Monday 9 March 2020

This Free eBook Will Help You Write More And Earn More

It's been a crappy week (or closer to fortnight really) for me regarding my online business.

It all started a couple of weeks ago when my computer kept shutting down for what seemed like no apparent reason and would then refuse to start again, and sometimes when it did, it would soon crash again.

I was just staring at the black screen of death for hours trying everything I could to get my computer to restart.

I used my other computer, my Mac Book Air, to Google the problem and find different ways to deal with it, but alas, it was no good.

So with a heavy heart I took it to the local Apple store and left it there for what I thought would be only a day or two. But that turned into over a week because they had to order a part which, they told me, was delayed in arriving because of the Corona Virus outbreak. Thankfully, so far, that is the only way this virus has touched my life.

But I had no way to publish anything apart from a couple of posts on this blog that I did via my other computer. I couldn't check my emails or anything else. But at least I could still write. Thankfully, my new novel I'm writing, I've been typing up (I handwrite my books) on my other computer which I still had. So I got plenty of writing done, but not much else.

Now my computer is back and I've been busy writing again. And I've got so much more planned

So if you want to take your writing to the next level, sign up now using the email link in the sidebar and get the free ebook, Writing For Cash.

It doesn't matter what kind of writing you want to do whether it's writing books, ebooks, articles, magazine articles, novels, short stories, blog posts, and more. I reckon I've got you covered.

And when you visit my writing website, you'll also notice the new and improved design.

You see, I really have been busy because I'm serious about helping you to write more and earn more.

It's free to sign up and learn how to write more, so you've got nothing to lose and so much writing to do.

And it all starts right now.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

The Audience for My Writing Is Me

I not only write a lot, but I also read a lot. And, unsurprisingly, I read a lot about writing.

There is just SO MUCH information online and in books, about how to write and what to write. And for years I lapped up all this information and tried just about every piece of advice to see if it worked.

What I discovered was that some of it worked and some of it didn't. But that's not to say that the advice was wrong. It was just wrong for me.

You see all writers are different and we all want to write different things, so not all writing advice will be useful to everyone, so it's just a matter of taking what works for you and letting the rest go.

For example, I read that the best way to write is to make-believe you're writing to just one person. The usual advice about this is to picture in your mind the person you are writing to and just write for them.

This advice can be useful if you're writing non-fiction or online articles because you want to make sure that what you're saying is useful to the right person (or people).

But for me, it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, I've noticed that over the years, my most popular online articles, are the ones I wrote without anyone in mind. I was just writing about what I knew or imparting what I thought was useful information. I didn't have any particular avatar in mind, which is what they tell you to do to make sure you're writing to the right audience.

So eventually, I went back to writing just for me and not for anyone else and now more people than ever read my online articles and my books. They also share my marketing articles online more too.

And what I've learned from this is that I can write better, and more freely, if I don't try and write for some other person and instead I just write. And it works whether I'm writing fiction or non-fiction.

For instance, I was once writing about seaweed. I wrote about its culinary uses, medicinal uses and the different oceans that seaweed can be found in, amongst other things And I knew that each of the topics wouldn't be of interest to the same person, but they would perhaps appeal to a chef, a herbalist or a student, depending what they wanted the information for.

Another thing that I've noticed over time is that my writing always finds readers, even if not now, it becomes popular at some point.

And what I've learned most of all is that writing just for me is so much more enjoyable. I just write, hit publish and write some more. Not only that but because I enjoy it more I also write more.

So it's a win-win.

If you find that you don't enjoy writing, maybe writing just for you will work too.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

What To Do When You Just Don't Feel Like Writing

I'm currently in the middle of writing my next novel.

But there's a problem, if you can call it a problem. And that is, whenever I'm writing, I lose track of time and before I know it hours have passed by without me even realising it.

It's obvious to see that being totally immersed in my work that I lose track of time (while getting thousands of words written), but the problem is that during that time I haven't had a drink and it's too late to get anything else done.

Sometimes I don't even realise how long I've been sitting there until it suddenly occurs to me that I'm struggling to see because it's getting dark, which is exactly what happened to me yesterday. I was sat with my A4 notebook and pencil, writing away, when I started to noticed that it was getting harder and harder to see the page. And when I looked up, it was dusk and the sun had already set.

I had no idea that I'd been sitting there for almost 3 hours! I thought it was still the middle of the afternoon but it was actually almost 6 o'clock. So dinner was late and I was somewhat dehydrated, but on the positive side, I'd written over a dozen pages - front and back.

