Showing posts with label Productivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Productivity. Show all posts

Wednesday 4 March 2015

From Idea to Results: The One Sure Way That Guarantees Success

It's great when you have an idea and a goal to aim towards.

Sadly, it's all too easy to dream of the results you'll get from implementing your idea, without it ever happening.

So what is it that stops you from going from idea to results?

It all comes down to one small thing.


Action is the middle-man that stands between you and your idea, and obtaining your results.

How many ideas have you had in your life that you've never acted on?

If you're like most of us, the answer is many.

So what's the solution?

How can you go fro idea to action to successful results?

The answer is simple.

Don't try and do all your actions at once.

Break it down into tasks.

For instance, you might have a great idea for a new website.

But if that's all you have you'll never get started.


Because building a website is a project, and no one can begin a project until they break it down into do-able tasks.

So instead of just thinking about building a website, write down all the tasks you need to do.

You might write down -

  • Get a domain name and hosting
  • Map out a flow chart of the site
  • Outline page content
  • Write content
  • Add content to pages
  • Upload website

You can see that the list of tasks is something you can accomplish, one thing at a time. But if you're still thinking "build a website" then you'll never get started.

So to progress from idea to successful result, you need action.

And in order to take action you need a list of tasks you can do to achieve your results.

Then use ACTION to complete the tasks.

Because Action is the sure way achieve your results, every time.

Make money working from home

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Be More Outcome Driven

If you're a creature of habit and keep doing the same things all the time, then if you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting more what you're getting.

If that's enough for you, then you're doing the right thing.

But if you're not happy with your results, then something has to change.

You need to change your focus to the outcome you want.

What is it that you want to achieve from your work?

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Get Ready, Get Set, Write!

If you're a subscriber of mine, then you'll know that a few weeks ago I began a new part time job doing commercial cleaning.

The reason I took on the job wasn't because I was short of money, but short on exercise.

I mean, yes I clean my house every week, and yes I walk my dogs every day as well as mow the lawn every week, do the shopping, cooking, washing, ironing, etc, but it's not enough exercise.

Then I came across a local part time job cleaning two commercial premises.

And surprisingly, this little part time job taught me more about making money from writing.

How so?

Friday 9 January 2015

How to Transform Your Life Instantly

Are you not getting the results you want in your life?

Well, you're not alone.

There are thousands (probably millions) of other people all over the planet working away at being busy all day yet always unhappy because they're not getting what they want out of their life or their business.

Yet at the same time, there are millions of people all over the world being busy all day and happily reaping the rewards from their efforts.

So how to they do it? What are they doing differently?

Wednesday 7 January 2015

5 Things That Hold You Back From Financial Freedom

There is a way to predict your financial future.

It's easy to see, right now, how much money you're going to earn in the next year, the next 2 years, 5 years and even 10 years.

Want to know how?

Tuesday 6 January 2015

How to Change Your Life in Just One Minute

If you want to make lasting changes to your life it's better to do it quickly rather than prolong the change or say you'll do it "one day" (because there is no such thing as 'one day.' It doesn't exist. It's just something we tell ourselves to make us feel better).

And if you want to change your life quickly, do it in just one minute.

Is it actually possible to change your life in a minute?

It is if you're determined.

The change you want to make needs to be something you "must" do, rather than something you merely "want" to do because we never get around to doing all the things we want to do, but we always find time for the things we must do.

And make the change fast. Don't give yourself time to second-guess yourself or to let doubt creep in.

You also need to follow these 3 simple steps:

Monday 22 December 2014

I've Changed My Mind, But That's OK

A couple of weeks ago I said that I was changing the way I worked and instead of working for 3 to 4 hours a day, I was going to work for 2 full days a week.

Well, that didn't turn out to be such a great idea for 2 reasons.

Friday 28 November 2014

It's the Weekend. Time to Write

This weekend, instead of doing the usual chores, why not get that novel written, write that screenplay, start that blog.

Whatever it is that you've been promising yourself that you'd get done when you get "a round tuit" make this weekend the beginning.

