Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts

Thursday 2 October 2014

An Interview on Content, Creativity and Writing Consistently

This week I read an online Q & A interview with best selling author, Ann Handley.

Ann is the author of "Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content" which recently reached number 4 on the New York Times Best Seller list.

In her interview Ann talks covers many topics including how writing habits “practiced once a week aren’t habits at all. They’re obligations.”

She also discusses that there is no one way to write, just as their is no one way to parent a child. But she does believe that the following is a guaranteed formula for writing creative and engaging content:

Wednesday 17 September 2014

You Can’t Save a Damsel Who Enjoys Distress

image courtesy of  marcolm
On a podcast I was listening to recently, I heard the expression, “You can’t save a damsel who enjoys distress.”

The podcast was about business and how not to waste time with people who won’t take advice and will never invest in their own business. These are people who are failing and seem to prefer it to trying something new.

It reminded me of a comment someone made last week about my new 15 minute article writing system.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Keep Your Eye On Your Goals and Stay Inspired

Lately I've been re-reading two of my Kindle books, 6 FIGURES A YEAR WRITING KINDLE BOOKS: The 100 Book Challenge and 1500 Words Per Hour: How To Write Faster, Better And More Easily Using The Simple And Powerful Speed Write System For Writing Mastery.

These two books are a great inspiration for writing faster which is what I need to keep doing if I want to earn more money. I find that the faster I write, the more I publish and the better my writing is. If I'm writing against the clock (like when I write in pomodoros) it keeps me focused and stops me from doubting what I'm doing or stopping to think to often. So I find that my writing simply flows.

And writing as fast is possible and can product great results. You only have to look at what my friend and colleague, Yuwanda Black, achieved when she had a goal of writing 50 ebooks in one year. And she did it. But she did have to put in a lot of hours to do it and said she virtually had no life for the whole 12 months.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Getting All the Little Jobs Done Relieves Stress

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles,
Don't you just hate all those little jobs that need doing, piling up and never getting done?

And without even knowing it, these little jobs that are left undone, can build up stress.

We think it's not bothering us, but they're all there in our subconscious, niggling away.

So this week I decided to get all those little jobs out of the way.

And guess what?

It feels great. Really great.

Thursday 21 August 2014

My Week of Non-Stop Writing

Image courtesy of adamr
This has been a busy week for me. I've been writing non-stop.

Well, it's not just been writing but researching and gathering material.

I'm currently working on my next ebook for writers and I've decided to add two bonus products as well.

By the time I'm finished, this will be one massive offer with everything you need to start writing and making money.

Friday 1 August 2014

How I Get Ideas For Writing Even When I Think I Have None

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles,
One of the hardest things I find, as a writer, is running out of ideas.

Yes I want to write ebooks. Yes I want to write articles. Yes I want to write blog posts. Yes I want to write emails, sales pages, auto-responders and more. But if I don't have any ideas then I'm stuck.

Thankfully I have a way of finding ideas, even when I don't think I have any at all and then next thing I know, I'm raring to go.

And this is how I do it.

A Blatant Sales Pitch and a Freebie

HypnosisLive Free Downloads and Discount Offer
Today I have an unashamed blatant sales pitch to put to you.

There are two sales that I wanted to tell you about and both could be of great benefit to you as a writer. There is also a free offer of an MP3 Download and free ebook.

Friday 11 July 2014

Taking a Break From Writing

image courtesy of
Writing is great. I can sit and do it for hours.

But not without breaks.

I find that if I sit and write for too long, my creativity wains.

There are times when I'm working in a huge window of inspiration (and I just love those times) and I can just go and go. But I always regret it later because I get dehydrated from not having a drink.

I also notice that on a usual day of writing, taking breaks makes me much more creative.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Goodbye Writer's Block

I've just published my latest ebook.

Goodbye Writer's Block:
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write

It's available as a PDF download.

It's not a huge book but it's so full of everything you need so that you never get stuck for ideas of what to write about ever again.

Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, this ebook will show you numerous ways to get ideas.

And not just one or two ideas, but so many that you'll never be stuck. Ever.

With this ebook, if you want to write a novel, even if you haven't a clue what you're going to write about, just follow the advice, and before you know it,  you'll have an abundance of ideas.

And it's the same if you want to write non-fiction. Just follow the advice and you'll have an avalanche of ideas of things you can write about.

Getting ideas isn't hard. You just need to know how to start looking and where to get ideas from.

This ebook makes it so easy to find ideas that you'll never suffer from "writer's block" ever again.

In fact, you'll "suffer" from idea overload.

Go to the website to read more.

Goodbye Writer's Block will spark your creative genius and give the motivation to keep on writing for years.

You don't have to know what you're going to write.  You just have to know that you want to, and let Goodbye Writer's Block do the rest.

Thursday 29 May 2014

The Strange Writing Rituals of Maya Angelou

Dr. Maya Angelou died on Wednesday at the age of 86.
Well known writer, poet and activist, Maya Angelou, died last Wednesday aged 86.

As well as being known for her writing she was also well known for her rather bizarre writing rituals.

In an interview in 2013 she said:

"I have kept a hotel room in every town I’ve ever lived in. I rent a hotel room for a few months, leave my home at six, and try to be at work by six-thirty.

"To write, I lie across the bed, so that this elbow is absolutely encrusted at the end, just so rough with callouses. I never allow the hotel people to change the bed, because I never sleep there.

"I stay until twelve-thirty or one-thirty in the afternoon, and then I go home and try to breathe; I look at the work around five; I have an orderly dinner — proper, quiet, lovely dinner; and then I go back to work the next morning.

"Sometimes in hotels I’ll go into the room and there’ll be a note on the floor which says, Dear Miss Angelou, let us change the sheets. We think they are moldy. But I only allow them to come in and empty wastebaskets. I insist that all things are taken off the walls. I don’t want anything in there. I go into the room and I feel as if all my beliefs are suspended."

You can read more at:

Thursday 20 March 2014

Feeling Like I'm 'Not Enough'

Image Courtesy
I write a lot about how much I do and how much I write and to some it may sound like I think  I'm perfect.

Yet how strange that the opposite is true.

It seems to me that no matter  how much I do I always feel like I'm 'not enough.' I don't write enough, I'm not kind enough, I'm not self-disciplined enough, and on and on the list goes.

I used to think it was only me that felt this way because so many others write about how much they do, how well they're doing, how self-disciplined they are and I sit and wonder why I'm not as good as they are.

But lately the subject of being authentic has sprung up in a big way. It's making people be honest about who they are and all their personal flaws.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

How to Write 1,000 Words

This is something you don't get to see often. A writer actually doing a piece of writing.

And in this revealing and insightful video, you can watch as, in only 5 minutes of time lapsed video, author Scott Berkun writes a 1,000-word essay called How to Write a 1,000 Words.

It's rather fascinating to see how he writes, how he changes things as he works, how he organises his notes and a whole lot more.

After watching it I felt like I wanted to see it again in real time.

It's quite hypnotic to watch so make sure you have 5 spare minutes to watch before you hit 'play'.