Showing posts with label Productivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Productivity. Show all posts

Thursday 25 June 2015

How I'm Becoming The Organised Writer

For me, self discipline is the hardest thing about being a writer.

The writing part is easy.

Actually sitting down to do the work in the first place is hard.

It's too easy to be distracted by other things when you're working from home, all alone, with no boss looking over your shoulder telling you what to do.

It's even harder on days when I'm tired or feeling unwell or if I have a project in the garden that I'm dying to get started on.

The way that I've gotten around this problem is by being a highly organised writer.

I have set times every day when I must work, whether I feel like it or not.

That keeps me working to deadlines.

I also have certain writing jobs that need to be done on certain days so I have to keep working during my set times to fit it all in.

I work well this way because if there's no pressure, then I have no motivation to keep going.

Being completely organised also makes it easier to work because I don't have to think of what I have to write because I already know. It's written in my diary.

All I have to do is look in my diary every day to see what needs doing and then I get straight to work.

I also find that the more I write the easier and faster it gets.

Try it for yourself.

You've got nothing to lose.

Friday 19 June 2015

How to Have More Ideas For Your Writing Than You'll Ever Need

It's one thing to say that you want to earn all your income from your writing, but how do you know what to write about?

And how do you come up with enough ideas?

You might think that you need to constantly sit and deeply ponder possible writing topics, but the opposite is true.

Rarely does anyone have great ideas while they're writing.

It's more likely for great ideas to occur when you're away from the keyboard.

It's at these other times when you're not writing that you'll have "eureka" moments.

That's because it's our subconscious mind, not our conscious mind, where great ideas are born.

But you need to be ready, because ideas can disappear as quickly they appear in the first place.

So when a great idea comes to mind, write it down.

Don't think that you'll remember it.

You won't.

An idea is a gift. Don't lose it. Write it down so that you can keep it.

If you do this every time an idea comes to you, even if it's only an incomplete idea, write it down and you'll soon discover that you've got more ideas than you can ever write about in your lifetime.

One Hour's Meditation in Just 12 Minutes For Better Creativity and Calmness of Mind

Monday 1 June 2015

Why Do Writers Procrastinate?

Look around anywhere on the internet and you’ll come across articles about procrastination, especially when you're reading about writing.

All writers complain about procrastination. It’s like a resistance to sitting down and starting.

We all say we’re writers, but the resistance we feel every time we want to start writing is always there.

If you love to write then why is it so difficult to sit down and do it?

Some say it’s because of a fear of failure, fear that your writing won’t be good enough.

Others say it’s because of a fear of success, of how much your life will change if your writing is popular.

I say “Get over it.”

It’s just laziness.

I feel procrastination and resistance to anything that feels like hard work.

And writing is work, no matter how much of a romantic idea is conjured up about being a writer. It takes work.

But all you have to do is start.

Sit down and start writing.

Tell yourself that for the next 30 minutes you cannot do anything else.

Sit at your computer (or with a pad and pen) and tell yourself that you can only write or sit and do nothing. But you cannot do anything else.

Before you know it, once you start writing, it’s easy to keep going and you’ll soon get plenty of writing done.

You just have to start.

So what are you waiting for?

Wednesday 27 May 2015

I’m Everything

One of the best known acronyms for business, or for anything really, is KISS which stands for Keep It Simple Stupid.

I recently realised that I wasn't enjoying what I do and everything seemed like a chore.

So I’ve been KISSing everything.

One of the major changes I'm making to my online businesses is to get rid of most of my websites, especially my writing sties, and send all my visitors to just one writing site instead.

I’ve also set out a weekly article writing and online marketing schedule that is easy and quick to do and leaves plenty of time for book writing which is really what I want to do more of.

If you’re struggling to get enough writing done, try applying KISS to every area of life.

Look at everything you do and find a way to make it faster and simpler.

It leaves much more time for the things you’d rather be doing.

Monday 25 May 2015

Finish Your Sh*t

The other day I read a really amusing - yet straightforward and honest - article by writer, Chuck Wendig.

He was talking about how aspiring writers are not really writers at all and was listing reasons why.

One of the things he listed was the bad habit that most writers suffer from, and that is not finishing things we start.

