Showing posts with label Make Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Make Money. Show all posts

Thursday 30 April 2015

How to Earn Money as an Affiliate Marketer

Online Earnings Image courtesy of Stuart Miles,
There are so many ways to earn money online from your writing that sometimes it can be hard to choose which one. Or if you're like me, you do quite a few.

One of the ways to earn money is from affiliate marketing. This means selling other people's products for commission.

The fastest way is to join an affiliate network rather than an individual affiliate program for just one product or one company.

The reason for this is because from a network, you can advertise multiple products from multiple companies all from one account so that  your income accrues faster.

But to be successful it takes more than just putting up a few banners and images on your webpages.

To be earn a good income from affiliate marketing, the best way to do it is through article marketing.

This means writing information-packed articles on the subject of whichever product you're trying to sell at the time and using your writing skills to increase the readers desire to click on your affiliate link and buy the product.

But how many sales to you need to make?

Well, look at it this way...if you're selling an ebook or similar product for which you'll receive $20 per sale, then you'd need to sell 10 products  a day to earn $200, which, over 5 days a week will provide an income of $1,000 ($200 a day for 5 days).

On the other hand, if you're selling a higher-priced product and receiving $50 a sale, then you only need to sell 4 a day to earn the same amount of money.

So if you're advertising and selling multiple products all the time, then you can see how it isn't difficult to make several sales a day - if you're working hard and constantly promoting the products.

I have several different websites online and I work across 3 different and unrelated niches. This gives me ample opportunity to promote affiliate products as well as my own products.

From this I earn  a pretty decent income. And by pretty decent, I mean great.

But I work hard at what I do. I am always thinking of different ways to promote the products I sell as well as researching other suitable products, watching the online markets to see what's selling and what's not, and writing my own books and ebooks.

I prefer to sell my own products because I have better control over them. But the affiliate products I sell bring in plenty of income as well.

Just a few weeks ago I found a new product to promote that pays $66 a sale. I now sell an average of 2 of these a week. I also began promoting another product in a different niche that pays $50 a sale and I now sell around 3 of these every week. This product is also part of a funnel where the customers are offered other products as well and these up-sells also bring me more income.

So just from these 2 products alone I'm earning well over $300 a week. But I know that it won't last long. Products don't always sell well because once people have bought them they no longer need to buy them, so I'm always looking for the next great product to promote.

And it's not only article marketing that helps bring in sales. I use several other methods as well.

So if you want to raise your writing income, find a few great affiliate products to promote.

If you want to earn higher commissions take a look at Their programs pay up to $1,000 a sale, but I think you'd have to have quite a swanky website to attract such high paying customers.

Or you could try my affiliate page at where you'll not only find out about my affiliate program, but I've also listed some others that are good to use as well.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

My Affiliate Program is Back

A few months ago I did away with my affiliate program for my products.


Because too many people were signing up and only using their affiliate link to buy products for themselves.

This is annoying because not only are they looking to get something half price (my affiliate program pays 50% commission) but also because they weren't promoting my products to others, which is the whole point of the program.

I always offer my new products at really low prices to subscribers. I do it all the time, so there's no need for anyone to try and get a 50% discount because my reduced prices for subscribers are way better than that.

So I stopped allowing affiliates to sell my products.

The problem though, was that more people wanted to sign up, but couldn't.

I gave it much thought and in the end I decided to start my affiliate program again but this time with a difference - affiliates won't get paid for purchases through their own affiliate links.

There are plenty of other affiliate programs that don't allow this practice. Even the mighty ClickBank, with well over 150,000 affiliates doesn't allow them to make purchases through their own affiliate links.

And now I don't either.

I've updated the new affiliate information at and added the new info about not paying out for affiliates own purchases.

So there it is.

If you were already signed up as one of my affiliates, your links will still work. I haven't changed anything, I've simply re-instated it again.

And it's worth joining because affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money from writing. It's something I do all the time.

I regularly promote other people's products as an affiliate. Not all products that I recommend are through affiliate links. But many are.

And I NEVER promote products that I don't believe are great because I don't want to upset anyone and make them not trust me.

So if you've ever wanted to make more money from your writing but you've never tried affiliate marketing, you could be leaving a lot of money on the proverbial table.

Just recently I began promoting a product (in another niche) that paid out $66 per sale. I wrote 3 short articles to promote it and made 2 sales in the first week! How great is that?

I'm often asked what's the secret of making money through affiliate marketing, and I honestly don't know. But I do know that it works as long as you're not too "salesy."

When I made the quick sales on the $66 product, the articles were only loosely based around subject of the product. They were information articles that I uploaded to one at a time. It was that easy.

