Wednesday 4 August 2021

Writing Markets and Free Writing Competitions

I hope this new month, August, is a whole new month of writing and earning for you.

I've been busy working on my second book in my new Monthly Writing Challenge Series, which is all about setting up a niche website in a month AND earning money from it.

I've also compiled this list for you of current writing markets and a couple of free-to-enter writing competitions to get your creative juices flowing.

Have fun.

20 Literary Agents Actively Seeking Writers and Their Writing

Part Time Editor
Graduate school admissions consulting company seeking a part-time copyeditor to edit and proofread graduate school application documents.
Pay: $25/hr
Hours/week: 15-30

Call for submissions for Issue 24 (short stories): Lackington's
Pay: $25+ CAD per piece
Deadline: 31 August 2021

Micro Madness Flash Fiction Content
$100 top prize
Deadline: 7 August 2021
Submissions will be ongoing and open the first week of every month for that month’s contest. 
THREE stories will be chosen per month to be published the month after they were submitted.

NewPages Classifieds
View the latest calls for submissions for writing, art, book-length and chapbook-length manuscripts, photography, and more from magazines, publishers, writing conferences and events, writing programs, etc.

Where to Submit Short Stories: 
30 Magazines and Websites That Want Your Work
While we’ll give you a brief idea of the flavour of each magazine and site, you’ll definitely want to spend some time reading your target publications before submitting to become familiar with the sort of pieces they prefer. 

12 Short Story Publishers that Pay $1,000 or More
A list of publishers that pay $1,000 for short stories. Included in this list is a variety of types of publications, including literary journals, magazines, and eBook publishers. Some of the publishers pay more than $1,000, some occasionally pay less, but all of them pay $1,000 for at least some of the stories they publish.

26 Literary Magazines That Pay $100 or More
Here are twenty-six literary magazines that pay $100 and up for fiction and personal essays. (Poetry rates vary.) None charge submission fees. Nearly all have reading periods, so check their guidelines carefully.

Short Story Magazines
This page contains details of short story magazines that accept unsolicited submissions and regularly publish fiction.

EcoTheo Review Short Fiction Contest
$250 top prize
Deadline: 30 August 2021
We are thrilled to announce our first ever short fiction contest! The top two winners will receive $250 each, along with publication in the Winter 2021 issue of the magazine.

Thursday 29 July 2021

The Simple Little ‘Secret” That Can Explode Your Productivity

We all hate to waste time, yet it’s something we all do, and some do it way more than others.

Over the years I’ve read so many books on productivity and one common thread that they all say is that to be productive, you need to know what it is that you want to do and the order in which you need to do it.

And this is a great piece of advice.

It’s why I use a diary to write down everything I need to do every day. I make a list of everything and then I number them in the order they need to be done.

This has an amazing effect of giving me more time to write every day because it cuts out thinking time so that I can get straight to work.

And having a daily to-do list can help you too. If you’ve never done it before, give it a try. You won’t regret it.

But it’s not just writing related tasks that you need to write down. You’re kidding yourself if you think you’ll be more productive by not including everything you need to do on your list.

And remember, you’re not writing down jobs to be done, but tasks to be done.

What that means is listing each task that needs to be done, rather than a whole project.

So, for instance, if you have a few writing projects you might put –

  • Outline blog post about productivity lists
  • Write query for magazine
  • Write blog post
  • Proof and send query to ABCD Magazine
  • Proof and read blog post
  • Tweet and Facebook with link to blog post

That list is more ‘do-able’ than writing

  • Write and upload blog post
  • Send query to ABCD magazine

If you only write the project to be done instead of the tasks involved, it can make you more hesitant to start or put you off doing it at all. That’s why it’s so much better to write the steps needed so that you can get straight down to business.

Just don’t overwhelm yourself with too many things to do in a day. I usually include a set amount of time to get things done and over the years I’ve got a pretty good idea of how long it takes to get them done.

And all the books I’ve written about writing work the same way as a list of tasks, because that’s what they are. 

They’re all set out to guide you effortlessly through writing an article, an ebook, a short report (in only 2 hours), set up and run a profitable website, or how to overcome writers’ block instantly.

You can find them all by clicking the link below:

Thursday 22 July 2021

I'm Helping Thousands Earn Money From Writing

 I'm currently working on my second book in my Monthly Writing Challenge Series, and the first book, about freelance writing, will be available soon.

I'm going to 'pre-release' it as a discounted ebook on Amazon, and I'll be doing the same for each of them. Then later this year I'll publish them all as a complete series, available worldwide and in many different places, including libraries.

And my subscribers will be the first to know as soon as each ebook is released at a discount price.

And while you're quaking with unrelenting anticipation, I have other books and ebooks to help you write more and earn more, and they're already helping thousands of others.

Goodbye Writer's Block
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write

How to Write An Article in 15 Minutes or Less
- Including Research, Writing and Proof Reading

7 Day Ebook
Writing and Publishing System

Living The Laptop Lifestyle
How to Start & Grow a Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job

So if you're not already earning (or not earning enough) money from your writing, now would be a good time to change that.

Tuesday 20 July 2021

Earning Money From Freelance Writing

 I'm currently in the process of writing a series of money-making books.

It's going to be called, The Monthly Writing Challenge Series because each one is a stand-alone book that shows you how to earn money writing in just 30 days.

The first one in the series (which will be available soon) is all about freelance writing. And what's great about it, is that it will help you to start writing and earning money quickly.

It's a step-by-step approach so all you have to do is follow along and get straight to work.

This book will guide you through many different freelance writing opportunities, especially those with high pay because as you know, I believe in writers being paid well for what they do.

Freelancing is how I began writing and I never regretted it because I earned so much money from it. And the payments came fast which really spurred me on to write more.

I'll let you know when this no-fluff-straight-to-writing-and-earning-money guide is available.

So stay tuned.

In the meantime, how about writing, publishing and selling copies of your own ebook this week?