Monday 30 April 2018

Writing With Confidence

No matter what you do for a living, having confidence is important for many reasons, but mostly it's because no one wants to do business with someone who lacks confidence in themselves, or in what they're selling.

And it's just as important if what you are selling is your writing.

If you lack confidence, it will show in your writing and in all your communications.

I often get emails from people offering me their publishing/proof-reading/graphic services and I delete them simply because the person comes across as simpering or desperate or unknowledgeable.

Instead I prefer to hear from someone who is sure about what they are trying to sell and know their product well. It makes me feel safe to do business with them.

So when you're writing, have confidence in what you're saying. Not only will it make your writing stronger and give the reader confidence in what you're saying, but it also makes you come across as really intelligent.

But how do you get the confidence you need?

There's a popular saying, "fake it till you make it."

Best selling author Joe Vitale calls it Nevillizing.

The term comes from his book The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) From the Inside Out. He named this method  after Neville Goddard, a very inspiring self-help author, and chapter 4 of this book (it's one of my favourite books) is all about how to Nevillize.

Nevillizing uses creative visualization for attracting anything that you want in your life. It uses vivid images to create a virtual reality of living the end result of anything that you want to achieve.

Nevillizing means living the emotions of already being who/where you want to be.

So if you want to be a best selling author, imagine yourself as having already sold a million copies of your books.

How confident would you be writing a blog post if you'd already achieved your writing and publishing dream of being a millionaire author?

THAT'S the confidence you need to write with.

And the time to start doing it is now.


Jeff Gardner Multi-Million-Dollar Copywriter
Sharing his swipe file with the world.
Right now, you can save $60 and get it now for only $17.77.

Friday 27 April 2018

Making Money Online From Blogging

Recently the subject of making money online came up, specifically making money from an already existing website or blog.

There are people who create and sell websites. It's known as flipping. They set up a website or blog, earn a substantial income from it in a short time and then sell it, usually for around 18 month's worth of income.

And although I've never flipped sites or bought any, I can see that it could be a really good way to start earning money quickly online.

But if you've ever looked into buying a website or blog from someone else, and the site is already earning good money, just remember that to keep the income going, you have to keep doing what the other person has been doing.

A website or blog isn't a way to earn money in and of itself. Instead, it's a method of distribution. It's where you sell whatever it is you're selling.

So if you write books, your website is where you sell them. Or if you want to work as an affiliate marketer, your website is where you promote the products you're selling.

What I'm saying is that it isn't the website or blog that's making money. It's the person running it.

So if you see a website promoting low-interest credit cards and it seems to be earning quite a bit of money, just remember that it's the person who owns the website (or the person doing all the writing for it) that is earning all the income and they are only using the website as a way to do it.

Which means that if you have no interest in the products being sold on the site (like credit cards) and don't know the first thing about the people who might be interested in them, then it won't be the site for you.

To earn money from a website, you have to be good at promoting whatever products or services are being sold there.

Plus you also need to know how to expand the business and sell more.

And if you know that already, then you could set up your own site, write all your own content,  and build an online business from there.

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Tuesday 17 April 2018

4 Ways to Increase Your Online Income

If you’re working online selling books and information products, and you’re doing it right, then you should be making money.

But what if you’re not making as much money as you need to?

What can you do to increase your online income?

As far as I know, there are 4 ways you can increase the amount of money you make online.

I’ll tell you what they are and then we’ll look at each one separately.

- Sell more products.

- Sell at higher prices.

- Sell more of what you already have.

- Increase your website traffic.

Sell more products. 
The first thing you need to do is see if you can find more products to sell. If you’re only selling one or two products then you may not have enough products to sell.

If you create your own products, make more.

If you work as an affiliate, find more products to promote.

Sell at higher prices.
Sometimes, selling products too cheaply can put people off buying them, as weird as that sounds.

They also say it takes just as much effort to sell a $100 product as it does to sell a $20 product. So maybe you could think about raising your prices, bundling products to make more money with each sale, or creating higher priced products.

If you’re working as an affiliate you can search for higher ticketed items.

Sell more of what you already have.
There are several ways to sell more of the products that you already have:

- Find a broader market to sell to.

- Reduce Your Prices.

- Have a sale or sell several products together in a bundle.

If you’re working as an affiliate, you can try targeting a different niche with your marketing.

For example, if you’re promoting exercise equipment on a fitness website, you might also start a weight-loss website and promote your products there as well.

Increase your website traffic.
Getting more traffic to your website could actually be a catch-all for the other 3 ways.

But the biggest impact would be if you tried one or more of the other 3 ideas and then used more of these ways to increase your website traffic at the same time.

More traffic comes from more marketing, or from marketing to more diverse niches. But all your marketing should be done consistently because that’s what helps to keep your income high.

People come to the internet looking for information. Make sure your website, and the products you’re promoting, provide what they’re looking for.

Repeat customers are your best customers, so give them a reason to keep coming back.

To make even more money from your website you need to make sure you’re selling to the right audience at the right time, selling more of what you've already got for a higher price, selling to as many different niches as you can, having plenty of products and books to sell,  and doing your marketing right.


Jeff Gardner Multi-Million-Dollar Copywriter
Sharing his swipe file with the world.
Right now, you can save $60 and get it now for only $17.77.
Be quick.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

The 'Secret' Tool For Writing Profitable Sales Pages

When it comes to being a writer, we all know that the book we've written is good, but it can sometimes be hard to explain it to people and get them to understand how great it is.

That's why it's important to know how to write great sales copy.

All the top copywriters understand how difficult it can be to find the right catchy phrases to get attention or how to use attention-getting words. And this is important because you don't just want to know how to write copy, but how to write copy that sells.

You need to know how to write offers that people can't resist.

But it doesn't have to be hard.

And the "secret" tool that top copywriters use, is their swipe file.

This is a collection of ideas for sales letters including headlines, closes, value building, benefits, bullets and everything else that a good sales letter needs.

But they don't swipe from just anyone. Copywriters only ever copy and file ideas from other great copywriters who's ads were proven winners.

Over the years I've actually bought swipe files from some great copywriters and in their files are pieces of ads from some of the biggest names in copywriting, all collected together over the years.

Of course, you can't actually use someone else's writing, but you can model your own sales copy on it.

And when you get a good swipe file, it's pure gold.

Before I begin writing a sales page, I just get out one of the swipe files and start looking through it and within minutes I'm overloaded with possible ideas for headings, openings, benefits and a whole lot more.

It's definitely a cure for copywriter's block.

If you can't afford to buy a swipe file, you can always start one of your own.

Whenever you see a great piece of copy, which can be as little as one word or one sentence, copy and paste it into your own swipe file.

You can organise what you keep as 'headings,' 'bullets,' 'openings,' or anything else. That way, if you need a good opening sentence for a sales letter or an email, just pull out your swipe file, look at the list of openings you've collected and off you go.

Swipe files are great because most of the hard work is done for you so you don't have to re-invent the wheel every time you want to write sales copy.


Jeff Gardner Multi-Million-Dollar Copywriter
Sharing his swipe file with the world.
Right now, you can save $60 and get it now for only $17.77.
Be quick.