try it for yourself.

I once sat on a bench in the middle of a busy shopping mall while I was waiting for someone who was in a job interview in one of the large department stores.

She got the job and I got heaps of writing done.

And the funny thing was that when she came out of the interview, she apologised that it took so long.

Yet I had been so busy writing that I thought she'd only been gone 10 or 15 minutes. But it was actually an hour and a half.

I had no idea how the time passed so quickly, but I got pages and pages of hand-writing done.

And so many new ideas my head was buzzing.

It was a great day for us both.

The 10 Day Ebook
Write your next ebook in 10 days or less and earn at least $1,000/month from it. Guaranteed or your money back.

Sunday 14 January 2018

Give Yourself Time To Write

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” ~ E.Nightingale

We all have dreams. And the ones that are worthwhile take a long time to happen.

For instance, if someone wants to be a top-class barrister, it takes years of study and even longer to practice law and prepare to become a barrister.

Athletes take years to train and be the best. They have to get up early every day and spend hours training and perfecting their bodies and their abilities.

Doctors spend years studying, working as interns and work long hours to get to the top of their profession.

For some, this type of dedication comes easy. The work is tough, but the mental attitude is strong.

Yet for others, they start out wanting to be the best, but when they realise that they'll have to get up early every day, work long hours and really push themselves, they quickly change their mind and think that it seems too much like hard work.

And many writers have this same defeatist attitude when they realise that writing isn't as easy as they first thought it was going to be. That there's a lot to learn, that part of it will be about building a blog or website and that getting their work published isn't easy either. And self-publishing is something else they need to know about.

I hear from so many writers who have no patience when it comes to long writing projects like books.

I tell them that the more they write, the easy and faster they'll get, but they still don't want to do it and they soon give up trying, if they ever actually start in the first place.

They give up and say that they really don't have the time to write.

But what they don't realise is that the time is there.

There is always time.

The only difference is what you do with it.

You can use the time to write your next book or go back to drinking coffee in cafes, eating in restaurants, and sitting on the couch watching TV and saying that you don't have the time to write.

It's your time.

Choose wisely how you use it.

7 Day Ebook Writing & Publishing System
How to write and publish an ebook and start getting sales in just one week.