Tuesday 10 July 2018

Make Money Writing Online - An Easy Way to Start

Last week I came across an amazing resource for writers.

It’s a website that you can join and it has tens of thousands of digital products including ebooks, videos and software, that you can download and keep.

It’s PLR which is Private Label Rights so that you can rewrite, reuse, rebrand or do anything else you want with what you download.

There are also over one hundred thousand PLR articles spanning over 400 niches that you can use too.

Can you imagine wanting to write and make money online but not knowing where to start. Or you used to be good at it but now you’re feeling stuck.

And then you find that you can download and rewrite and reuse thousands of products and articles or use them for inspiration and ideas for your own products.

All of a sudden you’ve got a whole library of products and content to use yourself, sell, giveaway, rewrite, rebrand, use for inspiration and ideas and research, or you could even create your own audio recordings from what you find.

Honestly, when you have this much content to choose from, the ways of how to use it can be endless.

You could end up with never having to worry about where to get ideas from or products to sell ever again.

I’ve written more fully about it over on my website.

You can check it out by clicking the link below.


Thursday 5 July 2018

I'm a Slacker Not a Writer

You may have noticed recently that I've not published anything online.

Nada. Nothing.

Not even social media posts.

Not only have I not published anything in over a week, but I haven't written anything either.

I feel like such a slacker.

But next week will be different.

Next week I'll get my butt back in my chair and do some work.

The reason I've been so slack about writing and publishing lately is that my beautiful friend and constant companion died last Friday.

My beloved 12-year-old greyhound, Banjo, had to be euthanised after the painful injuries from his previous racing days became so great that even his strong medications weren't helping anymore and they were also starting to make him really ill.

So it was a painful decision to put an end to his suffering, but it had to be done.

My husband and I then immediately booked a hotel and took off to the city for a couple of days.

But then we had to return on Monday morning and face our empty house and remove all Banjo's belongings, including his six big dog beds (how did he ever get so many beds?).

Banjo was a 'velcro' dog because he was always by my side and never wanted to be left alone. Wherever I was, Banjo was right there with me, even laying so close to my desk chair that his head touched the wheels so I always had to look down before I moved it even an inch.

I've cried a river and an ocean recently and I'm hoping that time will work its healing on me.

I kept telling myself that if I got lost in some writing, it would make me feel better. But with the absence of a greyhound head on my chair wheels, it feels too lonely.

Today, however, I'm back at my computer, albeit, that I'm sitting at my dining table in the main part of the house and not in my office in the back annexe room (yet).

But progress is progress.

And I've found that writing is somewhat therapeutic after all.

So next week I'll get back in my usual chair and write.

I've already been going over a few things today and I have some really great writing and publishing resources I want to share with you.

So keep an eye out in your inbox because I'm going to tell you about how you earn a substantial income and keep 100% of the profits from selling ebooks and digital training courses.

And how you can have your own ebooks to sell even if you don't feel like writing.

In the meantime, here are some recent photos.

Banjo "cockroaching" in the warm winter sun.

Dean sharing food with Banjo
and our daughter's little dog, Marcy.

The flowers received from the vets, currently
sitting where Banjo used to.
(in a cereal box because I don't have a vase)

And if you want a laugh, here's a photo of our hotel room door with a sign next to it that clearly should have been on the other side of the door. :)

Wednesday 27 June 2018

My Books (And Yours) in The New Online Store

Today I was having a look online at the new Amazon store in Australia.

The new Amazon rules now redirect all Australian customers to the new Australian Store, no matter where they previously shopped.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that you can buy just about anything in the new store from Kindle books, Paperbacks and Hardcover books to computers, electronics, toys, clothes and just about everything else you can think of.

You can even get an Amazon Australia Prime membership with free delivery just like all the other Amazon sites. This service was not available here in Australia until recently so it's quite a big change.

I also saw that my books are now available on this site too:

How To Write An Article In 15 Minutes or Less: Including Research, Proof Reading and Editing.

10 Ways to Make Money Writing Articles

How to Write 1 Article in 7 Different Ways

FYI: 'How to Write 1 Article in 7 Different Ways' is a real time-saver because you just need one article outline, and from that you can create 7 different articles which drastically cuts down the time it takes because instead of doing your research 7 times, you only need to do it once.

And my novels are available to buy on Amazon Australia too.

And here's what's in it for you:

If you sell books on Amazon, check to see if they're listed on the new Australian store.

If you're an Amazon Affiliate, you can now get product links for your website/blog for your Australian visitors.

And if you want to write more in less time and make more money, you can now buy my books and ebooks in Australia directly from the new Amazon website.

To me that's win, win, win.


Friday 22 June 2018

When Everything Gets in The Way of Writing

The past few weeks have been distracting for me for several reasons.

My poor old greyhound, Banjo, is 12 years old now and has seen better days. He gets tired easily and I don't like going out and leaving him alone for too long because he sometimes gets confused, is not eating as much anymore, and gets tired really quickly.

And then my daughter fell and hurt her leg and so has been laid up for a couple of weeks so I've been helping her out with making food so she doesn't have to cook and looking after her incredibly energetic and never-seems-to-take-a-break-from-playing-and-chasing-balls little dog.

As well as all that, the house renovations have been ongoing with engineers with tripods surveying our land, curtains to make, furniture to buy, painting to be done and still more work waiting to be done.

Not only that but it's winter here and so I've been sweeping out and then setting up our wood-burning fire every day because the nights have been getting down to single digits, and because it's mostly hot here, our heating is minimal.

So with all this going on it's been harder than usual to settle down and write, which means when I do I need to be as focused as I can and not let anything distract me while I'm working.

And as we all know, the less time we have to write the more we seem to get done, which is no different for me.

My writing time is short lately and I still have just as much to do, but being present in the moment while I work has meant that I've had to slow down somewhat and work more deliberately because I don't have time for mistakes and do-overs.

And what is surprising about it, is that although I've been working less and having to be more focused, I'm not only producing just as much work but also seems easier.

Most importantly, my income has increased slightly.

So I guess the moral of this story is that deeper focus and being more mindful (meaning keeping my mind in the present and only thinking about the work I'm doing) has really helped my productivity and my finances.

Which means I'm motivated to keep up the good work.

I've also written a short article about being more mindful while writing, at https://ruthiswriting.com/articles/2018/buddhist-writing-advice.html.


Goodbye Writer's Block
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write