Wednesday 13 June 2018

Want to Write More Books?

I don't know about you, but most of my income comes from writing books.

I also earn money from freelance writing (but I do less and less these days), online advertising and affiliate marketing.

But mostly from my books.

And if you're the same, then to make more money you need to write more books.

Naturally, this means you need a constant and never-ending supply of ideas.

Which isn't easy.

Years ago I found a way to not only find ideas, but to find great ideas and to know exactly what readers are looking for so I know what to include in my books.

And once you know how to find ideas, if you're like me, you'll quickly go from writers' block to idea overload.

And how do find great ideas?

You just have to start looking.


Goodbye Writer's Block
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write

Monday 11 June 2018

The Surprising Survey Result About Writers

Recently I took part in a survey for writers and the result was really surprising.

The survey was about what holds people back from writing and earning more.

The answers were there to choose from, and all we had to do was put them in order of what we had the most trouble with, down to what we had the least trouble with.

And I was stunned because I thought that what gave people the most trouble was marketing or not getting enough people to their websites/blogs or even wanting to write better books.

But the number one problem that most writers were having was the same as me.

And that is struggling with mindset and self-discipline.

This really did come as a real surprise because I thought that others who write for a living must have an abundance of ideas and the ability to sit and write every day.

But it seems that they don't.

Luckily, I've been reading a book lately deals with this exact topic.

I borrowed this book from the library because I'd heard great things about it and even read some interesting reviews.

The book is called Deep Work and it's written by Cal Newport and in it he talks about deep work being not just the ability to sit and work deeply without distraction, but working on things that are important to you, and doing less shallow work.

He says deep work is hard and shallow work (checking emails, looking at Facebook, surfing the web, texting,) is easy which is why we distract ourselves with shallow work.

And he gives some brilliant advice and insights into how to do more deep work and how it can not only improve your productivity and the quality of your work, but it can also have a positive impact on the rest of your life.

I don't want to go into too much detail here, but I do want to tell you that this is an excellent book if you want to write more, write better and enjoy it.

If you get a chance to read a copy of this amazing book, I recommend you go for it.

It's full of insights and looks at working in a way that I've never thought of before including how to structure your work so that you know exactly when you are done for the day so that your brain can downshift and recharge properly, instead of always having that nagging feeling that you haven't finished what you started, or haven't done enough work.

Friday 8 June 2018

Writer's Block - Cured!

Many writers are tormented writer's block while others just laugh at the entire thought of it and say that writer's block is just an excuse for lazy writers.

You probably have your own thoughts on this, and so have many psychologists and there have been many papers published on the topic of writer's block.

Here are two ways that some psychologists see writer's block:

(1) There are sufferers of writer's block and there are those that cannot believe that a creative person like a writer can stop writing (or fail to start) because they've run out of ideas.

(2) There are two reasons why people write - accomplishment or because they simply enjoy writing. Those writing for accomplishment, acceptance, praise, fame, and/or money, are more likely to experience writer's block. Those who write for the enjoyment of writing, itself, experience few if any experiences of writer's block.

But what it comes down to is that if you want to write, then you need to always have a plethora of ideas.

And if you make excuses, you cannot write.

So what can you do if the urge to write is there but the ideas just won't come?

Start by looking for ideas.

Look at what others have written on the same subject that you want to write about.

Doing this will not only give you some great ideas of your own but will also give you insights on how you could do it better.

Remember, you don't have to re-invent the wheel, you just have to create a better wheel than all the others by seeing what they're doing wrong, and doing it right.

And that's how easy it is to start the cure for writer's block.


Goodbye Writer's Block
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write

Monday 4 June 2018

Have You Seen My New Website Design?

Yesterday I uploaded my new website design for Cheriton House Publishing.

I've had someone working on it over the last couple of weeks after my ebook cover designer, Buddy, over at created the new look for it, and then someone else updated all the pages.

If you haven't seen the new design yet you can take a quick peek at

Or stay on the site a while and download and read a free ebook or two.

The reasons for the new design are because the site needed updating and also because I have a lot of new books (free and paid) to be added soon.

I'll let you know more as it becomes available.

My next site to be updated will be

That site is really out of date and needs a fresh, modern, new look.

I've already picked out the design I want and once it's updated I'll start adding more content, writing resources and special offers.

How long it will take to get the new design done, I have no idea. But hopefully it will be completed this month.

That's the problem with getting others to do the work for me, is that I don't have as much control over it as I'd like.

Unlike my writing which I have complete control over.

Isn't that one of the great things about being a writer?


How to Write a Nonfiction eBook in 21 Days - That Readers LOVE!