I’m just as guilty as anyone else for doing this and I have half-written manuscripts and short stories waiting to be proofed and edited, stashed away all over the place.

Chuck’s article was called “25 THINGS I WANT TO SAY TO SO-CALLED “ASPIRING” WRITERS” which I thought was funny to start with because of the way he called them “so-called”.

The part of it that made me laugh the most was this:

“I’m just going to type this out a dozen times so it’s clear: finish your shit. Finish your shit. Finish your shit. Finish your shit. Finish your shit. Finish your shit! FINISH YOUR SHIT. Finish. Your. Shit. Fiiiiniiiish yooooour shiiiiit. COMPLETO EL POOPO. Vervollständigen Sie Ihre Fäkalien! Finish your shit.”

I especially liked “COMPLETEO EL POOPO”. Hilarious!

So if you’re a writer with things left unfinished, now would be a good time to Competeo El Poopo.

But seriously though, how much money are we leaving on the table through all our unfinished work?

I even have a series of 7 novels that have been left in the outline stage. Crazy, isn’t it?

Take a good look through all the writing projects you started but never finished and see what you can do to get them completed.

And I’ll do the same.

You can read the rest of Chuck’s article at:

Thursday 21 May 2015

Just Write, Damn You!

OK, so this is going to be a mini-therapy session for me while I sit and whine to you about all the would-be writers (who like to call themselves aspiring writers) who never write a damn thing.

And then they ask me how to get started or how they can make money from their writing (that they never do).

So first I think I need to get one thing straight.

If you never write anything then you’re not a writer.

You see, you don’t need a college degree or any type of formal education to be a writer. And you can’t get a diploma or a certificate to show that you’re a writer the way doctors and lawyers do.

In fact, the only way that you can prove that you’re a writer is if you write every day.

And you don’t even have to write a lot. Many novelists only write for one or two hours day.

But the important thing is that they do it daily.

And what’s great about being a writer is that you’re no paid by the hour so your writing can go on earning money for years.

And it all begins with writing.

Every day!

So sit down and write, damn you.

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Tuesday 19 May 2015

Write Faster And Better

If you’re like me you dream of being able to write more every day and have a huge library of published books and a slew of websites with hundreds of pages of useful articles and other information and millions of visitors a month.

Ahh… wouldn’t it be nice?

I’m not there yet but I am getting there.

How about you?

Do you dream of the same writing goals?

If so, what’s holding you back?

It’s probably the same thing that’s held me back too.


That is the ‘secret’.

If you want to write more you need to write faster so that you can tackle more large writing projects such as books.

Writing faster means writing more and it also means writing better.

In other words, practice will help you write faster and improve the way you write at the same time.

If you want to write faster and write and publish more, do what I always do and get a course or an ebook that you can follow that will get you started and keep you writing.

Some courses I’ve used are:

Quick Cash Writing. Great for writing all kinds of smaller projects such as filler articles, short stories and greeting card verse.

Write Any Book in 28 Days or Less. Laid out in an easy to follow style and suitable for writing fiction and non-fiction. Just follow the advice as you go through the course and by the end you’ll have your manuscript written.

12 Month Writing Challenge. A course that gives you monthly assignments that build on top of each other so that by this time next year you’ll not only have earned over $30K from the course, but you’ll have multiple streams of passive income to keep you going.

7 Day Ebook Writing and Publishing System. If you want to write ebook fast, this course will get you there. Short how-to ebooks can help you to earn a steady, passive income. When you download this course, you’ll also receive the bonus ebook 2 Hour Short Report Writing: How to write a short report or ebook in just 2 hours.

Can you imagine how much writing you’d be able to do and how much money you’d earn if your downloaded and worked on writing courses such as these?

There are many more writing courses available to download online so there really is no excuse for not getting started today, even if you don’t have an idea of what you want to write.

All you need is a goal of what you want to achieve then get to work and do it.

Some people never get started with their writing because they’re afraid they’ll fail. While others are afraid they’ll succeed.

If you don’t make a determined start now, what will you achieve in one week’s time, in a month or in a year?


Ask yourself this:

  • What is your goal with your writing?
  • How are you going to achieve it?
  • Why haven’t you started?

Now would be a great time to begin.