But I'm not saying it's always that easy, but sometimes it is.

And when it is, it's great.


The Food Revolution Summit 2015

Sign up  now. It's free.

Find out how our diet is causing heart disease, cancer, diabetes and more.

When you eat right you get better sleep, feel more energised and are more creative.

It's time you discovered the truth about food and how making the right choices will not only change your life but will also help the animals and the environment.

I've already signed up.

Won't you join me?

The 2015 Food Revolution Summit

Tuesday 24 March 2015

3 Ways to Make Money Writing Online Articles For Your Own Blog/Website

How to Write an Article in 15 Minutes or Less
Writing online articles is what being a writer is all about.

You can’t get away from it. If you’re a writer you need a website and that means writing articles/blog posts regularly.

You website needs to grow and to be filled with regular articles. But what are the articles you’re supposed to write? And how can they help you to make money?

Every article that you write needs to have a reason for being. In other words, what is the article for? How does it help the reader? And most of all, how can it help you to make more money online?

Below is a list of 3 ways that you can use article to make money from your own blog/website.

1. Blog/website Articles. Your website or blog can be a site about you as a writer to promote your books, or a niche website where you sell products and write articles around the products you sell to help drive sales. Use your online articles to help promote what you sell while providing worthwhile information for your readers.

2. Article Marketing. Once you have your blog/website set up, you need to drive traffic to it. You can do this with article marketing. You can write press releases whenever you begin promoting a new book/product, write articles for other blogs/websites and link them back to your site, or write articles to publish on the article directories. Short articles are fast to write and can go on helping you to make money for years.

3. Emails. once you get people to your website you need to get them to subscribe to your email list so that you can continue to market to them long after they’ve left your site. Writing regular short email articles can help keep your subscribers entertained, educated and, hopefully, turn them into regular customers.

So set up a blog/website, fill it with informative and entertaining articles that help you make sales, drive traffic to your site with article marketing and then keep in touch with your website visitors with regular emails.

This is how many people have been making money online for years.

You just have to keep on writing.

Monday 16 March 2015

Why I Use 2 Computers and How It Helps Me to Write More and Earn More

Image Courtesy of Photostock,
As you know, I have a publishing company and I'm a full-time writer. These two things keep me really busy.

Up until late 2014 I only had one computer, a 13" Mac Book Pro.

Then in early December 2014 I splashed out and bought a 13" Mac Book Air.

I didn't buy it because my other computer wasn't working. On the contrary, My Mac Book Pro still works like a Pro, but I wanted the other computer so that I could write more and earn more.

You see, my original computer contains everything I use to run my business. It has all my files, my passwords to particular website accounts, etc. So I used it all the time.

The problem was though, that it also has my emails and several computer games. So whenever I wasn't in a complete working mood I'd start constantly checking emails and clicking links in them and browsing the internet or I'd start a computer game and get lost in that for an hour or two.

I kept telling myself I'd stop doing doing these things, but every time I time I got bored, I'd open my emails to check them again or I'd play a game. I also have quite a few RSS feeds on my computer so they kept disrupting me too because I just HAD to read the latest article on my favourite websites.

Eventually, I realised that there was no way I was going to stop wasting time with these things. I was a distraction junkie. I needed my distractions to get my fix every day.

So I needed a way to stop myself.

I had two options.

The first was to delete my email accounts, computer games and RSS feeds from my computer. But this wasn't really an option because I need my email accounts and some of the RSS feeds are to websites that I'm affiliated to so I need to know what's going on.

So I decided to turn to my second option which was to get another computer and not fill it with these distractions.

I hummed-and-hahed about it for while because the thought of spending $1,000 to stop myself being distracted seemed wasteful. I hated spending that much money for such a flimsy reason.

So I thought about it for several months, while trying to not let myself be distracted so easily by other non-important things.

In the end I made a deal with myself.

I'd buy another computer, a Mac Book Air, and take it out with me every day and work away from home because it's really light to carry.

That would work out great because it wouldn't have the usual distractions on it plus when I work away from home I get more done.

It was a win-win situation.

Plus the added benefit was that if I got more writing done, I'd earn more money so that the new computer could pay for itself in no time at all.

So that's what I did.

I bought the new computer and I use it when I'm writing.

Sadly though, almost instantly, as soon as I bought it our weather got really hot.

Here in Australia December is a summer month and it heated up quickly and became incredibly hot so I started working from home working inside in the cool air-conditioning which was also much appreciated by our two dogs.

I didn't mind too much but I really wanted to go out and work every day but it was far too hot and it made me really thirsty all the time so I needed to drink a lot of water while I worked, which isn't easy to do away from home. The hot weather also attracted a lot of flies and they were everywhere outside.

