Showing posts with label Make Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Make Money. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Earn More Money From Your Writing By Focusing On What You CAN Control

 I love earning money from my writing. In fact, I cringe when people say they do it for love or because they love it and don't care that they don't earn much money from it. I always think that if they're not interested in earning money from writing, then why bother publishing it or submitting it at all?

But while I love to write and love (need) to earn money from it, there's no point in concentrating on earning money, because I can't control that. So instead I focus on what I can control.

So what do I have control over?

Well, I can write more. It's up to me how much time I spend writing. I could (and many people do the same) tell myself that I just don't have the time, or I'd write more if I had more time. But we all have the same amount of time every day and it's up to us what we do with it.

Marketing is another thing I can control. It's no good writing if no one reads it. So I spend my time marketing my work with blog posts, SEO, social media (just a little bit because I'm not a fan) and emails, just to name a few things.

Butt-in-chair time is another thing. You may think this is the same as writing more, but it's not because I can't write more unless my butt is in the chair more so chair time always comes first. And once I sit down I make sure I write and not waste time surfing the net.

Less time-wasting is another thing that helps me to earn more money from my writing because I can't earn more if I'm wasting time doing unimportant things. And the truth is that even though I might sometimes think I'd rather sit and watch movies all day, or go for long walks on the beach, I always feel better at the end of the day when my time has been spent productively.

It's no coincidence that the more I write and market my work, the more money I earn.

Looking at it another way, imagine that you write a book and earn money from every copy sold. Now imagine that you've written 20 books. Now you can earn 20-times the income.

So even though you can't control your writing income, you can control how much you write and how much you market your work and get it known and sold all over the world.

So if you're wasting time focusing on writing income, make the change and focus on your writing.

And I've got plenty of books that can show you how so you can start writing more today.

"It's not my brain that's writing the book, it's these hands of mine."
 ~ Madeleine L'Engle

Friday 30 October 2020

Copy That!

"You don't need to be a great writer, you just need to create a vision and people will buy from you."
    ~Advice from Jim Camp, the feared negotiator.

Writing is one thing, but being able to sell your writing is another, and that's why copywriting is important.

Some people think that copywriting isn't "real" writing but there are plenty of millionaire copywriters who would disagree. AND the most amazing thing is most of them only work 3 or 4 hours a day.

Copywriting should be crucial to all writers because if no one knows how great your books are, no one will buy them.

I've been studying copywriting for years and I still do because it really is THAT important. It's true what they say that writing a book is easy. Selling it is hard.

So learn all you can about copywriting, and make sure you learn from the best.

I found that I can definitely sell more books with better copywriting, and here are a few things I've learned.

Sell an experience, not a product. People only want to know "what's in it for me?"

So don't write about you and your book (unless you have an incredible pedigree), instead tell your readers all the benefits of reading your books.

Use emotion so that your readers are eager to buy.

The Ben Settle’s Big Book of Business: Every Business-Boosting Word He’s Ever Published!
For the first time in print.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

New Markets For Horror Writers

 Today I added a new market to my Writing Markets page of my website.

It's a link to a website where you can find current and updated links to horror writing opportunities from all over the world, with horror writing submissions for websites, magazines, podcasts, anthologies, book publishers and more.

You'll also find links to hundreds of other opportunities for all different types of freelance writing markets, including '101 Sites That Pay You $50-$3000 per Blog Post.'

So if you're currently sitting at home wondering what to write about and how to earn money from your writing, just use the link below to click over to Writing Markets and start writing and submitting.

Just browsing this long list of writing markets will fill you with inspiration and ideas.

And don't forget that there is also a link to the amazing writing course, 'How To Make Money Writing Easy, 350-500 Word Web Articles.'

This one page alone on my website can help you to earn more money from your writing than you ever thought possible.

Take a look now.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

A Profitable Sideline For Writers

There are so many ways to earn money from writing so why, you may wonder, am I talking about something that can be a profitable sideline?

It’s because a lot of writing income is passive which means you may earn a lot of money, but it doesn’t happen quickly. This is especially true if you want to write books. It can take years before you can earn enough money from book sales alone.

This is why it’s useful to have another way to earn money fast.

I had this same problem years ago when I first started out and I quickly discovered that the fastest way to earn money from writing was with affiliate marketing.

I found that I could write and upload a few articles relating to a product that I really liked and people would click on my affiliate link and I earned money from every sale.

It was a real set-and-forget sideline that could keep on earning money while I worked on other projects.