Only problem now though, is this morning I'm going to have to type it all up, which isn't all bad because I use it as a way to reread my work and see any parts where I've gone wrong.

And then after I do that, I'll get straight back to handwriting again because it's the part I like best. Once I sit down and start writing by hand, it seems like I just can't stop.

Many writers say they suffer from writers' block, but not me.

I do, however, often suffer from can't-sit-down block.

 But as soon as my butt is in the chair and my favorite retractable pencil is in my hand (or my felt tip pen which I also sometimes use), I'm away with my imagination and love every minute of it. Except that time escapes me so I don't actually remember every minute, but that's OK too.

Getting too much writing done is never really a problem, is it?

So this is my writing tip for the day, if you're having trouble sitting down and writing, just grab your favourite notebook and your favourite writing implement and start writing. If you haven't got anything to write, just write anything. Do a bit of journalling, or write about what you can see, hear and smell.

It doesn't matter what you write, only that you make a start. And it doesn't have to be perfect. Feel free to use bad grammar or to spell things wrong, because perfection isn't important at this point, but words on paper are.

And if you're like me, once you start writing, it's hard to stop.

Goodbye Writer's Block
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas
Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write

7 Day Ebook Writing And Publishing System
How to Write and Publish an ebook
and Start Getting Sales in Just One Week

Saturday 22 February 2020

Why I'm Like Jackie Collins When It Comes to Writing Novels

This month I'm working on my new novel, which is going to be a really great book because even I'm finding the story fascinating and I know how it ends. :)

The problem though is that I've outlined it by hand (dozens of pages) but I've been writing the manuscript itself straight onto the computer. And this is a problem because I'm finding that working this way is stifling my creativity.

Usually, I much prefer writing by hand and typing things up later. But I thought it would be better to write this book straight onto the computer because it's a long book (hundreds of pages), so time is of the essence.

There has always been a big debate amongst writers as to whether it's better to write books by hand or straight to keyboard. And what I've found is that it's entirely up to each individual writer. Although the 'experts' have said, that from studies that have been done, most writers are more creative when writing by hand and also, that handwriting notes while studying, helps students to retain more knowledge than when they type their notes straight onto their computers. So according to the hex-purts, handwriting always wins over typing straight to the keyboard.

And this can be substantiated when you see authors like Jackie Collins who has a complete collection of her books in handwritten volumes. I was amazed when I saw it in a TV interview with her once. Apparently, she handwrote all her books (and she's written many) and had those handwritten pages made into a beautiful collection of huge, leather-bound books.

In an interview with her in the L A Times, what they said about her handwritten tomes was, "They’re handwritten on legal pads—she doesn’t type— and, on occasion, the spelling is a little shaky, not that she gives a damn." And when asked what she writes with she said,  "It must be black felt pens. Or blue felt pens. And white typing paper or yellow legal pads. There’s no other way."

You can read more about Jackie's writing life in another interview at

So getting back to my own book, although I enjoyed creating the outline by hand, I then found that not only was typing the manuscript creatively stifling, but also (and this is the worst) I kept procrastinating and not WANTING to write because I was not enjoying it. So I was writing less.

All of which helped me to make up my mind about how to write it and that was to go back to handwriting because, ironically, my reason for wanting to type it instead was because I thought it would be quicker. It takes me a lot longer to write things by hand than to type them because I'm a pretty fast typist (I learned touch-typing years ago at school).

But the reality is that it's actually faster for me to handwrite my manuscript because although the initial writing takes longer, I find I write more often and for much longer when I'm sat working with a notebook and pen. Plus I can work anywhere without needing to drag my computer along with me.

So for me, handwriting wins hands down because although I feel like it's taking me longer to write, the fact that I write so much less when I have to type it instead means that I'm actually writing less, not more. So trying to do it faster is completely defeating the object.

And what takes me two or three hours to write, takes me only 30 minutes or less to type up because I can type so fast.

And, most importantly, now that I'm back to handwriting my manuscript, I'm enjoying writing again and I WANT to sit and down and write whereas before, I had to force myself to do it so I was procrastinating instead of writing.

So no matter whether it's faster to handwrite or to type, at least when I'm writing by hand, I'm actually writing.

Watch the short (2 minute) video below for a bit of Jackie Collins' inspirational writing advice.
