Tuesday 24 December 2019

Christmas is a Time for Planning

Today is Christmas Eve, for those who celebrate such things, but I do not.

I haven't done the Christmas thing for over 20 years.

As you can imagine this horrifies many people when I tell them. They over-react like I just killed one of their children.

Yet when I ask them why they celebrate it, they have no idea. Are they religious? No. Do they believe in God and Jesus? No. Do they know why they put up a tree in their house every year? No. Do they enjoy buying lots of gifts? No. Do they enjoy writing and sending lots of cards? Hell no. So why do they do it? Because everyone else does it.

Hmm..... I'd rather not.

This is why it's 24th December and I'm busy writing a blog post and not rushing around buying last-minute gifts or preparing a meal for tomorrow that's so huge, everyone will overeat. To me today is just another day and I have no plans for tomorrow either.

Also, as an aside, we are currently in a huge 6-month drought. The grass is dead and crunchy to walk on. We now shower over a bucket and pour the water we collect in it, onto the garden. We also have a kitchen bucket and wash our dishes by hand so that we can empty the washing up bowl into the bucket and pour that on some of the poor, dehydrating plants in the garden too. Thankfully rain is actually forecast for later today, and the clouds are already building up, and tomorrow (Christmas Day) a deluge is forecast. But that's it. Just two days of rain in 6 months, and back to drought.

Anyway, to me 25th December is just another day. Nothing special. So it's a day I usually make good use of for my writing business.

A few days ago I purchased a 2020 diary (or planner, as it says on the first inside page) so tomorrow I'm going to use it to start planning out my writing for the first few weeks of 2020, plus make bigger plans for the rest of the year, like how many books I plan to write, themes and subjects for my blogs, etc.

Yep, 25th December is a great day to get lots of planning done, not just because it is supposed to rain all day, but also, everything is closed (shops, restaurants, pubs, etc), so there really is little else to do anyway. And because it's going to rain, we can't even go to the beach tomorrow like a lot of people do. We had plans to have lunch with a few friends at the local dam and swim in the afternoon, but that plan is now scrapped.

So even if you do celebrate this day, you can also use part of it as a great day for planning all your writing for next year.

Because, as they say, if you fail to plan, you're planning to fail.

Enjoy your time off work and make some great writing plans


Sunday 22 December 2019

International Radio Playwriting Competition 2020

This is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to write a radio play.

In the UK the BBC World Service and the British Council, in partnership with Commonwealth Writers have opened up entry to their International Radio Playwriting Competition 2020.

This competition is open to new and established writers who are NOT a resident of the UK and will be at least 18 years of age before 31st January 2020.

The competition is for radio playscripts of approximately 53 minutes (usually 1 page per minute) on any subject/genre with no more than 6 central adult characters, plus a synopsis of up to 400 words that outlines your play.

There are 2 categories, one for those whose first language is English and one for those who have English as a second language.

In each category, there is a prize of £2,500, and a trip to London including airfare and accommodation for one, to see your play being recorded and to attend a prize-giving event.

The closing date is 31 January 2020 at midnight GMT.

You can enter by post, email, or online

Find complete rules and how to enter at the BBC writers room website.

Good luck. 🤞


Monday 16 December 2019

How Much Can You Write in 2 Hours a Day?

Being a writer means spending time alone to get your writing done. But it doesn't have to be a lot of time.

Just 2 hours a day can yield over 10,000 words written a week or a full-time income from writing.

2 hours is plenty of time to write, but it takes good organisation.

If you sit down and have no idea what to write about, then your time will be wasted and before you know it, your 2 hours is up and you've got nothing done.

But if you already know what you're going to do, then it can be 2 hours of extremely productive time every day, which is 10 hours a week, assuming you work 5 days out of 7.

You may not think that 2 hours is long enough, but if you're not writing much at all at the moment, then 2 hours a day is a huge improvement in output.

Not only that, but if 2 hours is more time than you're writing now then it's a huge improvement and it's much better than not writing at all.

But you need to make sure that it's distraction-free time and that means no texting, no surfing online, and definitely no anti-social media. Only allow it to be 2 hours of writing, editing, proofing, uploading, publishing.

And the best part is that when you get into a regular habit of sitting down and writing every day, you may even find yourself working longer without even realising it.

And once it becomes a daily habit to work for 2 hours a day, it will be fun because you won't be resisting it anymore and it will literally change your life.

As the great motivational guru, Mike Littman used to say, 'People form habits, and habits form futures."

So know what you want your future to be, and then get into the habit of sitting down for 2 hours every day to make your future writing dreams into a daily reality.

And now that we're so close to the New Year, there is no better time to plan out and start working on your writing dreams.


Thursday 12 December 2019

Napoleon Hill's 30 Minutes to Peak Productivity

A few days ago I was reading (well, to be honest, it was an audiobook so I was listening to it) Napoleon Hill's classic book Think and Grow Rich.

I bought this book several years ago and, like most good books, it's great to read it over and over again, because I find that every time I read it, I pick up one more golden nugget of information that I missed before.

And if you aren't already familiar with this book, you're missing out on so much.

As the title suggests, it's your thoughts that make you rich. But not just your thoughts but being disciplined enough to act on them.

Anyway, while listening to this amazing book, I found I was paying more attention than usual to the part where he was talking about how important it is to put yourself in the right state of mind when thinking about a plan of how you're going to earn money.

He said that you need to have just the germ of an idea and from that, if you think about it enough and meditate on it regularly, you can build it up from just a thought, into a multi-million dollar business (or words to that effect).

He also went on to say exactly how you can do this, and that is by setting aside just 30 minutes a day to contemplate your idea into a goal and eventually be able to visualize the complete concept of what you can achieve.

He said that by utilizing just 30 minutes a day you can think about your idea until it becomes a reality in your own mind and you feel excited and motivated to put your ideas into action.

This 30 minutes a day is so important because, without it, you won't be able to build up your idea or to visualize it and feel the emotions of it already happening which is vital to your financial success.

This is how you 'Think and Grow Rich.'

And a great aid to your 30 minutes a day of contemplation on your idea (or 30 minutes to think about what it is you really want to do - as opposed to what you THINK you should do) is the Brain Evolution System. I know that sounds like a sales pitch, but I've used this system for several years now and it really is amazing, and it doesn't cost anything to try it, so you've got nothing to lose.

You just set aside 30 minutes a day, slip on your headphones and allow the binaural beats to influence your brainwaves which will do two things. It will help to put you into a calm state of mind which will then allow your mind to contemplate things clearly and efficiently with a sharp, clear focus.

I've been using this system for a long time now and I always look forward to my 30 minutes of quiet time every day because the sounds are so soothing and relaxing and my mind comes up with unlimited ideas for whatever I need to work on. If you've never tried it, you should. When you close your eyes and drift into the sounds, it feels like you're floating far away which enables you to leave behind the usual dramas of your life.

At first it felt like 30 wasted minutes a day, but, within just a week or two of using it daily, I found it invaluable for getting more done.

As Napoleon Hill said, taking 30 minutes a day to contemplate an idea is life-changing.

You can try it for yourself for free by clicking the link below.

Brain Evolution System