So I figured once the weather cooled down a little I'd start working away from home.

But then we had a cyclone which brought weeks of rain and strong winds that lashed our little tiny house and flooded the garden.

When it was all over and the sun came out again, it took weeks for the ground to recover and we were  all slipping in mud for a while.

But now it's back to hot weather again and I still haven't taken my new computer away from the house, except when I go to teach my classes once a week at the local college where I show others how to make money as an online writer.

In my classes I hook my computer up to a projector and show everyone what I do for a living and teach them how to do it too.

So my new computer does get out now and again but not in the way I first intended.

And it feels like it's not so much a computer as a glorified word processor because I only use it for writing and nothing else.

But it has earned it's keep because even when I work from home now I mostly work outside sitting on our big wooden deck that has views of miles and a nice cooling breeze, even though most days do end up too hot to stay out there, but winter is on it's way which, here in Brisbane, means warm (but  not hot) days which should be just about right for outdoor writing.

So eventually I know I will take my computer out to the local parks or the library to work but in the meantime, I'm enjoying using it at home as a distraction-free writing tool.

And I was right that it has enabled me to get much more writing done.

And more writing always means more money, because I'm a working writer, I need to earn from my writing.

So if you are distracted by time-wasting apps on your computer, you might consider getting another computer and using it just for writing.

For me it was a great investment which has not only earned it's own keep, but is still helping me earn money every day.


Living The Laptop Lifestyle: How to Start & Grow a Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job

Is going to work something you suffer through all week so you can enjoy the weekends?
Do you bury your dreams and passions so you can chase a paycheck every week?
Do you spend Sundays with a feeling of dread because you know Monday is right around the corner?

Click the image to find out how you can escape.

Thursday 26 February 2015

No One Can Do My Writing Challenge

The 12 Month Writing Challenge
No long ago I set up a writing challenge.

I called it The 12 Month Writing Challenge.

The idea is that you download the writing challenge, and follow it through for one whole year.

And by the time you've finished you'll have earned a minimum $36,000 from your writing.

Sounds simple, doesn't it?

So why is it that no one can do it?

I've lost count of the number of people who've downloaded a copy over the last few years, yet not one of them has ever got back to me and said, "Hey, guess what? I've finished the challenge!"

Instead all I ever hear are stories of how people have started the challenge, but given up after the first month.

Can you believe they give up so quickly?

Some make it to the second month, but that's as far as I'm aware that anyone has ever gotten.

I admit that the first 2 months is a lot of work to do, but it's not impossible to do, especially for anyone who wants to take their writing serious and make money.

The challenge not only leads you through a whole year of writing, but it also helps you to set up a blog, write ebooks, do lot of marketing, do freelance writing and a whole lot more.

And the best part is that once you have all your accounts and everything else set up and you've completed your first of writing, the rest is easy.

Not only that but what you've already done will carry on earning you money for years.

And no matter how you choose to earn money from your writing,it doesn't matter whether you download my 12 Month Writing Challenge or not, because the same goes for which ever way you do it.

If you spend the next year freelance writing, setting up a money-making blog, writing ebooks, marketing, affiliate marketing and more, then there's no way you can fail.

It stands to reason that if you put in the work, you'll reap the rewards.

But...and here is the real challenge, you have to get it going and keep it going.

Quitting is not an option if you want to be a prolific and successful writer.

It wasn't easy for me in the beginning because there wasn't as much information online about it all back then so I kind of floundered a bit trying to find my way to making a living as an online writer.

But I did make it. And I wrote The 12 Month Writing Challenge to help others.

But, you just can't help some people. :)

I just hope that you're not one of them.

If you don't already have your own 12 month plan of how you're going to make money from your writing, then it's time you made one.

And as the great motivational speaker Mike Litman used to say, You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going.

So how are you aiming to get things going?

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Do You Have to Write Books to Make Money From Writing

So the question is, if you want to make money from your writing, do you have to write books?

And the simple answer is, no.

Naturally, being able to write and publish your own books is really helpful, but there are many people all over the world making money from their writing and they've never written a book in their life and they don't intend to.

For example, journalists make their living from writing, but they're not book authors.

Likewise, there are many other ways to earn money as a writer without writing a book.

I used to work exclusively as a freelance writer when I first started writing. I wrote articles and short stories for magazines and also for clients.

Mostly my clients wanted me to write online articles or to proof read and edit books that they'd written. And that was fine with me

Until one day, it occurred to me that if they could afford to pay me for what I did to help them, how much money were they earning from my work?

That's when I began to look for ways to earn money from my own writing. But I still wasn't ready to write a book.

