Friday, 10 January 2014

Changes Are Afoot

I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to send you an email, but I have my reasons and I'll explain it all. Plus I'll tell you what I'm going to be doing and the changes I'm making.

Firstly, since I signed off before Xmas, I've done several things

I moved from a 4-bed house into a teeny-tiny 2-bed house (all part of my new minimalist lifestyle) with a big garden for growing food.

This has meant sorting and getting rid of most of my possessions and has taken ages.

On the day of the move, my husband Dean and I, looked at our overcrowded little house, bursting with unpacked boxes and way too much furniture, made a joint executive decision, left the house and went to the pub.

It was all too overwhelming.

It took 2 weeks to sort things out.

We had a heatwave during this time with a whopping 42 degree temperature (107 F) with such high humidity it was like sucking in thick, hot air when we tried to breathe (so no, we don’t get snow at Xmas). And we had a huge thunderstorm that went on for hours and left us without electricity (except for all the lightning) from 3pm until 11pm.

And during it all, I somehow picked up an eye infection or an allergic reaction (the doctor is still out on which one) which caused me much pain and half my face was swollen for a week.

So all in all, it's not been a great start to the year.

But through it all, I have been writing (goodness knows how) and I'm currently working on my new ebook for writers.

And also, through it all, I've been contemplating where I want to go next with my writing career and the following is what I've decided.

I want to write many more books.

I don't want to do freelance writing for private clients any more (too much like having a job and a boss).

I want to spend more time writing and less time doing website work and other non-writing tasks.

I also looked at my stats over the last few months for my writing-related websites and emails and I discovered that in my emails, the links that get clicked on the most are those in the editorial.

I also get quite a bit of feedback on subjects I bring up in the editorial.

My most opened emails were the ones I sent out almost every day for a month when I was doing an experiment of publishing daily, which also phenomenally increased my writing revenue too.

And, interestingly, my writing website that's gaining fastest in popularity, is my new blog at

Even though it's just a quickly thrown up free Blogger blog and only has a handful of posts, it's receiving hundreds of visitors every day, and rising.

So I collated all this information in my marvellous little monkey mind and realised that the most popular and apparently useful things I write, are the quick editorials and blog posts, although I do also have certain articles that I’ve written that receive a lot of Tweets, links and Google + and Facebook mentions.

And these articles, just like my editorials and blog posts, are the ones that are quick to write and easy to do. It's like I open my head and simply pour my thoughts straight onto the page.

Weird, huh?

Yet articles that I sweat over and endlessly edit and rewrite, for the most part, get ignored.

It's the same with my newsletters.

It can sometimes take a whole afternoon to write an article and find news, markets, resources and quotes. And the ever-popular editorial is what I quickly add before I hit send, and yet it seems the most popular part of the email.

So I put all this information together and realised I'm wasting my time adding these other things to my emails that take ages to research, because no one really cares.

I did, at one time, outsource this research, but it's a waste of money if it's not what people want.

I also decided to close down my article writing and blogging service. While it brings in fast money, it takes a lot of time to market it on a regular basis. And it's not what I want to do.

I'll keep up with my current clients but I won't be taking on any more.

So in future, my plan is this:

I'll spend most of my time writing books, ebooks and courses for the niches I work in.

I'll email regularly about once or twice a week or more.

I'll put more posts on my writing blog at

My emails will become my blog posts (or vice versa). That way you can read them online at any time and others can read them too and subscribe.

I've turned back into an article directory and I no longer advertise my writing services there.

I'm also going to be sending out regular emails to my subscribers at (no longer available).

Until now, all they received was a series of auto-responder emails. But now I'll be emailing them personally instead, every week.

So if you want to learn more about making money online, subscribe to You'll get free ebooks when you subscribe and my first few emails (which have already started going out) contain free offers for subscribers.

I’ll also be adding more articles and resources and products to the website which will be announced in the emails as and when it happens.

So as you can see I have many plans.

But as long as I have a plan (or two or three) I can move forward every day.

How about you?

Do you have writing plans in place for this year yet?

If you don't, now would be a great time to start.

Keep writing and stay happy.

The 12 Month Writing Challenge
One Whole Year of Writing Consistently and Earning Over $36,000

Start The Writing Year As You Mean To Go On
(This item is no longer available)

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