Friday 27 March 2015

Writing Articles Quickly: 4 Steps That Can Really Turbo-Charge your Article Writing Speed

How I Earned Over $4,000 Writing Articles  in Just One Day
As an online writer, I find that time is money. I can waste 15 minutes idly surfing the internet or use that time to write another marketing article or short blog post.

If you can write an article in 15 minutes you can write 4 in an hour which is 32 articles a day if you work an 8-hour day.

Even if you’re a bit slower and only manage 3 articles an hour, that’s still 24 articles a day.

Can you imagine how much you could increase your online income if you could write that quickly?

How do you write articles fast?

1. Research. This needs to only take one minute or less to search online for 3 or more points to cover in an article.

2. Outline. You can’t write an article quickly if you don’t have an outline to follow. It would be like trying to make a cake without a recipe to follow.

3. Write Quickly. Don’t get distracted. If you have an article to write, write it. You already have your outline so start writing and don’t stop until you’ve finished.

4. Edit and Proof Read. This should be quick to do. If you write often you work will be good because you’ve  had plenty of practice so your articles won’t need much editing. And a final quick proof read will pick up any typos and spelling errors.

And that’s all there is to it.

Just don’t let the Writing Nazies tell you that writing quickly will produce bad writing. It won’t, unless you’re a bad writer to start with.

Writing fast will make you quick AND efficient.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Write by Hand Or Write Straight to Keyboard?

Write by hand or straight to keyboard? Which is better?
This is an age-old question that writers have been debating for years.

Is it better to write by hand and type your work up later, or write straight to keyboard?

Personally I prefer to write by hand first because I’m more creative when I work this way.

But when you do the math of the extra time this takes compared to writing straight to keyboard, it seems like a much slower way of doing things especially when hand writing is slower than typing AND I have to type my work up as well.

On the surface, it looks like I’m always doing things the slow way, but I disagree.
I’ve tried writing straight to keyboard many times because the way I work can seem frustratingly slow sometimes.

But what I find is that I’m not as creative when I try and write straight to keyboard.

I use JDarkRoom  on my Mac computer which is a free-to-download, distraction-free software that’s meant to block out any of the usual distractions to help enhance creativity. And while it helps, it doesn’t solve everything. I still feel less creative and my writing doesn’t flow as well as usual.

This ends up in wasted time stopping and thinking about what to write, lost creativity and extra time editing and correcting what I’ve written, or completely deleting everything and starting again from scratch.

So while the way I work may look time-consuming and slow, for me, it works.

And as the saying goes, if it aint broken, don’t fix it.

Thursday 19 March 2015

New Work Routine Forced Me to Unclutter Which Lead to an Easier Way to Write

As I told you in the last post, I now use two computers; one for writing and one for all my other work such as uploading, emailing, accessing online accounts, etc.

This has really changed the way I work because my writing computer is distraction-free so I can't check emails, play games or log into online accounts because I don't have access to these on my new computer so I just have to keep writing.

This in turn has made me much more productive and has helped to increase my writing income.

My main computer is a Mac Book Pro and my new computer is a Mac Book Air which is light to carry around which is what I intended to do with it because I bought it so that I could also work on it away from home.

But one of the things I discovered is that I can't carry around all my usual notebooks and writing pads that I use at home.

I have several different websites in different niches and I always used different notebooks for each different site.

But with wanting to move around more I found that I can't carry it all. Not only that but it makes me have to pay more attention to EXACTLY which note books I'll be needing depending on which websites I was writing for.

So I had to streamline the way I work because I can only carry one notebook with my computer plus my usual clutter (purse, cell phone, etc). Even if I'm not going very far and only intend to work outside on the deck because it's raining (and I can't go and work in the park, and the deck has a big roof), I still can only carry so much with me otherwise it turns into several trips in and out of the house and the same again once I've finished working for the day.

So now I only have one notebook/writing pad that I use for everything, no matter which website I'm writing for.

At first I thought it was going to make things more difficult but it has actually streamlined the way I work.

No matter where I'm going to sit and work I only have to grab 3 main things - my note book, my computer and my pencil case.

And whatever helps me to unclutter and makes my life less complicated is always a welcome change.

I love having a simple life.

