Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Write 50,000 Words a Month, Every Month

The Monthly Challenge Writing Series
It’s now December (Yikes! Already?). Last month was November and as all writers know, it was also NaNoWriMo, a month when thousands all over the world take up the challenge to write a 50,000-word novel in a month.

And of those thousands, some make it and some don’t. But of those who make it, it does prove that it’s possible to write 50,000 words a month.

But what if you could write 50,000 words every month? I don’t mean that you should write a novel every 30 days, but what if the 50,000 words a month meant all your writing including articles, blog posts, emails, freelance submissions and all the other writing you do every month, including book writing?

Can you imagine how great it would be and how much money you could earn from your writing if you could write fifty thousands words a month, every month?

And while that may seem like a daunting amount, when you break it down, it’s only 1,667 words a day, which is only one article or short story.

Keeping up a writing schedule like this can have a huge increase in your income. 

And if you’re thinking that writing this much every month is too much, let me tell you that the really successful writers produce much more than this every month, usually double or triple this amount. Writing over 100k words every month might sound like a lot of work, but these writers don’t find it hard at all. In fact they love what they do which is probably why they’re so prolific.

So if you love to write, take the 50K a month challenge and see the difference it makes. 

Start with The Monthly Challenge Writing Series - 4 ebooks that guide you through 4 months of writing and earning money.

Are you up for the challenge?

Book 1 - Quick Cash Freelance Writing

Book 2 - Build a Lucrative Niche Website - In A Month

Book 3 - Fast & Profitable Article Writing

Book 4 - The One Month Author: How to Write a Book Faster & Better

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