Thursday, 19 March 2020

More Writers Are Writing More

For over a week I've been away in the North Queensland which is the state where I live. My home is in the Southeast so it's sub-tropical here, but in the North it's tropical and humid. I spent days just sweating.

Just before I went away I set up a new subscription service for my website,, and offered emails about how to write more and earn more plus a free ebook for new subscribers to show them even more ways to earn money from writing.

When I returned home 2 days ago, I was pleased to see that I'd had many new subscribers so I know that I'm helping them all to write more and earn more, which is what being a writer is all about.

And during this time, the Coronavirus panic began with people stockpiling toilet paper (of all things) and many people worrying about becoming ill and having to stay at home and not be able to go to work.

But it's not such a tragedy for writers when we have to stay home. Working from home is what we do all the time and it can be quite isolating, so being alone is normal for us.

Happily, it gives us more time to write which means we can earn more money as well as gaining satisfaction and getting more reading done too. I was happy to find that my new Writing Magazine had been delivered while I was away because I have plenty of time to read it while I self-isolate. I'm not ill, I just want to stay home and do more writing.

So if you find that you can't go to work or that you want to use your locked-in time to work from home as a writer or you want to write more than you ever have done before, now is the perfect time to do it.

I say that when life gives you lemons, stay home and get more writing done.

Click the link below and sign up for my emails and I'll send you the free ebook, Writing For Cash, so that you can stop worrying and start writing.

I also have a new free ebook that I'll be adding to my website soon, but my subscribers will be the first to know so that they can get their own copy long before everyone else, so it's another good reason to sign up now, by clicking the link in the sidebar.

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