Tuesday, 30 June 2020

An automatic way to make yourself write more

One thing that always confused me is why, when I love to write, is it so damn hard to sit down and do it?

Some days I’m on fire and can’t wait to sit down and start writing. Yet other days, I mess around doing unnecessary chores just to avoid sitting down and writing. This went on for years until I figured out what to do about it.

So do you know how I overcame my reluctance to sitting down and writing?
Well, it’s three-fold.

  1. I have to actually sit down. No writing will get done unless I sit down. It’s no good waiting for motivation or inspiration to strike because that won’t happen until I start writing. So sitting down always has to be the first step no matter whether I feel like writing or not.
  2. Focus. I have to only think about writing and nothing else. I mustn’t surf online or waste time checking emails or staring outage window or wonder what to make for dinner later or think about a phone call I need to make.
  3. Cut out distractions. I have to make sure that I keep my focus by helping to cut out any distractions like hearing dogs barking or cars pulling up and wondering who it is. I also use audios like Brain Salon (https://ruthiswriting.com/links/brainsalondemo.html) to help keep my monkey-mind quiet and focused.

These are the three most important things that help me to write more and earn more.

I have to sit down, stay focused, and not get distracted.

Writing is a solitary occupation and not everyone can do it. Working from home always sounds so easy but it’s not. That’s why we all need to practice self-discipline and focus.

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