Tuesday, 10 December 2019

The Non-Secret to Writing Success in 2020

It's nearly the end of 2019 so let me ask you a question. How much writing did you do? Was it as much as you promised you'd do? Or was it way, way less?

More importantly, how much money did you earn from your writing this year?

And how much are you planning to earn in 2020?

I have to admit that I didn't do as much writing as I thought I would nor did I make as much income. But I did write a lot and I earned enough money to live on. But I know I could have done better.

In fact, I plan to do much better next year. In 2020 I plan to be a content creating machine.'

I'm planning on writing a lot of website content (especially for my new writing website that will be up and running next year), emails, books, free ebooks, short reports, online content, article marketing, (some) affiliate marketing, thousands of blog posts and a whole lot more.

I'm already mapping it all out.

I began by making a list of everything I want to achieve and then I wrote out a whole lot of how I'm going to achieve it, including how much money I hope to earn from my writing in 2020.

And as I was doing this, it occurred to me that although there are millions of people who want to earn money from their writing, not many do.

Sadly, the reason is that they don't know (or don't want to know) the not-so-secret to writing success.

And that is... doing the grunt work of actually writing.

I see too many people going around looking for 'hacks' and 'tricks' that they can use to earn money from their writing without doing the writing. I've even had people email me and ask me to write their book idea for them, and publish and market it, and they will generously LET ME keep 50% of sales. Isn't that sweet?

But the un-secksy truth is that to have any sort of writing success, what you need is the self-discipline to develop a strong work ethic so that you can sit down and do the grunt work of actually writing every day.

And the biggest non-secret of all is that you don't even need to be a great writer.

You just have to out-work all the others who are still running around looking for the latest get-out-of-writing-free card.

Being a successful writer isn't elegant.

It means sitting down and working alone every day.

But if you do it right, it's still better than going out to work for someone else every day.

It's also fun.

Find everything you need for a successful 2020 by clicking the link below.


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