It's my business because it's how I earn all of my income. I don't have any other job. I only have my writing.
That's why I set up my own publishing company, because writing is my business.
But before you can set up a successful business there's one thing that's important to know. And if you don't know it, your business will fail.
What you must know is exactly what you're trying to achieve, because if you don't know where you're heading, you'll never reach your destination.
So before you embark on any business, know what your ultimate goal is.
Once you know what you want to do, then you can write out a plan to achieve it.
But make sure your plan includes a timeline. It's now good saying you want to write and publish a dozen books. You need to know how quickly you want to achieve it.
It's better to say "I want to write and publish a dozen ebooks in a year." That way you have a deadline and deadlines are important because it helps in working out a business plan.
Just make sure that your deadline is achievable otherwise you'll be working towards disappointment with everything you do. So be careful that you don't try and cram too much into your calendar.
Once you have your goal and your deadline, you then need a time line. this means a list of what you have to do and when to do it.
So if you want to write and publish 12 ebooks a year then you'll need to write and publish at least 1 every month so then you can work out how much time you need to outline it, write it, edit it, proof it, format it and publish it.
That's your timeline. The time it will take you to complete all those tasks.
Then all you need is the diligence and focus to see it through. I say "all you need" but it is actually the hardest part. It's not impossible but it does take dedication to write out your business plan and your timeline and deadline and then to sit down and work your plan.
But if you want to keep your writing business moving forward this is the only way to do it.
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