So few writers earn a full-time income from their writing, so affiliate marketing is a simple way to earn more.

And if you find you enjoy it, you could even turn it into a way to earn a full-time living just like Super Affiliate, Rosalind Gardner who earns over half a million dollars a year from her affiliate sales.

You can also find a few affiliate networks at

Monday 9 March 2020

This Free eBook Will Help You Write More And Earn More

It's been a crappy week (or closer to fortnight really) for me regarding my online business.

It all started a couple of weeks ago when my computer kept shutting down for what seemed like no apparent reason and would then refuse to start again, and sometimes when it did, it would soon crash again.

I was just staring at the black screen of death for hours trying everything I could to get my computer to restart.

I used my other computer, my Mac Book Air, to Google the problem and find different ways to deal with it, but alas, it was no good.

So with a heavy heart I took it to the local Apple store and left it there for what I thought would be only a day or two. But that turned into over a week because they had to order a part which, they told me, was delayed in arriving because of the Corona Virus outbreak. Thankfully, so far, that is the only way this virus has touched my life.

But I had no way to publish anything apart from a couple of posts on this blog that I did via my other computer. I couldn't check my emails or anything else. But at least I could still write. Thankfully, my new novel I'm writing, I've been typing up (I handwrite my books) on my other computer which I still had. So I got plenty of writing done, but not much else.

Now my computer is back and I've been busy writing again. And I've got so much more planned

So if you want to take your writing to the next level, sign up now using the email link in the sidebar and get the free ebook, Writing For Cash.

It doesn't matter what kind of writing you want to do whether it's writing books, ebooks, articles, magazine articles, novels, short stories, blog posts, and more. I reckon I've got you covered.

And when you visit my writing website, you'll also notice the new and improved design.

You see, I really have been busy because I'm serious about helping you to write more and earn more.

It's free to sign up and learn how to write more, so you've got nothing to lose and so much writing to do.

And it all starts right now.

Saturday 7 December 2019

How Badly Do You Want to Make Money Online?

You probably already know this, but it is possible to earn money online from your writing.

Many writers imagine themselves making money from their website or blog by only writing for a few minutes a day.

Is this possible?

Well, anything is possible.

The problem though is that most writers don't actually write every day, and don't know how to earn money from a website or blog. At least, not enough money to live on.

I tried to help by writing Living The Laptop Lifestyle: How to Start & Grow a Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job. Many have bought it, but not all (in fact, most) haven't used it.

And I made it even easier by making sure it's available from all good book stores all over the world and from all public libraries.

But still, not all who buy it (or borrow it) put the information it contains to good use.

I earn money online all the time. In fact, it's why I'm currently in the process of setting up another website.

The internet has made it so easy for writers to earn money.

I jumped on this years ago at the very start of my writing career. And it's something I still do today.

I don't want to be a starving writer living in a garret while I try and write the world's greatest novel.

I'm a working writer and I earn all my money from my writing.

And by providing Living The Laptop Lifestyle, I made it easy for you to do the same.

The only question is... how badly do you want it?

Monday 25 November 2019

Write About What You Do and Earn Money

Earning money online from writing isn't really complicated. If fact, starting with a basic blog and writing about what you do every day is an incredibly simple way to start (or do it as a sideline).

And it has an extra bonus because not only can it earn you money, but you'll also get other things done at the same time.

All you need to do is set up a simple (and free) blog like this one and write about something you do on a regular basis.

It can be anything, like exercising, cooking, gardening, parenting, saving money, knitting, woodwork, reading... whatever it is, if you write about it every day or every week, it will make you do more of it so that you have something to write about plus it makes you look at what you do differently/deeply because you have to have a good understanding to be able to explain it to others.

You won't just write about what you do, but why you do it, such as why did you plant that so deep? Why did you add that herb to your cooking? Why did you use that tool? Why didn't you like that book you read?

If you want to see how far it can take you, look at this simple blog which is run by a woman who also lives in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland where I live and her free blog is all about what she does every day at home and it's taken her far.

So you see, you don't have to know a lot. If it's something that you're interested in, then there will be others who are interested in it too, so that will give you an instant audience.

And a blog post can be written in less than 15 minutes.

You do have a spare 15 minutes a day, don't you?

How I Earned Over $4,000 Writing Articles in Just One Day

Wednesday 30 October 2019

What to Write About Online If You Haven’t Written a Book

I write books so when I write online-articles I do so to make more book sales.

