Friday 27 September 2019

What Do You Need More Than Money To Implement Your Ideas?

I was recently watching a short video of a speech given by the money-making guru, Joe Vitale. Un-coincidently, it had the same title as the one I’ve used here (nothing wrong with borrowing a good idea, and titles aren’t copyrighted, or so I’m told).

What intrigued me about it was that he was saying almost the same thing I’ve been saying for a long time now, and that is, if you want to write, sit down and do it. Show up every day and work.

And he was saying that too many people think that they can’t implement any ideas they have (writing-related or otherwise) because they don’t have the money to do it.

But if you have a great idea you don’t need money because no matter how much you spend or how much you buy, it won’t help you to implement your ideas.

Dr Joe Vitale said you don’t need money, you need creativity because not having money makes you think, wonder and create strategies.

You need courage, creativity and to act to get things started.

Then one step leads to another.

And it all starts with one idea.

Goodbye Writer's Block:
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Free Text Editor

For a few years now I’ve been using a free text editor called Grammarly, which I like very much. But now I also use another one that is useful in different ways.

Grammarly is great because it picks up on misused words and misspelled words and bad punctuation.

But now I’ve also started to use another free text editor that is just as useful as Grammarly but in different ways.

This text editor is called Hemingway, and the way it works is you copy and paste your writing into it, and it highlights what it thinks is passive voice as well as unnecessary adverbs and clunky, hard-to-read sentences. It can also word count and well as counting letters, characters, sentences, and paragraphs.

It’s brilliant at picking out passive voice which is always better to change to active voice, as in changing “he started running” to “he ran.” 

The ability for it to pick up on hard-to-read sentences is also extremely useful.

But the only downside to it is that it not only tells you to get rid of unnecessary adverbs, but all adverbs. Yep, it seems that the Hemingway text editor doesn’t like adverbs at all. 

For example, if you write, “blared loudly” it will tell you to remove the adverb “loudly.”

But if you write, “said jokingly” it will tell you to get rid of “jokingly” which is something you’d probably want to keep. Ironically, when I ran this article through Hemingway, it highlighted the words jokingly and loudly and said to omit them.

I could also say that another downside is that it may think some of your sentences have too many complex phrases or long sentences, but that all depends on what grade of readability your audience has. If you’re writing to someone who has a good understanding of the complex issue you're discussing, then there is nothing wrong with using long sentences, etc.

But you can use your judgment of your own work. Either way, the Hemingway text editor is great for picking up on errors you might not see in your own writing and it costs nothing to use.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

How I’m Selling More Books in More Countries

I earn most of my income from selling books and ebooks.

And like many other writers, I used to do it through Amazon’s Kindle platform, which now allows you to sell print books as well as Kindle books.

The great thing about selling books that way was that it was quick, easy, and it was a set and forget system.

The only bad thing about it was that my books were only available through Amazon and nowhere else.

But now I publish them through Ingram which means that all my books are available as print books, ebooks and sell worldwide from just about anywhere.

And although it’s early days and I haven’t yet done the math of how my sales are doing compared to only selling on Amazon (which, btw, they’re still available from) one thing I am sure of is that I’m now selling far more books than I was when I was only using Amazon Kindle.

Not only that, but my books are also available for libraries to purchase, so if your local library has a copy you can borrow them for free. And if they don’t have a copy of any of my books, put in a request for them to purchase it.

So now I’m not only selling more books (which I hope will increase exponentially in time) but I feel much more like a publisher rather than just a writer.

Go to my website now and you can easily purchase any of my books from many different booksellers all over the world.

Monday 23 September 2019

The Simple ‘Trick’ That’s Get’s You Writing Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

The other day, I sat down at my desk to write and the next thing I knew over half an hour had passed and I hadn’t even started writing and instead, I was checking email and reading a few online articles and blog posts that were in my RSS reader.

When I suddenly realised how much time I’d wasted I instantly closed my email and my browser, got out my writing computer (My Mac Book Air) and got to work.

And this is the simple “trick” that can get you writing every day, even when you don’t feel like it.

What is this “trick” you ask?

Did you miss it?

What I did was, I simply started working, and usually that’s all it takes.

The easiest way to earn more money writing is to simply show up and do the work every day. Even if you’re not the world’s greatest writer, you can earn more money from your writing than most other people if you outwork them.

Even if you only end up working for 30 minutes a day it’s better than not showing up at all.

I only set out to work for 2 to 3 hours a day, but I usually end up doing more or going back later to finish.

A person who hardly ever writes yet is good at what they do, will never earn as much money as a mediocre writer who writes every day.

It’s possible to outwork everyone else just by showing up daily.

And I’ll let you in on a secret; even the best and most successful writers, often find it hard to start. But what makes them the best and most successful, is they don’t let that stop them.

So if you haven’t started showing up and writing every day, you can start now.

7 Day eBook Writing and Publishing System
Want to be a published author by this time next week?