Saturday 7 December 2019

How Badly Do You Want to Make Money Online?

You probably already know this, but it is possible to earn money online from your writing.

Many writers imagine themselves making money from their website or blog by only writing for a few minutes a day.

Is this possible?

Well, anything is possible.

The problem though is that most writers don't actually write every day, and don't know how to earn money from a website or blog. At least, not enough money to live on.

I tried to help by writing Living The Laptop Lifestyle: How to Start & Grow a Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job. Many have bought it, but not all (in fact, most) haven't used it.

And I made it even easier by making sure it's available from all good book stores all over the world and from all public libraries.

But still, not all who buy it (or borrow it) put the information it contains to good use.

I earn money online all the time. In fact, it's why I'm currently in the process of setting up another website.

The internet has made it so easy for writers to earn money.

I jumped on this years ago at the very start of my writing career. And it's something I still do today.

I don't want to be a starving writer living in a garret while I try and write the world's greatest novel.

I'm a working writer and I earn all my money from my writing.

And by providing Living The Laptop Lifestyle, I made it easy for you to do the same.

The only question is... how badly do you want it?

Friday 6 December 2019

New Writing Website

As many of you already know, a few years ago I sold my main writing website domain name to Loren Piel, who, as it turns out was a liar and a completely untrustworthy person even though he claims to be an attorney (who is so successful that he now works taking bookings for an airline company) and he issued me with a false DMCA claim (which is highly illegal) and hounded me for months after I sold him the domain name.

At the time, I could only assume that he was being so petty because I set up a new site and carried on working while he floundered without having a clue of what to do with what he'd bought (for a high price I might add) and ended up shutting the site down.

Anyway, I've now decided to start a new website for writers and it's going to be all about my writing, how I work, what I'm working on and how it can help you to earn money from all your writing too.

I'm also going to change the use of my current writing site, to a site where I write about other things that interest me.

I'll also be keeping my writing blog where I'll post writing opportunities including writing markets and writing competitions.

I'm also planning to write many more books and I'll use my websites to keep you up to date as soon as they're available, plus free ebooks that I plan to write and give away too.

I've been doing so much planning lately and I'm also going to set up a new email list so that you can stay up-to-date with everything I do and get to all the best info before it's posted online, plus amazing offers only available to subscribers.

This is why I recently subscribed to Adobe Creative Cloud so that I have all the software available so that I can carry out all my plans.

A couple of years ago I did try and get offline so that I could write more books, but life got in the way (including 3 deaths in the family which was hard to bear at the time) plus I missed doing my online writing.

I don't want to say too much about it now in case big-ears Loren Piel is spying on me, which he always is. That man seems obsessed with stalking me. I don't think he's figured out yet that I know his IP address so I know every time he looks at my websites (the ones that he knows about) and which pages he looks at.

I don't want him to know too much too soon so that he can't send me any more of his petty demands about what he thinks I can and cannot do online, which is something he tried to do for months on end at one time.

And the funny thing is that he is an Elder at his local church and one of the claims that it makes about its congregation is that they are all "committed to loving each other instead of arguing over petty issues."

 Isn't that a hoot?

Loren Piel is one of the pettiest people I've ever known and yet he's an elder in a church that says it's members are NEVER petty. You can see it at their website

And scarily, he is also currently running for local city council elections where he lives. YIKES!

You can read his campaign promises by clicking on the link below. He's the last listed candidate at the bottom of the page. (I keep finding tidbits about him online when I'm searching for other things. His name keeps showing up in results)

The further he stays away from me the better I like it. It just goes to show how good he is at making people think he is an honest guy.

But I know differently:

He was angry and threatening when I began and I just hope he leaves me alone when I get my next writing website online.

If he does start again, I'll post publicly absolutely everything I receive from him (and everything I received previously) so that you can judge for yourself.

 If nothing else it will provide me with plenty of free website content. :)

In the meantime, I'll keep you posted about my new writing site so that you can subscribe straight away and get a free ebook to help you make even more money from your writing.

Stay tuned.

Thursday 5 December 2019

How the Email Spammers Helped Me Write More

I wrote a post yesterday about how one of my website email accounts had been hijacked because one of my hosting companies, NetRegistry, allowed 12 of their servers to be hacked, and so much spam email was sent through them, they have now been blacklisted.

So with my main computer, my Mac Book Pro, still at the Apple store to be checked for malware (just in case) I'm still only able to use my writing computer (my Mac Book Air) which I normally only use for writing. Naturally, it is possible to connect it to the internet, but I usually don't unless I need to do some immediate research, but I usually limit this computer to offline writing projects only.