My online articles are about many things but I always tie them back into one of my books (which I even do with this one).

But what should you do if you want to work online but you don’t know what to write about? When you don’t have any books to sell?

One way to do it is to set up a blog. Just choose a niche and write articles about it.

That’s a great way to earn money from your writing without having to tackle a project as big as writing a book manuscript.

And there are many writers who earn money from their blogs.

But you need to make sales or you won’t earn any money. So you can write marketing articles and use them to market affiliate products.

You can write about things you’ve used, or books you've read. Or you can even promote products you haven’t used yourself.

You can even do it in different ways, like setting up a simple review site or creating an opinion blog. There are other things you can do, but these are just a couple of ideas to get you started.

And no matter what you want to write about, there’s a way to earn money from writing about it.

All you need to do now is to make a start, and you’ll soon be bursting with ideas and your fingers will be flying across the keyboard every day.

And even if you do write books, you can always set up a money-making blog to earn extra income as well, or for something to work on when you’re in-between book manuscripts.

Once you start looking into online writing and earning possibilities it’s amazing what you can find.

Monday 7 October 2019

How Dan Kennedy Makes It All So Easy

Have you read any of Dan Kennedy’s No B.S. books?

My favourite is NO B.S. TIME MANAGEMENT FOR ENTREPRENEURS. I’ve read it over and over.

And he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to getting things done because he works with 30 - 40 clients at a time, has multiple copywriting jobs, writes one or several books a year, runs coaching programs, consults, speaks, and races horses.

So what makes him so rich and successful? And how does he pack so much into his days?

He believes that if you shift your thinking, you shift your bank account

In contrast to this, I see so many people who won’t even take the plunge to start anything at all, and even if they do, they won’t do the work necessary.

My book, Living The Laptop Lifestyle, on the other hand, shows how to easily turn any subject into a money-making, online business using only your laptop computer, and not needing to work anywhere near as hard as Dan Kennedy.

But imagine what you could accomplish if you did?

Don’t put your life and business off any longer.

Start Living The Laptop Lifestyle today.

Monday 16 September 2019

Don't Buy a Writing Product. Invest In It.

Last week I received a copy of Writing Magazine in the Mail.

I used to subscribe to this magazine years ago but then stopped. But recently I decided to subscribe again and I found it when I checked my mailbox a few days ago, and it also included a copy of the 2020 writing competitions guide, which contains over 670 writing competitions from now until the end of next year.

So the day it arrived I sat and read it from cover to cover, which, as it happened, took all day.

But while going through it I was highlighting things that I wanted to go back to use, including 9 free-to-enter writing competitions for this month, 2 article ideas I can write about, 6 freelance writing markets I want to submit to, plus I learned a lot from the writing articles in it too.

So I didn't just buy the magazine, I invested in it because the magazine cost me roughly $10, but with the things I'm going to submit to, it means I could earn several hundred dollars (or more).

And I'd already decided to invest in the magazine and not just buy it before I subscribed. This is something that I do with every writing product I buy whether it's software, books, magazines or websites that I subscribe to. Once I receive my products, I make sure that they earn me far more than I paid for them. Even if I try something and find out that it's not really what I want to do, I at least make sure that I try it once and earn money from it.

Some of the other writing products that I've invested in over the years include

Quick Cash Writing,

Write Any Book in 28 Days or Less

10 Day Ebook Writing System.

So if you're thinking of purchasing a new writing product, or you already have one that you haven't used yet, get it and make it work for you. Do the work.

Don't just passively read it once and say it didn't work. Do the work.

If it's just a simple information book/product, don't just read it once, read it at least 10 times and make notes so that you're not just reading it, you're absorbing all the information in it so that you can use it later.

Turn all the writing books and products that you've ever bought, and those that you will buy in the future into an investment instead of just an ordinary purchase.

Find more books about making money from writing at

Tuesday 27 August 2019

How Much Money Do Bloggers Make?

People always want to know how much money can be made from blogging.

We hear it all the time about someone who starts a blog and suddenly - WHAM! They're making a fortune. Or so it seems.

But we all know that these type of people are the exception to the rule rather than the norm. So, for the average person, the question is, how much money can you earn from a blog?

Well, you might be disappointed to hear that the answer to that is that there is no answer. That's because there are too many variables like

how well the blogger can write
what their blog is about
what ways they make money from their blog
how popular their blog topic is
how useful the information is that they write about
who their audience is
how well they market their blog
whether or not they know how to reach their targeted audience.

