Thursday 26 August 2021

How To Make a Small Fortune With Niche Websites

We all want to be paid for our writing which is why most writers start out doing freelance work, and it's how I made my start too. Freelancing is a great way to earn money because you get paid for every acceptance.

To earn even more money at the same time, I set up my own niche website which worked out perfectly because in between writing and submitting work to publishers, I could write and upload my work to my own site. And what I quickly discovered was that it was possible to earn money this way, even when I had nothing to sell.

At first, I added some advertisements that I earned money from and then I began doing affiliate marketing and I learned that done correctly, it was extremely lucrative.

This led me to do more research and I found more ways to earn money online. I also set up more niche websites and kept writing and uploading my work. And the best part was that I got to choose what to write about.

Before I knew it, I was hooked and  I carried on working like this for several years. It also gave me time to do other things like writing books.

And now I'm going to show you how you can do it too in my new ebook, 'Build a Lucrative Niche Website in a Month.'

AND for the rest of this month it's only 99 cents. Which is only for a few days.

Download your own copy today. It's available at all good online ebook stores including Amazon Or read it online for free with a 7 day free trial from Bookmate

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Something You Can Do Today To Increase Your Writing Income

As a working writer, I've written and co-authored many books. I've also done plenty of freelance writing too, which is great for fast income.

One of the other things I do is set up and run niche websites.

Years ago, I had quite a few niche sites. I still have some but nowhere near as many as I used to have.

Niche websites are great because they can go on earning passive income while you get on with other writing projects. Or they can be your main source of income. I've known many writers who spend all their time writing articles and blog posts for their niche websites, and they usually set them up with several different streams of income.

One writer earned all his income from Pay Per Click ads on his niche sites. And his sites weren't big. Each had only a dozen or so pages. But because his articles were so targeted, he earned enough money so that he could quit his full-time job.

Now I'm not saying that everyone can be that successful, but just one niche website can provide ongoing income.

Writers aren't paid by the hour which is why I've always found it important to earn money from my writing every way I can. And having my own niche websites has been a big part of that.

Right now my 2nd ebook in The Monthly  Challenge Writing Series - Build a Lucrative Niche Website in a Month - (published this week) is available for only 99 cents. But only until the end of this month.

Download a copy from Amazon, or read it for free from Bookmate on a free 7-day trial and you can start working on your own niche website today.

There are only a few days left to get it at this ridiculously low price.

It will be the best 99 cent investment you ever make.

Build a Lucrative Niche Website in a Month

Monday 23 August 2021

Steve Jobs' Secret to Total Focus

 "Focusing is about saying no." ~ Steve Jobs

In 1997, Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs said that focusing is about saying no. At the time many people didn't understand what he meant. He went on to say,  “You’ve got to say ‘no, no, no’ and when you say ‘no,’ you piss off people.”

He said that focus wasn't a matter of willpower, but having the courage to say no to other people as well as no to other projects so that you can concentrate on one big goal. One important goal.

And that goal can be anything, depending on what the moment needs.

For instance, if you're in the writing 'flow' say no to anyone or anything that tries to take away your focus.

If you're child needs you that's fine, but say no to everyone else who tries to get you to divide your focus. Don't even answer the phone.

If you're spending time with your spouse (or anyone important to you) don't look at your phone.

If you're at work, work.

If you're out having drinks with friends and you'd rather be at home writing, go home and write.

Pick whatever is the most important to you and do that. Give it your complete focus.

Imagine how much writing you could do if you sat and wrote for hours with complete focus on your work. Can you even begin to imagine what they would be like?

Saying no and giving your complete focus to what's important to you, can seem hard at first. Whether you can do it depends on how committed you are.

You can commit to your writing today by downloading my latest ebook, Quick Cash Freelance Writing, which is currently (for the rest of this month) only 99 cents. 

Then you can start writing today. 

And commit to working your way through the whole ebook, by which time you'll have earned far more money from your freelance writing than you ever thought you could.

And it only takes one month.

Click the link below and start focusing on your writing.

Friday 20 August 2021

Sign Up Online and Start Writing Articles Straight Away. No Previous Experience Required

 Freelance writing is one of the simplest and quickest ways to start writing and earning money.

Once you start looking, you'll discover that there are so many writing markets and opportunites that allow you to work from home as a writer, with just you and your computer, while you write and submit your work online.

Does that sound good?

It's great. It's how I began my writing career many years ago, and it's still just as good today.

In fact, it's now easier than ever because there are not just magazines and newspapers to write for, there are thousands of website owners looking for content writers. Looking for writers to write their online articles and blog posts.

Earning money from writing short articles (and posts) is a fast and easy way to get into freelance writing and you can even turn it into fulltime income.

But where do you start? How do you find markets to write for?

What if I told you that there are writing sites where you can sign up and start writing articles for money straight away? You just write short articles and upload them and get paid. And if you're good, people will order even more articles from you.

These sites operate by offering content to other website owners who get to pick and choose which articles they want.

And writers work for these sites by choosing which category they want to write articles for and then uploading them for payment.

And I talk about these sites plus so many other writing markets in my latest ebook, Quick Cash Freelance Writing.

And for this month only, Quick Cash Freelance Writing is only 99 cents. That's right. For less than a dollar you can download it and start writing today.

Be quick because the price is going up soon.

Click the link below to find out more.