Separating my computers this way makes me much more productive because my writing computer has none of my software on it, and because I don't allow myself to get online with it either, it forces me to focus only on my writing which makes me super productive.

And because it's the only computer I have right now, I can't even check my emails, update my websites, read online articles that I've saved to read later, check my RSS feeds, or use any of the software apps I have installed.

As you can imagine this has resulted in upping my productivity because I'm left with nothing to do but get on with my writing or do online research that I've been meaning to do but keep putting off. And, of course, I've been writing and publishing blog posts too.

When I get my other computer back I'm going to have to make sure I log out of Google (and Blogger) on this one, so that it goes back to being just my writing computer again.

I also sit at a big table to write on this computer whereas I sit at my desk to use my main computer, so I've been spending much more time at my writing table too (which is also my sewing table).

Isn't it funny how we do these little things (like sitting in specific places) without even thinking about it?

And even funnier is that while I'm writing blog posts on my writing computer, I still sit at my desk to do it, but then I move to the big table to write offline. I didn't even realise I did it till I started writing this blog post today, and when I thought about it, I did the same thing yesterday. I sat at my desk to write a blog post then moved the computer to the table to work on my book. It's a quirk I didn't know I had.

So without noticing, getting off my main computer for a day (and now 2 days) and working offline has made me much more productive because I can't do my usual email checking or any website work or use any of my software so all I can do is write.

And you know what? It's not a bad thing at all.

I even sat for a while yesterday afternoon making more plans for my new website which I'll tell you more about tomorrow.

So even though yesterday I thought this whole email hacking thing was terrible (I was doomed. Doomed!) it turned out to be a useful exercise in upping my productivity.

And now back to writing...

But first I'll have to move back to my writing table. (Grin)

Find Books to help you write more too.

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Cheriton House Publishing Is A Spammer

This morning, I logged into my computer, opened Mac Mail and within seconds, hundreds of failed delivery messages started pouring into my inbox.

It appeared that somehow one of my Cheriton House Publishing email addresses had been hacked and the hacker had set up my account to send out hundreds of spam emails the moment I logged in.

I rang my hosting company, NetRegistry, and I was 24th in the queue. Eventually I got through and the person who answered seemed remarkably unsurprised when I told her what had happened.

She told me to change my email account password, which I did, and I asked her to delete all the hundreds of emails that had been sent out at 8.39 am when I logged on, and she said she would, because although most of them had failed to deliver (I only have a small quota on my account as to how many emails can be sent in a day) they were still set up to be sent later, so I wanted them gone.

I then checked my computer and found nothing suspicious on it, but I still took it to the Apple store to be checked for malware, which is where it still is at the moment. Luckily I still have my writing computer (my Mac Book Air) which I'm using now to write this blog post, and my blog is 100% online so I can access it from any computer.

When I got home from dropping off my computer, my husband Dean and I used his computer to look online at my website files (he has Adobe Dreamweaver on his computer which he uses to update some of my websites for me). And sure enough we found a suspicious folder called .well-known. I've never had a file or folder on any of my websites by that name. In fact I have none that start with a dot. So we deleted that folder and all its contents, whatever that might have been.

Interestingly enough, when I went to the Apple store, the guy there told me that it was unlikely that my computer had been compromised with malware because Mac computers are so safe and it's unusual for anyone to get their computer infected.

He said it was more likely that Netregistry had been compromised which would explain why the person I had spoken to on the phone earlier seemed so unsurprised when I said my account and been hacked and she just walked me through the process of changing my password and updating my email settings. She's probably been going through that same process with the other 23 people ahead of me in the unusually long queue.

I have since looked at NetRegistry's Twitter account and they knew about the email spamming last week and didn't tell me (or anyone else). And it says that because of all the spamming, 12 of their servers, so far, have been blacklisted which means that no one can send or receive email from their website accounts. They also advise customers to subscribe to email updates. HILARIOUS considering customers can't send or receive emails. Some also had commented that their sites are offline too and have been for several days.

This is why Cheriton House Publishing is the last account I have with NetRegistry. This company has been getting worse every year day so I've slowly been moving my websites to different companies. I was going to leave this last one till the end of it's hosting account, which expires in April 2020, but I think I'll move it sooner rather than later.

If you've received a spam email from CHP today, it wasn't me. I've done everything I can to stop these emails from being sent. It's NetRegistry that is failing everyone and letting their servers become so compromised that they've been blacklisted.

Just remember that Cheriton House Publishing is NOT a spammer.

If the site is still up, you can go and look at all the books available to help you write more and earn more.

Plus there are plenty of free ebooks for you to download.

Although... maybe now is not the best time to download anything from a NetRegistry Server.

Only kidding.

My site has a security certificate. :)