And there are other factors as well that can make or break blogging income, so no one can accurately predict how much or how little someone will make from their blog. Even people who open brick and mortar businesses, never really know if it's going to be successful or not, and again, it all depends on too many different factors.

The good thing about starting a blog is that unlike opening a physical business, there are very little or no upfront costs. So if it doesn't work out, you haven't lost much.

I've been working online for almost 20 years now and I've always earned money. I used to have quite a few websites and blogs that I'd regularly write for and I've also written many books. Over the years I've cut back on how many websites I have, but I still earn money from the ones I do have.

I believe that anyone can earn money online from just their laptop computer and an internet connection. You don't even need to have anything to sell. You just need to know what to do and how to do it. Then you need to take action to make it work.

And as I've said, everyone is different and every blog is different, so I can't guarantee you'll be rich overnight, but I can tell you that it is possible to make money online. I know because I've been doing it for years.

And in my newly updated book, Living the Laptop Lifestyle, I show you how easy it is, even if you don't know where to start and you don't have any money.

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Off-Line And Not Writing

You may have noticed (or not) that I haven't posted anything for over a week now.

And the reason is two-fold.

First of all, my computer had a meltdown.

It started slowing down and crashing and then began issuing "Panic Reports." I had no idea what they were until someone at the computer shop explained to me that they are what the computer does when it struggles to open apps and times-out too often.

Anyway, long story short, it turned out that my operating system, that I'd only updated a few weeks ago, had become corrupted and so it was struggling to open apps, even standard ones like Apple Mail.

And so after spending several days trying to clean up my hard drive and rebooting my computer, I finally had to give in and take it to the shop for a few days.

But now it's back.

I had to spend a few days without my email or any of my usual digital files, so I had to occupy myself by catching up a few other things I'd been putting off.

The second problem was that there was a bit of a family emergency that I had to deal with, which consumed both my time and my mind.

But now that fire is out and things are back to normal.

So now I'm back to writing and posting on my websites.

And the best thing is that even though I hadn't worked for a few days, it didn't interfere with my income and my books went on selling and my websites continued to earn money.

That's just one of the things that I love about my work-from-home writing job.

But I wouldn't want to be away from the online world for too long because it could end up costing me money, and I'd miss it too much.

Living The Laptop Lifestyle: How to Start & Grow a Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job

Friday 4 January 2019

Green Smoothie Writing Kickstart

It's a New Year and a time for new starts and kickstarts.

So this year I've embarked on a 21 Day Kickstart Diet run by my favourite doctor, Neal Barnard.

This diet is supposed to get you eating healthy and feeling great.

Today is day 3 and breakfast was a green smoothie.

At first, I was disappointed because I couldn't imagine a drink being an adequate breakfast (or tasting very nice).

But because I'm determined to see this diet through to the end, I decided to stick to the smoothie and not replace it with the toasted sandwich that I was thinking about.

And to my complete surprise, the green smoothie was not only filling but it tasted really great.

And it got me thinking about writing and how it's easy to think that one type of writing isn't going to be fun or interesting to do, so it's easier to stick to what you know.

But as the saying goes, if you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting what you're getting.

So if you're not writing enough, or not earning enough money from your writing, then you probably need to start doing something different.

And just like the green breakfast smoothie, it might not be as bad as you think, and might actually be great.

When I was just starting out with my writing, and I was floundering a bit with wondering what to write, where to send it, and how to make money from it, I came across the Quick Cash Writing course.

I followed it through to the end, even doing to writing projects that I didn't think I was going to enjoy at all.

And by the end of it (which took about 3 months) I'd not only earned a substantial amount of money from my writing, but I'd also learned what type of writing I enjoyed doing, and what I didn't enjoy, which left me better informed as to which direction to head with my writing career.

So if you're in the same boat that I used to be in, and you don't know which way to head with your writing, or worse, you have no idea what you should be doing, go ahead and download the Quick Cash Writing course, and see how much you can achieve (and earn) in just 3 short months.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Blog Writing and Earning Money

It's just about every writer's dream to be able to start up a blog, write short articles and earn money. Not just a bit of money, but enough money to live on.

But how easy is it?

If you've never done it before and you don't know what you're doing, it can be hard.

There are three things that you need to do:

Friday 27 July 2018

Automated Advertising For Your Blog or Website

Last year I came across a company called VigLink.