So why didn't I think of using less "stuff" when I'm working before?

At least I know better now.


A Simple Program that Meditates for You.

Claim your free audio.

Zen12 takes the hassle out of meditation. Each 12-minute session
brings the benefit of an hour’s advanced meditation.

The program uses special ‘brainwave’ sounds to meditate for you. This means you don’t have to actively try to quieten your mind, stop fidgeting, or focus only on the meditation. And you don’t have to reschedule your day. Each session lasts just 12 minutes, and you only need to meditate a few times a week to reap the rewards.

Immediate benefits:

  • Dissolve stress, worry and anxiety
  • Greater relaxation
  • Increased focus levels
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Improvement in mood

Longer-term benefits:

  • Increased brain power
  • Dozens of proven health benefits
  • Greater inner peace and serenity
  • Higher stress threshold
  • Emotional mastery

Download your free audio now.

Monday 16 March 2015

Why I Use 2 Computers and How It Helps Me to Write More and Earn More

Image Courtesy of Photostock,
As you know, I have a publishing company and I'm a full-time writer. These two things keep me really busy.

Up until late 2014 I only had one computer, a 13" Mac Book Pro.

Then in early December 2014 I splashed out and bought a 13" Mac Book Air.

I didn't buy it because my other computer wasn't working. On the contrary, My Mac Book Pro still works like a Pro, but I wanted the other computer so that I could write more and earn more.

You see, my original computer contains everything I use to run my business. It has all my files, my passwords to particular website accounts, etc. So I used it all the time.

The problem was though, that it also has my emails and several computer games. So whenever I wasn't in a complete working mood I'd start constantly checking emails and clicking links in them and browsing the internet or I'd start a computer game and get lost in that for an hour or two.

I kept telling myself I'd stop doing doing these things, but every time I time I got bored, I'd open my emails to check them again or I'd play a game. I also have quite a few RSS feeds on my computer so they kept disrupting me too because I just HAD to read the latest article on my favourite websites.

Eventually, I realised that there was no way I was going to stop wasting time with these things. I was a distraction junkie. I needed my distractions to get my fix every day.

So I needed a way to stop myself.

I had two options.

The first was to delete my email accounts, computer games and RSS feeds from my computer. But this wasn't really an option because I need my email accounts and some of the RSS feeds are to websites that I'm affiliated to so I need to know what's going on.

So I decided to turn to my second option which was to get another computer and not fill it with these distractions.

I hummed-and-hahed about it for while because the thought of spending $1,000 to stop myself being distracted seemed wasteful. I hated spending that much money for such a flimsy reason.

So I thought about it for several months, while trying to not let myself be distracted so easily by other non-important things.

In the end I made a deal with myself.

I'd buy another computer, a Mac Book Air, and take it out with me every day and work away from home because it's really light to carry.

That would work out great because it wouldn't have the usual distractions on it plus when I work away from home I get more done.

It was a win-win situation.

Plus the added benefit was that if I got more writing done, I'd earn more money so that the new computer could pay for itself in no time at all.

So that's what I did.

I bought the new computer and I use it when I'm writing.

Sadly though, almost instantly, as soon as I bought it our weather got really hot.

Here in Australia December is a summer month and it heated up quickly and became incredibly hot so I started working from home working inside in the cool air-conditioning which was also much appreciated by our two dogs.

I didn't mind too much but I really wanted to go out and work every day but it was far too hot and it made me really thirsty all the time so I needed to drink a lot of water while I worked, which isn't easy to do away from home. The hot weather also attracted a lot of flies and they were everywhere outside.

So I figured once the weather cooled down a little I'd start working away from home.

But then we had a cyclone which brought weeks of rain and strong winds that lashed our little tiny house and flooded the garden.

When it was all over and the sun came out again, it took weeks for the ground to recover and we were  all slipping in mud for a while.

But now it's back to hot weather again and I still haven't taken my new computer away from the house, except when I go to teach my classes once a week at the local college where I show others how to make money as an online writer.

In my classes I hook my computer up to a projector and show everyone what I do for a living and teach them how to do it too.

So my new computer does get out now and again but not in the way I first intended.

And it feels like it's not so much a computer as a glorified word processor because I only use it for writing and nothing else.

