Friday 29 April 2022

Writing and Moving

Image by Nina Garman from Pixabay 
Last March (2021, over a year ago) I moved from a house up a mountain to an apartment at the coast. Although I liked having a garden at our old place and growing fruit and vegetables, I wanted to live in somewhere with less to do so that I could write more. 

Unfortunately, while I do like living in an apartment (here in Australia, called a unit), I don’t like the complex where I am so I’m moving again next week.

What I don’t like about living here is that for some reason I don’t like sitting in the study. We use the spare bedroom as an office but for some unknown reason I can’t settle in there, so I don’t sit at my desk any more. Even right now I’m sat on the couch in the living room.

I did think I could sit on the balcony and write instead, but it’s East-facing and has the sun on it most of the morning so it’s too hot and burning.

There are also over 150 apartments here with over 90 more currently being built (6 buildings altogether) so it’s noisy here through the day time with so many people around, plus all the construction going on here at the moment (from 6.30am to 6.30pm six days a week) is not conducive to my writing either.

There are also ongoing problems with the caretakers who are not doing their jobs, so the common areas (car parks, pool areas, corridors, etc) are looking pretty icky, in fact it’s getting quite disgusting.

As you can imagine, I’m fed up with everything here and so is Dean, so we’ve sold up and we’re shipping out.

Next week we’ll start moving our possessions box by box over to our new place and then the removalists can move our furniture a few days later.

This is going to be a huge disruption, but it won’t stop me writing. No doubt it will slow me down though.

In the meantime we’re busy sorting out electric and internet accounts, mail redirection, and eating up all the food in the fridge freezer before we switch it off for a couple of days before we move it. If nothing else, it will be entertaining. Though it’s all somewhat stressful.

Also, my book, the 12 Month Writing Challenge, which was only available as a PDF, is now available as a print book and an eBook and both are available from online bookstores.

Grab yourself a copy now.

Happy reading and writing.

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Here’s How To Do 12 Months of Non-Stop Writing

Beach in Townsville North QLD
Back in early 2020, my husband Dean and I went on a road trip up North to tropical Townsville. We took a few days to drive up there, stopping overnight here and there and sleeping in the back of the car (we had a utility truck with a fixed canopy over the tray with a fitted mattress inside).

I thought I’d have trouble sleeping during the trip because I often wake up in the early hours of the morning at stupid o’clock and can’t get back to sleep. So I thought it would be worse sleeping in the car at roadside truck stops.

But it turned out to be the opposite. I slept than I had in years. I had no trouble falling asleep in the car and slept straight though til morning every single night. Dean would say, “Didn’t you hear that bus-load of people pull up and use the toilets last night?” And “There were so many trucks pulling out at 4am and I couldn’t believe you were sleeping through it all.” He was disturbed by sounds every night while I slept like a baby.

We talked about it when we got home and I decided that the reason I slept so well was simply because of decision fatigue. Every day was spent making one decision after another, after another, all day long. Where are we going to stay tonight? How are we going to shower? What are we going to eat/ How far do we have to go? Where are we? Where are we going tomorrow? How much fuel to do we have? When can we stop and have a break?

At home there isn’t many decision to make because I’m organised so it’s not tiring. I know what I’m going to be doing each day. Everything is planned. Even if something unexpected comes up, it’s easy to re-organise everything.

Having a plan makes every day so much simpler. I have a plan and I work my plan.

And I’ve set up a 12 month writing plan for you in my book, The 12 Month Writing Challenge.

So there are no decisions you need to make, except how soon are you going to start?

Monday 18 April 2022

The Never-Fail Way To Write More Books

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

As you already know (because I've been telling you so much), I'm on a mission this year to write 12 books in 12 months.

It's April now and I didn't publish a book last month, but that doesn't mean I haven't been writing. On the contrary, I've been extremely busy behind the scenes.

I've written a new novel, which I'm really pleased with, plus I had a ton of fun writing it.

I enjoyed writing it so much that whenever I was working on it, I kept forgetting the time and so it was always a lot later than I thought by the time I looked up.

In fact, a lot of the time, I was so caught up in the story I was writing, I also forgot about reality and had to keep reminding myself what day it was, what time it was, and whether I was supposed to be somewhere else or not. And I really didn't like being pulled out of the story, but life kept interrupting me.

But my new novel is finished so I'm now waiting for the cover, and a couple of other things, and then it can be published.

Not only that, but I'm already working on my next book which is a book for writers that will help you increase your writing and publishing speed and efficiency which will not only help you to increase your writing income, but will help you have a ton more fun doing it.

Just watch this space.

In the meantime, take a look at my most recent (and extremely popular) book for writers and self publishers: 

Self Publish Worldwide.

Thursday 17 March 2022

Do This BEFORE You Write Your Book

Image by HeatherPaque from Pixabay

 I recently finished writing my latest book called Self Publish Worldwide. I also published it.

I’ve been working as a self published author for years. I even began long before self publishing was popular, and it wasn’t easy to do.

I’ve only had one book published by a publishing company and the rest I published myself.

And to be honest, I prefer self publishing because it gives me control over my books.

And its so much easier to self publish now once you understand how to do it.

But while it’s easy to self publish, selling is harder. You can’t sell a book if you don’t know who you’re selling it to.

What you need to do, before you even write one word is decide

1. Who is your audience?

2. What is the book’s category?

This may sound stupidly obvious and pointless, but it’s not and it isn’t


Say you’re going to write a romance novel. First, you need to know exactly who’ll read it. Obviously romance stories are aimed at women, but is yours suitable for a teenage girl, a 30 something, or a retiree? Your exact target audience will make a huge difference to how you write your book.

I recently read a book about how to write a book in a week. Obviously, it was aimed at someone who wanted to write a book quickly, but it was clear from the contents that it was aimed at someone who already was a writer and looking for a way to write quickly, not at someone who had no clue how to write a book. There’s a big difference between those two audiences. This book was perfect for me because I’m an experienced writer looking for productivity tips, not a complete newbie not knowing where to start.

So audience was critical.


This is equally important, not only because bookstores need to know what category to list your book in, but you need to choose the category where your prospective readers will be searching.

So it’s not as simple as choosing Sci-fi or Romance categories, but to choose sub-categories like aliens or erotic romance. When you start looking at sub-categories, the list can go deep.

It’s the same with a book about writing, it can be book writing, article writing, or even productive writing.

Knowing who you’re writing to and where to find them (category) means you’ll improve your marketing by marketing directly to them, and a 10-point marketing plan makes it so simple to do and gets your book in front of the right audience quickly.

This is just one of the many things you’ll discover in Self Publish Worldwide

Download my free self publishing report at

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