It's a really useful company that helps me earn more money from my blogs and websites.

And the best part about it is that VigLink does most of it automatically so that all I do is write a blog post or an article and it inserts affiliate links or PPC links.

I can, of course, search through their extensive list of merchants and insert links of my own, and at the same time, they will insert links automatically as well.

There is also an option to let them optimise my links, which means that if a link has been created to one merchant's site, and another merchant is offering the same product for a higher affiliate commission, VigLink will automatically change the link to the higher paying merchant (unless you opt out).

They also have an option called Anywhere which you add to your browser's favourites/menu bar and when you visit a webpage with a product you'd like to promote, you just click the 'Anywhere' link and it will either give you an affiliate link to it or tell you that VigLink is not currently associated with that website.

And the Anywhere links can be used...well...anywhere, including social media posts so if you come across a site that sells really great running shoes, you can get an Anywhere link straight away and do a social media post about how cool you think the shoes are and include your Anywhere link.

VigLink also has a really easy-to-use dashboard and they pay commissions monthly.

So why am I telling you about this now?

Because it's almost the weekend and I was thinking that if you joined VigLink right now, you could start earning commissions on the weekend while you're off enjoying yourself.

It's really easy to set up an account and then all you have to do is add a piece of code to your website or blog (they have complete instructions for all the different blogging software including Blogger and Word Press and even simple HTML websites) and it can all be done in just a few minutes.

And that's it.

They make it so easy to earn more money from your website or blog without doing anything.

You just set up an account, copy and paste a small piece of code into your website or blog, and that's it.

So if you already have links to websites that are affiliated with VigLink such as or, VigLink will turn those ordinary links into affiliate links.

Their software will search your site for any links that aren't affiliate links and change them, even if they're links from years ago.

Some of the links on your site will be CPA (Cost Per Action) which means you earn commission for sales and/or signups, or CPP (Cost Per Click) which means you'll earn money every time someone clicks on a link, regardless of whether they buy something or not. Or you can choose to only have CPA links or CPP links.

So before you finish writing for the week and go off to enjoy your weekend, think about adding some bonus income to your website or blog that can work for you, even when you're not.


Save Time. Earn More
Earn money with ordinary links.

Thursday 12 July 2018

How To Make Money From Blogging When You Have Nothing to Sell (and you just want to write blog posts and articles)

What wanted to make money writing articles.

Just that.

You didn't want to sell anything.

You just wanted to sit, write articles, upload them to your blog/website without having anything to sell.

Can you make money that way?

Is it really possible?

As a matter of fact it is.

But it doesn't work by magic.

The way to do it is by using PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising so that people come to your blog, read your article and then, hopefully, click on one of the ads on that page so that you earn some money.

Naturally, there's a right and a wrong way to do it.

First of all, you need to get as many visitors as possible to your blog because the more visitors you get, the more clicks you'll get.

So you need to use the correct keywords in everything you write to make sure that plenty of people find your articles when they're searching on Google.

And those keywords need to be high-paying if you want to earn your living this way.

As you can imagine, this is quite a big topic if you want it explaining properly.

Two free resources that can help you are a 2008 audio of an interview with Tim Gorman who made his fortune working this way.

And there is also the free 2004 PDF, 33 Days to Online Profits, which walks you through setting up a blog.

Both of these, although somewhat out of date, can teach you how to make money blogging using PPC advertising.

And if you don't want to write all your blog content from scratch, you can use PLR ebooks and articles that you can rewrite as your own. Read more about how to do that at

If you want to set a blog for free, you can use a free Google Blogger blog like this one. It's easy and you can start blogging straight away.

And then you can use the two previously mentioned resources to help you understand how bloggers make money from blogging.

And even if you don't know how to set up a blog, there's help for that too.

Earning money from blogging this way, can be done part-time so even if you already have a full-time job, or you're busy writing books, you can still earn extra money from your writing with a simple blog that you post to just once a day, or a couple of times a week.

That's what's so great about being a writer.

There are so many different ways you can earn money from your writing.

So what are you waiting for?

Wednesday 11 July 2018

A Simple Way to Create an Online Writing Business

You want to set up a simple blog or website, write content, sell products, and earn enough money so that you can turn it into a work from home, online writing business.

Sounds simple when you say it.

But how do you do it?

Where do you start?

I talk about this and a whole lot more in my ebook  Living The Laptop Lifestyle: How To Start & Grow A Profitable Online Business So You Can Quit Your Job. (

And if you want to start working from home straight away, without having to write everything from scratch, a fast way is to use PRL products.

