Tuesday 30 June 2020

An automatic way to make yourself write more

One thing that always confused me is why, when I love to write, is it so damn hard to sit down and do it?

Some days I’m on fire and can’t wait to sit down and start writing. Yet other days, I mess around doing unnecessary chores just to avoid sitting down and writing. This went on for years until I figured out what to do about it.

So do you know how I overcame my reluctance to sitting down and writing?
Well, it’s three-fold.

  1. I have to actually sit down. No writing will get done unless I sit down. It’s no good waiting for motivation or inspiration to strike because that won’t happen until I start writing. So sitting down always has to be the first step no matter whether I feel like writing or not.
  2. Focus. I have to only think about writing and nothing else. I mustn’t surf online or waste time checking emails or staring outage window or wonder what to make for dinner later or think about a phone call I need to make.
  3. Cut out distractions. I have to make sure that I keep my focus by helping to cut out any distractions like hearing dogs barking or cars pulling up and wondering who it is. I also use audios like Brain Salon (https://ruthiswriting.com/links/brainsalondemo.html) to help keep my monkey-mind quiet and focused.

These are the three most important things that help me to write more and earn more.

I have to sit down, stay focused, and not get distracted.

Writing is a solitary occupation and not everyone can do it. Working from home always sounds so easy but it’s not. That’s why we all need to practice self-discipline and focus.

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Monday 15 June 2020

Why It’s So Hard To Sit Down and Write

A few days ago I was talking to my daughter (who is also a writer) and we were discussing why it’s so hard to sit down and write.

At the same time we both agreed the once we do sit down and get into the ‘flow’ of writing, we could write forever and often lose track of time and sometimes we look up and wonder why it’s dark, and realise that we’ve been working for so long, and have been so focused that the sun went down and we didn’t even notice.

So why is it so difficult to sit down and write in the first place?

We realised, in our wisdom (and we are both oh so wise), that it’s because of the complete solitary nature of writing because it needs total and complete focus.

Whenever I’m doing other things, I don’t need the focus that I have to have when I’m writing.So when I’m doing other things, like gardening, cleaning, ironing, cooking sewing, etc, I can also do other things at the same time like daydream, listen to audios, watch TV or have a conversation with someone.

But when I’m writing, that’s ALL I can do which means kissing goodbye to everything else, because even a small distraction can throw off my concentration and I can lose my train of thought. This is what makes writing such an isolating profession which many people find too difficult, but it suits my personality because I’m happy in my own company.

Having said that, it’s still hard to actually sit down and start writing, which is when procrastination becomes a problem. I solve this by listening to audios that help me to focus.

I listen to the Brain Evolution System when I’m not writing because it calms my monkey-mind and helps me to think and to get more done.

I also listen to Brain Salon while I am writing, to block out other distracting noises and to help me to focus at the same time.

That’s what works for me (I’ve been using these audios for years) and they may help you too.Download free demos of both and see the difference it makes.

You may as well try it. It costs nothing to try, so you’ve got nothing to lose, and if it works for you, it can make the world of difference to how much more you can write.

Friday 12 June 2020

Perfect For Working From Home - Or Anywhere

Now more than ever, people are wanting to either find a way to work from home or to travel more. And many are wanting to do both. They want to work AND travel more.

And this is what made me look more closely at two of my books:

Living the Laptop Lifestyle. How To Start & Grow A Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job

Mission Critical For Life: Start Living Life On Your Terms By Pursuing Your True Life Mission

Together, these two books are perfect for anyone who wants to work from home or work from anywhere.

You see, ‘Living the Laptop Lifestyle’ is all about earning money from your laptop computer. It’s not about having to buy and store goods or renting lots of storage space to run a business.

All it takes is a laptop computer and (sometimes, but not always) an internet connection, and you can work at home or while you’re traveling. I’ve even worked from hotel rooms when I can’t sleep at night, which happens often when I’m away from home.

My other book, ‘Mission Critical For Life’ is all about having financial freedom and how, when you find your life’s mission, you’re happiest when you’re at home doing it.

I have a lifetime’s experience of being happy at home with no drama, no money worries, and loving my life’s mission, which is to be a Wealthy Writer.

Both these books together can show you how perfect life can be when you can work from home with plenty of money, without being needy of other people’s company or their opinions, and having a life overflowing contentment.

Don’t believe me?

Try it for yourself.

Living the Laptop Lifestyle. How To Start & Grow A Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job

Mission Critical For Life: Start Living Life On Your Terms By Pursuing Your True Life Mission

Wednesday 10 June 2020

A Profitable Sideline For Writers

There are so many ways to earn money from writing so why, you may wonder, am I talking about something that can be a profitable sideline?

It’s because a lot of writing income is passive which means you may earn a lot of money, but it doesn’t happen quickly. This is especially true if you want to write books. It can take years before you can earn enough money from book sales alone.

This is why it’s useful to have another way to earn money fast.

I had this same problem years ago when I first started out and I quickly discovered that the fastest way to earn money from writing was with affiliate marketing.

I found that I could write and upload a few articles relating to a product that I really liked and people would click on my affiliate link and I earned money from every sale.

It was a real set-and-forget sideline that could keep on earning money while I worked on other projects.

So few writers earn a full-time income from their writing, so affiliate marketing is a simple way to earn more.

And if you find you enjoy it, you could even turn it into a way to earn a full-time living just like Super Affiliate, Rosalind Gardner who earns over half a million dollars a year from her affiliate sales.

You can also find a few affiliate networks at https://ruthiswriting.com/affiliates.html.