Showing posts with label General. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General. Show all posts

Monday 30 June 2014

Writing For The Love of Writing

Why do you write?

Can you answer that question?

It's a simple question yet it can stumble so many.

A question I get asked a lot is "how much money can a writer earn?"

And I tell people, that is really the wrong question.

A better question is, why do writers write?

The answer is because they love to write.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

My Horoscope Was Spot On Today

astrology image courtesy of Stuart Miles
I have an astrology app on my iPhone. I read my horoscope every day.

Usually what it says is far removed from my life and how I live it. So I mostly ignore it and give it my haughty snort of derision after every reading.

But this morning  it was so spookily accurate that I had to sit up and take notice. 

It was as though it knew what I'd been doing and what I was thinking.

Monday 26 May 2014

Perpetual Writing Student

image courtesy of
I’ve been a writer now for almost 20 years (boy that makes me feel old) and a lot has changed in that time.

I used to make money from my writing by typing articles and short stories (on a typewriter) and mailing them to magazines.

If I needed to do research I had to go to the library and write my notes by hand. Sometimes, if I needed a few pages of info, I’d pay to photocopy it and take it home.

Now I email most of my work, write and publish my own books online and Google nearly all my research.

And to keep up with it all I’ve had to be a perpetual student of writing.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Recent Lack of Blog Posts

image courtesy of may have noticed that recently I’ve not been posting to this blog nor have I been sending emails, but I have a really valid excuse, although there’s really no excuse for not blogging and writing articles no matter how busy I’ve been.

But I have been working hard behind the scenes and there’s even a free offer in it for you.

One of the things I’ve been busy working on is a series of emails and 2 free ebooks that I’ll be giving away to subscribers only.  And by subscribers, I mean those who are subscribed for emails from

Thursday 20 February 2014

Is Google Stealing Money from Web Site Owners and Cheating AdWords Clients?

I’ve had my own websites for quite a few years now and I’ve always had AdSense Ads on most of my sites to earn a bit of income on the side.

I’ve never earned very much money from the AdSense ads, but the odd hundred dollar payments are nice.

Most of my online income comes from my own eBooks and from affiliate products that I recommend. So AdSense has always been very much a sideline for extra income. I use it because it’s simple to use. I just place a few ads on my web page templates and then let them do their own thing. It was a really easy “set it and forget it” system.

And it worked really well until recently when I started noticing money being taken from my AdSense account. Not only that but the number of clicks kept disappearing too.

So I started to wonder if Google is not only stealing from website owners, but cheating their Adwords clients too.