I searched around online and found the wonderful world of affiliate marketing and began to earn money from writing articles to promote other people's products and posting on social media, etc.

It was only a matter of time though, before I started writing my own ebooks.

But I still do affiliate marketing because it's still a great way to earn money from writing.

And like I've always said, writing is numbers game because the more you write, the more money you can earn.

And writing marketing articles is faster than writing a book.

So if you want to make money from writing, you don't have to write any books because affiliate marketing is just one of the many ways you can earn money as a writer.

And it all creates a really amazing passive income.


Monday 19 January 2015

Using Stories in Your Articles

Articles that tell stories have always been popular.

You only have to look back at history and you'll see that people used to use parables to teach other.

Parables are simple stories used to teach a moral.

Aesop was also good at using fables to get his point across. FYI fables are the same as parables except they use animals to teach a moral.

Soap operas originally began as stories used to sell a product. And as the name suggests, that product was soap.

Soap operas began as radio plays aimed at housewives where the product was mentioned all the time. Later soap operas moved to television where the product could also be placed in view.

And nothing has really changed over the years. Even today, stories are still a great way to teach, inform AND make sales.

Stories have always been used for one main reason:

They are easy to remember.

You can tell someone something and they may forget it.

But if you tell them a story, they'll usually remember it (at least for a while).

You can use stories in your articles to draw your reader in and then relate the story to the message you're trying to tell them, or tie the story into the product you're selling.

And if people enjoy your stories they'll want to read more.

And more readers means more sales.

Copywriters use stories in their sales letters all the time.

They start by telling a story about a problem someone is having and then they provide a satisfying solution to the problem which (naturally) involves the product they are promoting.

So have you got any great stories to tell?

They could be worth a million. :)

Thursday 15 January 2015

I've Brought the Dead Back to Life - And It's Free!

Last year I began a free series of emails and free ebooks about how to write articles and ebooks quickly and how it could help you to earn more money.

I created them because I put links in them to a couple of writing products that I was selling as an affiliate.

I actually owned the products myself and really liked them so I agreed to help market them.

Everything was going fine until I hit a huge snag...

Wednesday 14 January 2015

How to Make More Money From Your Blog Or Website, On Autopilot

Aweber emailing - try it for 30 Days for only $1
If you're like most people, you want to earn money from your blog or website.

But chances are,  you're not making as much money as you want to.

The most often preached "rule" about how to make money from your blog is that you need to add blog posts almost daily to get more traffic.

But it's no good getting more traffic to your website if you don't know how to make money from them once they get there.

And you might not want the burden of having to write and publish blog posts all the time.

What you really want is to make money on autopilot, which means that your blog or website goes on making you money even if you haven't updated it for a while.

But how can you make money if you're not writing and publishing every day?

Monday 12 January 2015

Only Write Articles That Make Money

Writing articles that inform and/or entertain is great. But making money is better.

I know that there are the 'die-hards' out there who believe that writing is an inspiring gift, yada, yada, yada, but I have bills to pay. So my articles need to be profitable. Each one has to earn it's keep.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

5 Things That Hold You Back From Financial Freedom

There is a way to predict your financial future.

It's easy to see, right now, how much money you're going to earn in the next year, the next 2 years, 5 years and even 10 years.

Want to know how?

Thursday 11 December 2014

Writers Who Procrastinate Have Skinny Kids

It was the famous author, salesman and motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, who said "Timid salesmen have skinny kids."

In other words, if you don't make sales, your kids don't eat.

And it's the same if you're a writer.

You need to make sales if you want to feed your kids.

Thursday 30 October 2014

The Most Versatile Writing You Can Do

Most people think that writing only has one purpose, as in, you're writing a book or writing an email or writing a press release.

But there is one kind of writing that is extremely versatile and can be used in many different ways.


Articles can be used as blog posts, press release articles, emails, ebook chapters, auto-responder emails and marketing articles, just to name a few things.

Which means that if you can write a lot of articles, you can earn a really decent income.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Six Writing Resources to Help You Write More and Earn More

Today I have a new list of six writing resources that are all designed to get you started and keep you going and, how to earn more money from your writing:

How to Find an Agent and Get Published Premium Collection
Are you ready to get your book on the shelves? Whether you’re just starting to write your novel or have dozens of submissions under your belt, this collection includes everything you need to successfully get your work into the market.

Learn how the publishing industry has changed and how you need to format and submit your proposal in order to build a solid reputation. Get insight from experienced agents on common mistakes writers make and how to craft an irresistible query letter.

If you’re serious about having a long-term, prosperous career as a writer, you need to develop the business-savvy skills necessary to land an agent and get published.