And the reason to start this weekend is because of all the amazing Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for writers.

Below is a list to help get you inspired and get you going.

Final Draft 9 on Sale for $99+ at Writers Store, now-12/31/14
Get your copy of Final Draft from The Writers Store, the Industry’s #1 screenwriting software source for over 30 years, and you'll receive the latest version, an exclusive Screenwriting Starter Package ($100 value), extended access to your download and serial number, free installation support and peace of mind knowing your purchase is backed by our unmatched 30-day money-back guarantee.

Movie Magic Screenwriter 6 on Sale for $59.95+ at Writers Store, now-2nd December 2014
Format your script and outline it, too, with the newly redesigned Movie Magic Screenwriter 6! This award-winning screenwriting software formats movies, television, novels, stage plays and even comic book scripts, making it the only program for all types of creative writing.

Shop Software Starting at $12.99 at Writers Store
Black Friday Savings at Writers Store are here! Valid 28th Nov till-1st December 2014, Shop Software Starting at $12.99 and Up! In Addition, Save 20% Storewide with Offer Code BF2014. Offer excludes items already on sale and kits.

Save 50% Off Plus an Extra 10% at Writer's Digest Shop with CYBERSALE10
Cyber Monday Savings include an Additional 10% Off with Offer Code CYBERSALE10. Offer Valid until 1st December 2014.

And lastly, but by no means least, Hostgator (a company that I use myself) are having massive "Fire Sales" from Black Friday through to Cyber Monday with discounts on hosting from 55% off to 75% off. Keep checking the site all weekend because many of these sales only last for one hour. Click on the banner below. Get your website started this weekend.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

How to Be Better Than the Rest in Just 30 Minutes a Day

There are all different kinds of writers.

But mostly, there are only 2 kinds.

Writers and wanna-be writers.

The real writers write every day.

The wanna-bes don't.

And somehow there seems to be far more wanna-bes than actual writers.

But this is good news for you.

Thursday 13 November 2014

If You Don't Make Your Processes Easy, You Won't Do Anything

I've just finished reading a book on Essentialism and it was quite an inspirational book that changed the way I look at life and work.

One of the things it talked about was the fact that, if you want to do something, you need to make the processes easy or you won't do it, or if you start, you won't finish it.

And I thought that this was so true.

This idea not only applies to many things in life but also to writing for a living.

And I'll explain.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

My Writing Failures of 2014 and Writing Plans for 2015

image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos Stuart Miles
Because the New Year is fast approaching (Holy crap! November already?), I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I've achieved and what I've failed to implement this year with my writing, and what I plan to do next year.

And what I also thought was that I don't need to wait till next year to implement my plans/goals for 2015, I can start them straight away.

Why not?

I know of one blogger who begins his New Year resolutions on his birthday every year because he considers this to be the start of a new year in his life instead of January 1st, which makes perfect sense.

But we really don't need to wait for any particular date to start making better changes and implementing our goals for the next 12 months.

And here is what I was thinking.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Can I Please Stop Wasting My Own Time?

image courtesy of photostock
I've read quite a lot of books and articles on Time Management because, as a writer, time is money.

The more time I spend writing, the more money I make.

The time management information I read, often talks about not letting other people undervalue and waste your time, which is relatively easy to do.

Like when someone says "Have you got a minute?" and you know that whatever they want always takes an hour instead of a minute.

So you stop them by saying "Not just now. I'm really busy. But I've got a few minutes spare at 4 p.m. Shall we talk then?" And usually it's enough to get rid of them.

But what about when it's not others wasting your time?

What if you constantly waste your own time?

The Most Versatile Writing You Can Do

Most people think that writing only has one purpose, as in, you're writing a book or writing an email or writing a press release.

But there is one kind of writing that is extremely versatile and can be used in many different ways.


Articles can be used as blog posts, press release articles, emails, ebook chapters, auto-responder emails and marketing articles, just to name a few things.

Which means that if you can write a lot of articles, you can earn a really decent income.