There is a website called the PLR Ebook Club that can help because it has over 21,000 ebooks that you can rewrite and rebrand, and other downloadable products (including videos and software)  PLUS over 100,000 articles for content or marketing.

And there's more being added all the time.

This means that if you join the PLR EBook Club, you'll have a never-ending stream of ideas, articles and products you can rewrite and sell.

So you can build a money-making blog or website in no time flat.

And if you sign up for free today, you'll also get a free ebook that tells you how to turn PLR products into an online business.

If you want you can skip on over to to read more about other ideas of how to use PLR products to earn money online.

Or you can go straight over to the PLR EBook Club ( to find out more about what they offer and how it can help you.

This is a great opportunity if you've been wanting to set up your own money-making blog but don't know where to start.

Use it to jump-start your online writing business straight away.

P.S. And as another incentive, the PRL EBook Club membership is sold through ClickBank who offer a no-quibble 60-day money-back guarantee.

This means you can try it for 60 days and if you don't like it, you can get your money back and keep all the products you've downloaded.


Tuesday 10 July 2018

Make Money Writing Online - An Easy Way to Start

Last week I came across an amazing resource for writers.

It’s a website that you can join and it has tens of thousands of digital products including ebooks, videos and software, that you can download and keep.

It’s PLR which is Private Label Rights so that you can rewrite, reuse, rebrand or do anything else you want with what you download.

There are also over one hundred thousand PLR articles spanning over 400 niches that you can use too.

Can you imagine wanting to write and make money online but not knowing where to start. Or you used to be good at it but now you’re feeling stuck.

And then you find that you can download and rewrite and reuse thousands of products and articles or use them for inspiration and ideas for your own products.

All of a sudden you’ve got a whole library of products and content to use yourself, sell, giveaway, rewrite, rebrand, use for inspiration and ideas and research, or you could even create your own audio recordings from what you find.

Honestly, when you have this much content to choose from, the ways of how to use it can be endless.

You could end up with never having to worry about where to get ideas from or products to sell ever again.

I’ve written more fully about it over on my website.

You can check it out by clicking the link below.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

My Books (And Yours) in The New Online Store

Today I was having a look online at the new Amazon store in Australia.

The new Amazon rules now redirect all Australian customers to the new Australian Store, no matter where they previously shopped.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that you can buy just about anything in the new store from Kindle books, Paperbacks and Hardcover books to computers, electronics, toys, clothes and just about everything else you can think of.

You can even get an Amazon Australia Prime membership with free delivery just like all the other Amazon sites. This service was not available here in Australia until recently so it's quite a big change.

I also saw that my books are now available on this site too:

How To Write An Article In 15 Minutes or Less: Including Research, Proof Reading and Editing.

10 Ways to Make Money Writing Articles

How to Write 1 Article in 7 Different Ways

FYI: 'How to Write 1 Article in 7 Different Ways' is a real time-saver because you just need one article outline, and from that you can create 7 different articles which drastically cuts down the time it takes because instead of doing your research 7 times, you only need to do it once.

And my novels are available to buy on Amazon Australia too.

And here's what's in it for you:

If you sell books on Amazon, check to see if they're listed on the new Australian store.

If you're an Amazon Affiliate, you can now get product links for your website/blog for your Australian visitors.

And if you want to write more in less time and make more money, you can now buy my books and ebooks in Australia directly from the new Amazon website.

To me that's win, win, win.

Friday 11 May 2018

Get Paid To Write Short Articles

There is no doubt that the Internet is information driven.

People come online in their millions every day looking for information.

This has opened up a huge market for freelance writers because so many people (and companies) want to have a website or blog but don't have the time or the ability to write their own content.

And it's easy to just take a look around online to see that there are so many writers earning money writing regular, short, online articles, including my friend and colleague, Yuwanda Black, who has even written an ebook about it that not only shows you how she did it, but how you can do it too.

So where do you start?

There are thousands of freelance writing opportunities to be found on freelancing websites like This is a website where I first made my way into freelance writing.

And some writers are earning over $3,000 a month just from writing short articles. And they're only working part-time. Often just a couple of days a week.

I recently wrote about one such writer who is regularly earning around $3,500 a month from writing short articles just a couple of days a week.

So shoot on over and read it and use her story to inspire you to start writing and earning money not just every month or every week, but every day.