But it has earned it's keep because even when I work from home now I mostly work outside sitting on our big wooden deck that has views of miles and a nice cooling breeze, even though most days do end up too hot to stay out there, but winter is on it's way which, here in Brisbane, means warm (but  not hot) days which should be just about right for outdoor writing.

So eventually I know I will take my computer out to the local parks or the library to work but in the meantime, I'm enjoying using it at home as a distraction-free writing tool.

And I was right that it has enabled me to get much more writing done.

And more writing always means more money, because I'm a working writer, I need to earn from my writing.

So if you are distracted by time-wasting apps on your computer, you might consider getting another computer and using it just for writing.

For me it was a great investment which has not only earned it's own keep, but is still helping me earn money every day.


Living The Laptop Lifestyle: How to Start & Grow a Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job

Is going to work something you suffer through all week so you can enjoy the weekends?
Do you bury your dreams and passions so you can chase a paycheck every week?
Do you spend Sundays with a feeling of dread because you know Monday is right around the corner?

Click the image to find out how you can escape.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Discipline Weighs Only Ounces, While Regret Weighs Tons

Self discipline is the scourge amongst anyone who works from home because it's all too easy to be distracted by other things yo could be doing.

When you think about the times when you worked hard, went the extra mile, worked that extra hour and saw a project through to the end, it makes you feel good.

And when you think of what you gave up - during the internet, watching TV, taking a nap - you realise that the sacrifice was worth it.

And when you lack self-discipline and tasks don't get completed, not only does it kill your results, but it drains your energy and make you feel helpless and hopeless.

Regret weighs tons.

On the other hand, self-disciplin weighs only ounces and not only gives you results, but it gives you greater happiness, fulfilment and self-esteem.

I also feel so much happier and content when I've been working hard and achieving results.

And on lazy days, I feel bad AND achieve nothing.

So I know how I prefer things.

Try lightening your own load with a touch of self-discipline and see how much lighter you feel.

Doing just the smallest amount of something you've been putting off can really change your mood.

And it produces results.

What is one thing you can do right now?

Make a start on it and see how it feels.

A Simple Program that Meditates for You.

Claim your free audio.

Zen12 takes the hassle out of meditation. Each 12-minute session
brings the benefit of an hour’s advanced meditation.

The program uses special ‘brainwave’ sounds to meditate for you. That means you don’t have to actively try to quieten your mind, stop fidgeting, or focus only on the meditation. And you don’t have to reschedule your day. Each session lasts just 12 minutes, and you only need to meditate a few times a week to reap the rewards.

Immediate benefits:

  • Dissolve stress, worry and anxiety
  • Greater relaxation
  • Increased focus levels
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Improvement in mood

Longer-term benefits:

  • Increased brain power
  • Dozens of proven health benefits
  • Greater inner peace and serenity
  • Higher stress threshold
  • Emotional mastery

Download your free audio now.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

From Idea to Results: The One Sure Way That Guarantees Success

It's great when you have an idea and a goal to aim towards.

Sadly, it's all too easy to dream of the results you'll get from implementing your idea, without it ever happening.

So what is it that stops you from going from idea to results?

It all comes down to one small thing.


Action is the middle-man that stands between you and your idea, and obtaining your results.

How many ideas have you had in your life that you've never acted on?

If you're like most of us, the answer is many.

So what's the solution?

How can you go fro idea to action to successful results?

The answer is simple.

Don't try and do all your actions at once.

Break it down into tasks.

For instance, you might have a great idea for a new website.

But if that's all you have you'll never get started.


Because building a website is a project, and no one can begin a project until they break it down into do-able tasks.

So instead of just thinking about building a website, write down all the tasks you need to do.

You might write down -

  • Get a domain name and hosting
  • Map out a flow chart of the site
  • Outline page content
  • Write content
  • Add content to pages
  • Upload website

You can see that the list of tasks is something you can accomplish, one thing at a time. But if you're still thinking "build a website" then you'll never get started.

So to progress from idea to successful result, you need action.

And in order to take action you need a list of tasks you can do to achieve your results.

Then use ACTION to complete the tasks.

Because Action is the sure way achieve your results, every time.

Make money working from home

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Be More Outcome Driven

If you're a creature of habit and keep doing the same things all the time, then if you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting more what you're getting.