Friday 24 October 2014

2 Free Subliminal MP3 Albums From Inspire3

This is a promotional offer from Inspire3 that I've mentioned before, and I want to remind you again so that you don't miss out.

Inspire3, who have hundreds of MP3 subliminal audios available, including their impressive BrainSalon and Brain Evolution System (both of which I have myself and always highly recommend) have launched their new site called Subliminal Guru.

And to celebrate, they are currently giving away 2 free MP3 subliminal albums. These are not just a few minutes of audio, but almost 5 hours of free listening.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

5 Amazing Resources For Writers

Today I have 5 new amazing writing resources from the Writers Store, that are all designed to get you writing and keep you going.

It doesn't matter if you want to write your next novel or start writing that screen play that you've always dreamt about.

2 of these resources are substantially reduced in price and 3 are on sale, but only for a short time.

Download free trials.

Thursday 2 October 2014

An Interview on Content, Creativity and Writing Consistently

This week I read an online Q & A interview with best selling author, Ann Handley.

Ann is the author of "Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content" which recently reached number 4 on the New York Times Best Seller list.

In her interview Ann talks covers many topics including how writing habits “practiced once a week aren’t habits at all. They’re obligations.”

She also discusses that there is no one way to write, just as their is no one way to parent a child. But she does believe that the following is a guaranteed formula for writing creative and engaging content:

Thursday 25 September 2014

How I've Been Increasing My Writing Speed

How to Write 100 Ebooks a Year
This working week is nearly over for me. It's only Thursday but tomorrow I'm going to an all day Ayurvedic Cooking class. Should be interesting plus the food will be useful for helping me stay physically and mentally balanced.

But back to this week.

I have spent the whole week writing, plotting and planning.

I'm currently working on my next ebook for writers as well as all my other weekly writing projects.

As you know, the last few months I've been crazy-busy practising writing quickly or, to put it a better way, seeing how much more I can write in the same amount of time.

And so far the results have been much better than I expected.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Know Where You’re Going and Get There Fast

image courtesy of  Naypong
If you want to be more productive then you need to know where you're going and how to get there fast, because there's nothing more frustrating than working long hours and producing nothing significant.

When you're working, you want to be moving toward your end goal all the time.

So first, ask yourself “What is my goal?” What is the one end goal that you want to achieve with your writing?

Then look at everything you do every day to move yourself closer to your goal and get rid of the rest.

Once you know what your ultimate goal is, there are 3 things you need to do.

Friday 12 September 2014

Writing Fast and Focused

My new romance novel that I published a few weeks ago is selling well.

With little (or really, no) marketing, sales are steady. It is also being borrowed often through the Kindle Lending Library. So I have to say I'm pleased with how things are going although I hope to market it properly soon.

It is a great book though and it has a twist in tail ending. It looks like the usual "will they get together or won't they" story, but the ending is a great surprise and that could be why sales and lending are up.

You can download your own copy of Stand By Me from the Amazon Kindle Store.

What I loved about writing this novel is that it was fast to do. I just wrote an outline and starting writing. Every time I sat down to write more of my novel, the time simply flew by and I could write thousands of words in one sitting.

And I think there was a reason that I found it so easy to do (and an experience I intend to repeat soon as well).

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Keep Your Eye On Your Goals and Stay Inspired

Lately I've been re-reading two of my Kindle books, 6 FIGURES A YEAR WRITING KINDLE BOOKS: The 100 Book Challenge and 1500 Words Per Hour: How To Write Faster, Better And More Easily Using The Simple And Powerful Speed Write System For Writing Mastery.

These two books are a great inspiration for writing faster which is what I need to keep doing if I want to earn more money. I find that the faster I write, the more I publish and the better my writing is. If I'm writing against the clock (like when I write in pomodoros) it keeps me focused and stops me from doubting what I'm doing or stopping to think to often. So I find that my writing simply flows.

And writing as fast is possible and can product great results. You only have to look at what my friend and colleague, Yuwanda Black, achieved when she had a goal of writing 50 ebooks in one year. And she did it. But she did have to put in a lot of hours to do it and said she virtually had no life for the whole 12 months.