Chimpanzee Budgeting & Scheduling Sale
Designed for student, low budget or beginner filmmakers, Chimpanzee offers traditional film scheduling & budgeting features at an affordable price.

Made by the people who brought you Gorilla, Chimpanzee allows you to create breakdown sheets, budgets, manage cast & crew, generate call sheets, prop lists, shot lists, storyboards and more. Easily import a screenplay and immediately get started attaching scenes to shoot days and scheduling cast and crew.

Choose from a variety of budget templates or create your own, and easily link your budget to schedule elements such as cast, crew and props. Chimpanzee comes with over a dozen reports, including breakdown summaries, call sheets, and a budget topsheet. Chimpanzee can also be integrated with the Gorilla Ratebook and Koala Call Sheets for even greater functionality and power.

Now on Sale for only $64.50, now until 23rd September 2014.

25 Ways To Write For Money
Discover 25 Ways To Get Paid As A Writer -
 From Writing Ebooks To Copywriting To Freelance Articles To Greeting Cards And Resumes.

Writing Rituals For Marketing Writers & Copywriters
5 Proven Rituals To Help You Write Faster And Smarter, And Make More Money.

Whether You Are Writing Promotional Materials, Reports, Guides Or Even Your Own Web Sites, This Guide Will Dramatically Increase Your Writing Productivity And Earning Power.

How To Make Money Writing Easy, 350-500 Word Web Articles
If You Can Type, You Can Start Making Money Writing Simple 350-500 Word Web Articles.

You Don't Need Experience.

In Fact, Most Who Start Don't Have Any. I'll Tell You Everything You Need To Get Started Immediately. I Do It Every Day & So Can You!

Frustrated Authors Finish & Publish Your Book Get Big $ 6-month System
Finally, a Kick-in-the-Pants -- Guaranteed -- System if You're a Frustrated Author or Writer Who Wants to Stop Procrastinating, Get Your book Done and Start Collecting FAT Checks...All in Record Time.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

How to Make Money As An Online Writer

This is what many writers dream of doing; earning money by writing articles and publishing them online. But how can you make money if all you're doing is writing a few blog posts and articles?

Well for a start, you're well ahead of others if you can already write.

Many people dream of earning an online income but can't write.

So here are 3 simple steps to help you earn money online.

Monday 30 June 2014

Do You Know How Much Amazon Can Do?

As writers, we're all aware that Amazon sells books and ebooks.

But are you aware of how many other products they sell?

Knowing this is good for two reasons.

Firstly, it's oh so handy if you need to buy something because many times Amazon sells items cheaper than other companies.

Secondly, it's handy if you have a website and you're an Amazon affiliate because it gives you more advertising opportunities.

Amazon now not only sell more products than ever before but they also have more ways that you can make money.

For instance, did you know that Amazon has a trade-in offer for used books that you can sell back to them?

And did you know that they have a baby registry service and a wedding registry service or that they now sell their own smart phones?

Thursday 5 June 2014

Faster Money From Affiliate Marketing

Make money with affiliate marketing
Quite often, writers use their writing ability for affiliate marketing instead of creating their own products. And I’m no different. I use affiliate marketing as a way to earn more money.

And if you’re thinking of doing the same, here are 3 things you need to consider which are Time, Different Ways to Market and How Much Money You Can Earn.

So let's take a look at all three.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

10 Freelance Writing Markets

Today I have for you a list of 10 more freelance writing markets.

Each of these 10 places has an extensive list of links to writing markets.

The list includes different genres of fiction writing including horror, sci-fi, speculative fiction and romance plus children's writing markets and magazine markets.

Take a look through the list and start submitting today.

To earn a great income trough freelance writing, aim to make 30 submissions every month.

These 10 new writers' markets will also be added to the ever-growing list at my website for writers,

Wednesday 28 May 2014

The Parrots Secrets Way to Make Money Online

image courtesy of stuart miles
There's a website online that has made millions of dollars in the last few years.

It's a website about parrots (can you believe what a simple subject that is?)

The owner is a young guy who lives in India (although he pretends he is called Nathalie and he's from the US) and his website is bringing in over $400 thousand a year.

It's not even an incredibly well designed website. It's just lots of pages of information about parrots.

So how is the owner making so much money?

Thursday 3 April 2014

Writing Reviews on Amazon Can Really Pay

This week I read a blog post written by my friend, and co-author of The Wealthy Writer, Nick Daws.

His blog post was titled "How I Got My Best-Paid Writing Job Ever Last Week Through Amazon!" and in it he talked about how he was 'invited' by Amazon to write reviews.

And this is what he said...