If that's enough for you, then you're doing the right thing.

But if you're not happy with your results, then something has to change.

You need to change your focus to the outcome you want.

What is it that you want to achieve from your work?

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Get Ready, Get Set, Write!

If you're a subscriber of mine, then you'll know that a few weeks ago I began a new part time job doing commercial cleaning.

The reason I took on the job wasn't because I was short of money, but short on exercise.

I mean, yes I clean my house every week, and yes I walk my dogs every day as well as mow the lawn every week, do the shopping, cooking, washing, ironing, etc, but it's not enough exercise.

Then I came across a local part time job cleaning two commercial premises.

And surprisingly, this little part time job taught me more about making money from writing.

How so?

Friday 9 January 2015

How to Transform Your Life Instantly

Are you not getting the results you want in your life?

Well, you're not alone.

There are thousands (probably millions) of other people all over the planet working away at being busy all day yet always unhappy because they're not getting what they want out of their life or their business.

Yet at the same time, there are millions of people all over the world being busy all day and happily reaping the rewards from their efforts.

So how to they do it? What are they doing differently?

Wednesday 7 January 2015

5 Things That Hold You Back From Financial Freedom

There is a way to predict your financial future.

It's easy to see, right now, how much money you're going to earn in the next year, the next 2 years, 5 years and even 10 years.

Want to know how?

Tuesday 6 January 2015

How to Change Your Life in Just One Minute

If you want to make lasting changes to your life it's better to do it quickly rather than prolong the change or say you'll do it "one day" (because there is no such thing as 'one day.' It doesn't exist. It's just something we tell ourselves to make us feel better).

And if you want to change your life quickly, do it in just one minute.

Is it actually possible to change your life in a minute?

It is if you're determined.

The change you want to make needs to be something you "must" do, rather than something you merely "want" to do because we never get around to doing all the things we want to do, but we always find time for the things we must do.

And make the change fast. Don't give yourself time to second-guess yourself or to let doubt creep in.

You also need to follow these 3 simple steps:

Monday 22 December 2014

I've Changed My Mind, But That's OK

A couple of weeks ago I said that I was changing the way I worked and instead of working for 3 to 4 hours a day, I was going to work for 2 full days a week.

Well, that didn't turn out to be such a great idea for 2 reasons.

Friday 28 November 2014

It's the Weekend. Time to Write

This weekend, instead of doing the usual chores, why not get that novel written, write that screenplay, start that blog.

Whatever it is that you've been promising yourself that you'd get done when you get "a round tuit" make this weekend the beginning.

And the reason to start this weekend is because of all the amazing Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for writers.

Below is a list to help get you inspired and get you going.

Final Draft 9 on Sale for $99+ at Writers Store, now-12/31/14
Get your copy of Final Draft from The Writers Store, the Industry’s #1 screenwriting software source for over 30 years, and you'll receive the latest version, an exclusive Screenwriting Starter Package ($100 value), extended access to your download and serial number, free installation support and peace of mind knowing your purchase is backed by our unmatched 30-day money-back guarantee.

Movie Magic Screenwriter 6 on Sale for $59.95+ at Writers Store, now-2nd December 2014
Format your script and outline it, too, with the newly redesigned Movie Magic Screenwriter 6! This award-winning screenwriting software formats movies, television, novels, stage plays and even comic book scripts, making it the only program for all types of creative writing.

Shop Software Starting at $12.99 at Writers Store
Black Friday Savings at Writers Store are here! Valid 28th Nov till-1st December 2014, Shop Software Starting at $12.99 and Up! In Addition, Save 20% Storewide with Offer Code BF2014. Offer excludes items already on sale and kits.

Save 50% Off Plus an Extra 10% at Writer's Digest Shop with CYBERSALE10
Cyber Monday Savings include an Additional 10% Off with Offer Code CYBERSALE10. Offer Valid until 1st December 2014.

And lastly, but by no means least, Hostgator (a company that I use myself) are having massive "Fire Sales" from Black Friday through to Cyber Monday with discounts on hosting from 55% off to 75% off. Keep checking the site all weekend because many of these sales only last for one hour. Click on the banner below. Get your website started this weekend.