Friday 10 September 2021

Don’t Think. Just Write

 Years ago, I knew I wanted to write, so I did. I wrote, submitted my work to magazines and earned money.

Next, I wanted to have my own website, so I did a web design course and set up my first site.

I also wanted to write a book and get it published so I wrote it and published it while stumbling through the whole process and learning as I went along.

It was during this time that I came across an online “Guru” called Mike Littman and his mantra was “You don’t have to get it right. You just have to get it going.”

I loved that, so it’s what I always did. It’s also how I always write. I just keep going and write in the ‘flow’. No editing. Just writing.

Sometimes as I write I think I’m going wrong, but I don’t stop. I just keep writing.

And in the end it’s usually OK and I can fix things in the edit.

What’s always worked for me is not to overthink things. I simply get things started and make changes as I go along.

I never overthink my writing either.

I create an outline and write from there.

If you want to achieve more, don’t get it right, just get it going.

You won’t regret it.

Books to help you make money from your writing

Monday 6 September 2021

List of Writing Markets and Free Writing Competitions

Today I have for you a list of lists of writing markets and a list of lists of no-fee, free-to-enter writing competitions.

While you may think there is less chance of winning a competition than having your work accepted by a writing market, it's not necessarily so. 

Also, I always find that entering a writing competition and not winning is still great writing practice and it gives me a whole archive of short pieces of writing that can be submitted for another competition or a writing market.

In my writing world, no piece of writing is ever wasted.

Browse through the following list of lists and enjoy your writing.


4 Paying Fiction Podcast Markets for Writers

Write Jobs
List of writing markets and free writing competitions

The Market List
A huge list of writing markets with a category list in the sidebar

101 Calls for Submissions in September 2021 - Paying markets


50+ Writing Contests in 2021 with Awesome Cash Prizes

40 Free Writing Contests: Legitimate Competitions With Cash Prizes

2021 Free International Writing Entry Contests

A List of Writing Competitions in 2021 and Beyond
The free-to-enter competitions are highlighted.

Friday 27 August 2021

Sit at Home, Write, and Get Paid

I don't know about you, but when I first started writing, I thought the only way to make money was from freelance writing or writing a book and getting it published.

And I used to think to myself, "I wish I could just stay home, write whatever I want, and get paid."

So I started researching it online (everything is Googleable) and found out that it was indeed possible.

I learned about niche websites, which are different to online stores. They're information sites based on a single niche (subject). These days many of these sites are called blogs.

I found out that it was possible to create a niche website from scratch (or from a template), write content, find related products to sell for commission, earn money from advertisements, do online marketing - and all for free.

Without needing any more prompting, I set up my first site, then another, and then another. I felt like I was addicted, and I thought to myself, it doesn't get any better than this.

Over the years I've had several niche sites, because not only did I earn money, but it was fascinating to do. And as the online world changed, it got even easier.

And now you can do it too. Work from home doing what you love (writing) and earn money. It all starts with my new ebook, 'Build a Lucrative Niche Website in a Month.'

For the rest of this month (only a few days away), it's only 99 cents, so download your copy today and by this time next month you'll have your own site set up and earning money.

Thursday 26 August 2021

How To Make a Small Fortune With Niche Websites

We all want to be paid for our writing which is why most writers start out doing freelance work, and it's how I made my start too. Freelancing is a great way to earn money because you get paid for every acceptance.

To earn even more money at the same time, I set up my own niche website which worked out perfectly because in between writing and submitting work to publishers, I could write and upload my work to my own site. And what I quickly discovered was that it was possible to earn money this way, even when I had nothing to sell.

At first, I added some advertisements that I earned money from and then I began doing affiliate marketing and I learned that done correctly, it was extremely lucrative.

This led me to do more research and I found more ways to earn money online. I also set up more niche websites and kept writing and uploading my work. And the best part was that I got to choose what to write about.

Before I knew it, I was hooked and  I carried on working like this for several years. It also gave me time to do other things like writing books.

And now I'm going to show you how you can do it too in my new ebook, 'Build a Lucrative Niche Website in a Month.'

AND for the rest of this month it's only 99 cents. Which is only for a few days.

Download your own copy today. It's available at all good online ebook stores including Amazon Or read it online for free with a 7 day free trial from Bookmate